What skin need 30 years so that you don't think about age


The easiest, cheapest and effective way to keep the skin youth is to lead the right lifestyle. "Try to drink more water: a healthy person with exercise is needed up to 3 liters per day, - advises a dermatologist, beautician and expert Nivea Nataliya Gaidash. - Balance the diet. Discard fasting and hard diets. Remember that from vegetable food you will not be able to get an adequate amount of iron, and Vitamin D will not be produced without fats.

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash

We are more often in the fresh air - put a goal to make 10 thousand steps daily. I sleep at night at least seven hours, and in the bedroom, be sure to install an aquarium or an air humidifier. Discard smoking and reduce alcohol consumption, because these habits do not give the skin to fully update and provoke the appearance of extended vessels and wrinkles. "

Home care

Also, our beauty and youth directly depend on the quality of home care. The main thing is to competently pick up cosmetics. Many brands today successfully combine ancient recipes with modern innovative formulas. So, this spring, Macy presented a new product catalog for intensive spring care. The beauty department was especially impressed by the Sivel Series ("Dragon Energy ').


All means of this line are based on the components derived from the skin and fat snake. Skin hoods and fat snakes are unique in their actions, they simultaneously have a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. No wonder if the skin and fat snake were used in Chinese medicine from time immemorial.

In addition to these unique ingredients, the funds contain a multi-complex peptide. About the ability of peptides to work at the cellular level, cosmetologists tell real wonders - and it is absolutely fair. Their use of how anti-age-direction horizons is expanding, allowing you to include natural recovery mechanisms. Also, the peptides are actively struggling with a disadvantage of nutrients, poor colors of the face and the appearance of wrinkles.

Special attention - skin cleansing. "Everyone, without exception, I recommend using the most delicate gels, fitherment or moussami for washing without soap or alkali, - says Natalia Gaidash. - Wash the average temperature with water and do not stretch the skin. In 30 years, no one can afford to go to bed, without flushing makeup. Clean the face from cosmetics with special means.

Be sure to take care of everyday moisture. Use special creams and masks to make the cosmetics go better. As a base for makeup, a light moisturizing cream fluid with vitamin E and lotus extract is suitable. If you have dry skin or there is acne, refuse dense tonal coatings and multi-layer makeup. Remember that cosmetics should also have a moisturizing function. After the shower, the baths, saunas or pools always apply light creams and lotions. Also in 30 years, it is recommended to make soft home peelings and scrubs once a week. "

A resident of megacities today has to be not easy. Due to the poor ecological situation, ultraviolet radiation, rigid water and other aggressive factors, only per hour, even normal skin can lose up to 10% moisture. And it is instantly reflected in the state of the skin: it ceases to be elastic, signs of dryness and struts appear, the skin looks dim and lifeless - and these are only external indicators. In the event of a lack of water inside the skin, many processes are slowed down, including the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which leads to premature aging of the skin.

That is why it is so important that moisture-hold components be in your home care products. One of the most effective ingredients is Hyaluron. Just imagine: only one hyaluronic acid molecule can hold up to 500 water molecules. Thus, hyaluronic acid is able to accumulate and seal moisture inside the epidermis.

Just hyaluronic acid is the main components in the new series of "Extreme Moisturizing" brand "Black Pearls". Also, the products of the program contain ice water - microbiologically pure and enriched with microelements Ca2 +, Mg2 +, K + - it works on deep skin restoration, soothes and refreshes.


The new series presents all the necessary products for complex care - day and night cream, micellar water and a two-phase lotion for removing makeup from lips and eyelids. Regular use of these tools contributes to the rapid restoration of the water balance of the skin of any type. "Believe me: With the right humidification of the skin, it is possible to achieve not only the deliverance from unpleasant skin drying factors, but also to improve the color, restore the elasticity of the skin and even get rid of small wrinkles," says the Black Pearl brand expert Irina Pochok.

Salon treatments

"The main problems characteristic of the skin in 30 years is acne, the scars of the Package and a feeling of dryness. If it seems to you that home care is missing, you can use the services of cosmetic salons, - continues the story of Natalia Gaidash. - Easy peels and cleaning of the face at a professional cosmetologist will cope with acne. The main thing is that the treatment is integrated. In extreme cases, photodynamic or IPL therapy will be an effective solution, during which the cells are updated due to the radiation of the xenon lamp. A variety of face grinding improves relief and skin quality, and plasmolifting stimulates its healing and update.

In 30 years, the production of hyaluronic acid is reduced, which holds moisture. You can enter it injectively or with a laser. Also in this case, biorevitalization is effective. If a person has active facial expressions, then 30 years old - time to get acquainted with Botox to reduce unwanted wrinkles. "

Ultraviolet protection

Pictures of direct sunlight are not always visible, but they are the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles, pigment spots, drying and thinning of the upper layers of the epidermis. "Never forget to use sunscreens," reminds Natalia Gaidash. - If your skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, choose creams with a high SPF filter. Aloe vera extract, jojoba oil, panthenol and licorice root - all these useful ingredients must be included in the product. People with allergies in the sun or very light skin will suit Nivea Sun Ultra Protection SPF 50+.


It has no perfume fragrances in its composition, and the light and tender texture is instantly absorbed without a feeling of stickiness and fatty.

You need to protect yourself from the sun not only at the resort or in nature, but also in the city. Late in spring and in summer it is desirable that all cosmetics contain solar filters. However, they can clog the pores, so be sure to wash off the sunscreen at night and use the cream with panthenol and eucerite. "

Consultation doctor

In 30 years, it is important to take care of the health of the entire body as a whole and do a little more than in 20. "If the quality and tone of your skin has worsened noticeably, dry, acne or pigmentation appeared, consult an endocrinologist," advises Natalia Gaidash. - It is possible to solve these problems in many cases, only if the beautician and the endocrinologist work together. Then the effect of the procedures will be maximum, and you will not be disappointed.

If you have moles or papillomas, you need a consultation of a dermatologist or dermatonologist in front of any cosmetic procedures. He will tell you which of them can be deleted. Remember that the presence of multiple neoplasms makes many caring procedures impossible or meaningless.

If you will correctly care for yourself at home, keep a healthy lifestyle and visit doctors, your skin will be grateful and will reward you with youth and shine for many years! "

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