And our, and yours: 7 excuses for guests who have decided to harm during quarantine


During Quarantine, it is worth staying at home with his family - WHO argues that it will not help to overcome the epidemic, but to reduce the speed of virus spread. BBC wrote that in society, when declaring a coronavirus, a pandemic was manifested by the phenomenon of the "Quarantine She Mining" - a public censure of people leaving the house while others are in self-insulation. Any social contacts people are now trying to limit - it is not surprising that the "bold" friend and relative, denying the fact of the danger of the disease, no one will be glad to see. Prepared several "excuses" for people who feel awkwardness in front of the close-up to visit.

"We are leaving for the dacha of the whole family - 100 km per city"

You do not have to lie close if you are really leaving away from the focus of the spread of the virus. Country house is a great place to spend the next month with the whole family. And even if you end up will not leave, you can always justify before the impossible guests that your plans have changed for specific reasons - broke the Internet cable at the cottage, urgently caused a job or children wanted to stay at home.

"I care for my parents and I'm afraid to infect them."

The World Health Organization and the Government of all European countries repeated the fact that Coronavirus is most dangerous for people over 65 years old - the parents of most adults have already achieved this age, so there is a reason for anxiety. It is unlikely that your friends will be offended by you for it - here the question concerns no longer your security, but the lives of other people. At a minimum, you bring them products and medicines - without your help, they can not do.

Think about parents, not about friends

Think about parents, not about friends


"It seems to me that I have symptoms of coronavirus - I do not want to infect you"

Taking into account the changeable weather, many people are now cold and are sick with light shapes of ORVI and influenza. Since the symptoms of these diseases and coronavirus are similar, the list of them expands almost every week, your loved ones clearly will not want to expose themselves danger. Make sure that you would like to stay at home in isolation for two weeks and make sure that they didn't get sick with anything - they will understand you and first postpone the meeting.

"At work now a lot of cases - I can not relax and enjoy your society"

Taking into account the complex economic situation, not only in Russia, but also around the world, there is no person who would be surprised by this phrase. If you own your own business or work in a senior position, for sure these days for the entire company are not the most simple. Instead of the gatherings with friends, it is better to solve pressing problems and only later, when all chaos end, to get together for a glass of wine and talking with a good mood.

"I have nothing to pamper you, and it is still dangerous to the store"

Information about the victims in Moscow and other cities of Russia becomes available to inquisitive journalists - so the card with confirmed cases of coronavirus laid out Mash. Moreover, quarantine has been introduced in major cities - people can go beyond the products, but such campaigns are not safe for their health. If your loved ones know you as a welcoming owner and a hospitable person, they will understand when you do not want to meet them with a half-empty refrigerator.

"We only disinfect the house - so too lazy to do it again"

In the days when you go out into the street or in the corridor to throw away the trash, hallways, door handles, switches need to be treated with a disinfecting solution with chlorine content, iodine or other chemicals - we wrote a whole guide to this. To prepare a solution and clean up, you need time - you are unlikely to want to do it every day because of the guests who came.

Now it is better to stick to healthy habits

Now it is better to stick to healthy habits


"On quarantine, we decided to lead a healthy lifestyle"

Any meeting with friends for most is turning around that they drink together and eat at all along the system of proper nutrition. If you decide to spend the time of home "concluding" with benefit, explain to your friends that your usual parties have not yet correspond to the new routine of the day. It is better to spend time in training and improve your health than spoiling it in no more difficult circumstances.

Do you take guests during a quarantine or sit at home only with your family?

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