Breathing Yoga: useful practices


Breathing for yogis has always been the main tool for adjusting the consciousness, the most effective and effective means for healing the mind and body. Only now, modern medicine finds evidence - for example, the simplest slow and deep breathing, according to doctors, helps to reduce irritability, eliminate fears, pain and even depression. Breathing can also help strengthen the immune system, the ability to concentrate and intensify the emission of "Hormones of happiness" - serotonin and oxytocin. Research in this area confirms that deep slow breathing activates the parasympathetic system, which translates the body and consciousness into self-healing mode.

In yoga, we can find not only slow breathing, but a huge arsenal of respiratory practices, each - with its own particular purpose. About one of them in Scripture said the following: "Heavens themselves will serve you if you regularly practice this kind of breathing twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for only three minutes." This type of breathing is called "Sitali Pranaama", or "cooling breathing".

Alexey Merkulov

Alexey Merkulov

That's what you need to do. Madely slowly and deeply inspire, stretching the tube and pulling the air as a straw, as if you drink the divine nectar, and exhale through the nose, too slowly and deep. After three minutes, you can feel that your condition has changed. This type of breathing can be practiced without time limit, but at least three minutes.

There are also several types of respiration using different nostrils. If you want to relax - close the right nostril, cheer slowly and deeply through the left; This type of breathing can be used as a remedy for insomnia. If you, on the contrary, you want to cheer up, then close the left nostril and, actively moving the stomach, making an emphasis on exhale, powerfully and quickly raise through the right - this kind of breathing will give you strength.

There is also a recipe for breathing that helps from anxiety - it makes the mind more manageable and helps to integrate complex life situations. Close your right hand with a big finger right nostril and breathe deeply and slowly through the left, then close the little nostril with the little finger and make a full exhalation through the right. Inhale only the left, exhale only the right, follow the minimum of three minutes.

All of these techniques are tested by time and are always at your disposal. Even if you just become more attentive to breathing, that is, you will breathe slowly, feeling the air through the nostrils flowing into the lungs, it may forever change your destiny, make you independent and truly happy.

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