Is it worth using sanskrins in the city


Funds with SPF filters have not been associated for a long time only with beach rest: in the need for daily protection against the sun there is no doubt of any of the specialists of the beauty industry. The consequences of ultraviolet radiation are really dangerous to health, can cause premature aging and even skin cancer. But which defense is needed if the time of your stay on the street is usually limited to the road to work and back?

We talked with a cosmetologist of Julia Startseva and found out how the Sun influences the body in the conditions of the city.

Myth 1. A few minutes outside the street are not dangerous for skin without sunscreen.

Even 15 minutes under the sun is enough for the onset of unpleasant consequences of ultraviolet radiation. The reserves of antioxidants are depleted, the immune system is suppressed. Skin, especially bright and sensitive, can blush and peel, pigment spots may appear.

And regular staying on the sun inevitably leads to photorestation. Extend the youth of the skin helps cosmetics with SPF filters protecting from a wide range of radiation. We recommend using such money daily.

Myth 2. Glasses of buildings and cars do not miss ultraviolet

The daylight spectrum includes ultraviolet rays of type A, which penetrate the glass and are absolutely not felt by our thermal receptors. It is this type of radiation that falls deep into the skin, destroys the fibers of collagen and elastin, causes dermatoses, disruption of microcirculation, pigmentation and neoplasms. Also remember that clothes cannot guarantee 100% ultraviolet protection.

Myth 3. Funds with SPF are not needed in cloudy weather

Clouds and fog also do not interfere with the skin of the leather leather of the group A, resulting in damage to DNA and photoborgen. Ultraviolet radiation is in any geographic latitude and at any time of the year. For example, reflected from the snow, it is even intensified. In addition, the protection against the Sun in any weather is necessary for those who undergo a course of chemical peels, laser grinding, treatment of skin hyperpigmentation, retinoid reception.

If for some reasons you do not use the sunscreen every day, follow the UV index. It can be viewed in the Weather Appendix on the smartphone or on one of the special sites. With the indicator below 2, you can not apply. From 2 to 4 - it is desirable to apply a means with SPF, even if you plan to spend a few minutes on the street. Under the index from 4 to 6, it is necessary to use the cream with SPF not lower than 30. And if the DFFE is higher than 6 - be sure to apply the tool before entering the street or if you are near the window.

Myth 4. You need to update the sunscreen every two hours.

This is a general recommendation that is exactly relevant for a beach holiday. Sanskrin needs to be updated not only every two hours, but also after each contact with water. As for the city's work: a dermatological study was carried out, according to which 70% of the means persists on the skin for eight hours in the office. That is, for those who spend the day indoors and causes a sufficient amount of sunscreen once in the morning, the re-use of the sunscreen may be optional.

Myth 5. It is necessary to apply as much Sanskrin as an ordinary cream

An important point of the previous paragraph was a sufficient amount of sunscreen. It must be applied four times more than normal care. SPF level that you see on the cream label is specified provided that such a layer. If we apply a thinner layer, then the protection will be less. We recommend not to save the sunscreen and cover them evenly all open areas of the body (especially - face, neck and hands).

Output: You can not refuse cream with SPF protection, even if you live in a megalopolis and spend little time on the street.

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