Full breasts: how to properly care for the zone of neckline and neck


Cardiac reception

Cosmetologists are in confusion: every girl still learns from his youth about how important it is to take care of the neckline and neck, but in no hurry to do it. But the neck of the neck is gentle and thinner even ... the skin of the eye! Agree, we pay attention to the disturbing zone more often much more - we apply special means, gently massaging, we try not to pursuer and select points in a timely manner. Meanwhile, the epidermis of the cervical and thoracic region will grow faster the skin of the face (and the whole body). It should be understood that these zones are practically devoid of fatty fiber, which is responsible for timely powered and moisturizing. Alas, but where this important fiber is not enough, the wilt occurs much rapidly than where it is enough.

An important factor affecting the rapid aging of these zones is considered the prolonged effect of sun rays, smog, Gary and other attributes of the metropolis on a constantly open neck and chest. Remember when you last applied sunscreen not only on face and eyelids? The same!

The lack of physical exertion is also very affected by the tone of the neck and chest. That is why the right posture is very important and the right landing of the head. Easy tension of the neck muscles will only benefit you. The chin should look forward and a little bit up, but not to be directed towards Earth. Shoulders are spinning, breasts - wheel. More often, throw your head carefully, ideally - do gymnastics twice a day for fifteen minutes. Such a simple way you keep in good condition subcutaneous muscles of the neck, which is excellent prevention from the so-called rings of Venus. These transverse deep wrinkles are very difficult to remove even with the help of "beauty enclosures", so that they should be taken care of in advance.

Listen to the advice that you are probably familiar from childhood, do not read lying! The head off the head is an almost one hundred percent guarantee of future fat deposits and ugly second and even third chin. Do not sleep on high, lush pillows, perfect option and for neck, and for posture in general - roller or miniature flat pad.

By the way, sometimes an atonic skin of the neck is not an age effect, but the consequence of sudden weight loss. Also, the big weight loss is reflected in the chest area, which is why experts strongly advise you to fight extra kilograms gradually and carefully, while consuming enough water and visiting massage therapists and cosmetologists.

By the way, about the massage it is worth talking separately. Someone advises to make it almost every day, someone categorically against home manipulations. The creator of the brand Irushka Irina Nikolaev unequivocally declares: "People's methods advise us to abundantly massage the zone of the chest, for example, a cool shower. It is impossible to do this. Maximum that you can afford - a course out of ten plastic massage procedures twice a year at a beautician, at which the specialist will work with the face, neck and a small segment of the neckline zone. Also do not forget: if you have oncology in your family or you personally have suspicion of any kinds of tumors (benign, malignant), any type of massage, as well as mesotherapy, contraindicated. They stimulate blood circulation, which can lead to the development or growth of cancer cells. " However, cool water is indeed capable of bringing the skin into a tone, so we recommend daily squeeze the neck and neckline with a romance or mint ice cube - the minimum safe massage and strengthen the walls of the skin vessels are guaranteed.

On the ambrusory

So, we will proceed to practical recommendations for those who seriously abandoned the fate of their chest and neck. First of all, start and finish the day with careful cleansing, not forgetting to rinse the makeup, dust and was able not only from the face, but also the "problem" zones. For them, choose softer than for the face, the means - the texture of the milk or foam will fit perfectly. Do not forget about the tonization of the skin with lotions.

What means it is better to choose for daily use? "Of course, almost any moisturizing or nutrient face cream can be applied on the neck and neckline. But for the correction of wrinkles and the tightening effect, it is necessary to use products specially designed for these areas, because their compositions, and textures, and structural features will be somewhat different. Creams are more dense and rich. They include more nutritious and strengthening components, vitamins and antioxidants. Particular attention in the composition of the care creams and the zone, the neckline is given to the components that have a pronounced lifting effect, "comments the training manager of the Eisenberg Paris brand Natalya Trone. You need to apply any drug by ascending smooth movements, almost without push. You can slightly pat the neck area with the back side of the palms, paying attention to the zone under the chin. If you put creams twice a day with this technique, you can postpone the hike to the cosmetologist for injections.

If we talk about special care, it is important to remember the specifics of the skin - so, it is forever to forget about aggressive peels. To update the epidermis, use exceptionally light acidic mixtures (almond, milk acid in minimal concentrations). Forget about mechanical scrubs and forever: large particles are injured and stretched by the skin.

Once a week to indulge yourself with nutritional masks. Irina Nikolaeva advises on top of a conventional cream or gel mask to apply a plasticizing (frozen and pull-up) alginate mask: "It will strengthen the active substances of the cosmetic agent and well moisturize the skin. Remember: if the water balance indicators are normal, the skin will "serve" much longer - and its aging will slow down. "

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