Why are you silent: working problems that may not tell friends


Remember the old as the world phrase about the fact that the guys live less women, because used to smoke everything in themselves? Now and the groom has changed much. Many of us are independent and ourselves on the mind, and therefore it is accustomed to all experiences to store inside, and not to discuss with girlfriends for tea, as was customary in the times of our moms. We will not talk about family problems - it is unethical in relation to the partner, about children too - to compare them with others and scold for the estimates is also considered a movietone, and even you will not tell about work - there are some millionaires and bosses who are before your concerns, what do you think No matter. And what to do in the situation when a friend does not want to make problems? First calm down, and after acting in our plan.

Sleep of money. Alas, the most common problem of compatriots. While in Europe, the number of population is measured with income below the subsistence minimum and give them benefits, in our country they will only shrug and advise to work more. If you give a friend money, you can offend him and make feel obligated. It is better to find out what would help him develop in the profession and pay for training courses or tools for quick work - a good smartphone, laptop or tablet.

If you give a friend money, you can offend him and make you feel obliged

If you give a friend money, you can offend him and make you feel obliged

Diffidence. It is not easy to fight with an impostor syndrome: constantly want to dare to achieve your achievements or to reduce all the plans, thinking that you are unworthy of a better life. Supported a friend in this situation is not easy, because it is necessary to work with a damaged psyche. Notice how cool it turns out to do the work if he is engaged in creativity, with what responsibility it comes to his duties or how quickly knows how to make decisions. Ask the Council, emphasizing that you trust it with experience, and interest it with plans for the future. Do not be afraid to share fears in response to give a person to understand that he is not alone.

See also: who is new: the rules of behavior on the first working day

Lack of competencies. Lack of skills can become the only objective reason to be in a bad mood. In this case, it is important for a person to make it clear that experience is just a matter of time and training. Remind him about the rule of a hundred hours - it is believed that exactly so much, on average, you need to practice to develop the skill. Make a first step with him: Suggest to watch a learning lecture, find courses or a person who can share experiences and instill confidence.

Lack of skills can be the only objective reason to be in a bad mood

Lack of skills can be the only objective reason to be in a bad mood

Availability of obligations. This is like a person works and tries, and all the money goes to the growing needs of his family. In this case, it is necessary to explain to him how important it is to expose the personal boundaries and speak partner about his desires directly. For example, that he would be time for him to get a job or more help with their homework, so that your friend does not have to drag all the household part of living together.

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