Vladimir Mishukov: "A woman and man equally need tenderness, understanding and sympathy"


For a long time, Vladimir Mishukov considered, studied people in the lens of his camera, and now he himself became an object of close attention. He dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood, graduated from Rati, but returned to his profession only many years later - but with what triumph! His works are called erotic, provocative, and he is not shy to talk about things that, what is called, are below the belt. Alas, lovers of "strawberry" is waiting for disappointment: everything turns out to be much thinner, deeper, but more interesting. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Vladimir, you are one of the most famous photographers of Moscow, filmed stars, collaborated with a gloss; How do you feel on the other side of the barricades?

- Absolutely organic. I'm trying to honestly do my job, it's nice that it is appreciated and there is a response. In general, I do not think with such categories as Celebriti, the star - neither then nor now. There are lively communication with a living person.

- But you have a big professional experience. Surely in those moments when you already remove you, I want to tell something, correct? ..

- Not that word! I feel like a last century. Now everything is subordinate to a very rapid temperitum, there is almost no place to contemplation. The modern work method is different from when I interacted with magazines as a photographer. Analog thinking gave way to digital, and everything accelerated at times. By the way, the interviewing sometimes also produces an indelible impression on me, because, it seems to me, the conversation was saturated, full, and only a small part remains from him. When I was photographed, I am kindly well configured, but critical. I am ready to move the tripod with light himself, if I see that a person does not feel neither for me, nor the nature of the light, nor the harmony of the moment. Moreover, there are masters, with whom it is certainly nice to work, we are in the creative tandem. For example, Olga Tupurogova-Volkov.

Vladimir Mishukov:

"The stylist brought twenty onions to the playground, I looked, said:" Olya, undress! " - and photographed her naked on the belt "

Photo: Olga Tupurogova-Volkova; Photographer's assistant: Konstantin Eggs

- Your own shooting remained in the past?

- Yes. Although the Magazine "Marie Claire" asked me to make our joint photo session with Olga Sutulova: We took each other's interview. I first revealed, referring to the absence of excitement, but then I agreed. As a result, I took a few pictures that for the magazine it turned out to be a profitable acquisition: at one time I was a highly paid photographer, and then they received four strip photos for free. Stylist, as usual, brought to the playground of twenty-onions, I looked at all this, said: "Olya, undress" - and photographed her naked on the belt.

- The achieved high professional level makes it possible in principle to feel more confident in another sphere?

- You know, no. Brodsky has an expression: "For there is no other antidote from the lowness of the human heart, except for doubt and good taste ..." about the taste - I do not know, but doubts are crowded. Mastery in itself is fine, but when it comes to creativity, professional skills may be destructive for the opening of something new, unknown. In the Theater Institute, my master said that we must learn how to go on a thousandth time, as in the first. For this it is necessary that all your senses are included and involved in the creative process. In this sense and interest.

- Why did the acting profession interested you now, and not twenty five years ago, when did you finish Rati?

- I dreamed of being an actor from an early age. Thanks to my amazing teacher in literature, Sophier Yuryevna Dubnova, I began to attend the Central Children's Theater, where there were the so-called art club and the theater section. We had the opportunity to watch for free and discuss the performances not only in this theater, but also the others who seemed unsaveted: "Lenk", Taganka ... But the ultimate desire to become an actor was formed after watching the movie Sidney's Pollock "Tutsi" with Dustin Hoffman in the lead role. I looked at him for more than twenty-five times. Recently, my close friend, art dealer of modern art Eric Sklover living in France, gave me a 1982 poster, which hung at the American Cinema in Arizona. This is an expensive gift for me. Now he is at home and pleases the eye.

In the Theater Institute I studied at the outstanding teacher of Vladimir Naumovich Levertov. It was his first her own course, so he treated us with a special trepidation. After the release, I was invited to several theaters, I worked a little, but I experienced disappointment. Probably, having fluttered from under the wing of the master and being near other people, I realized that they were not doing at all because it was conjugate with my dream, and quickly lost interest to this. At that time, I was already married, a child was born, and in the courtyard there were the most nineties. I had to somehow earn money. I had a camcorder, and I began to shoot children's matinees, weddings ...

Vladimir Mishukov:

"The division of human nature on a strong and weak floor seems to me false. We all need an understanding, tenderness, sympathy"

Photo: Olga Tupurogova-Volkova; Photographer's assistant: Konstantin Eggs

"And I thought you would talk about what now, when an interesting life experience has accumulated, you already have something to say in the acting profession."

- You know, I was what to say. Probably to a lesser extent than now. But, I guess, you will ask a question: "What do you want to say?" And, I hope, will not fall into the trap. These statements do not always wear a direct verbal nature - there are some internal accumulations, reflections that are expressing through emotions or plastic. But even then, when I was engaged in a photo, and now I am interested in the nature of a person, the world inside it and around. In my opinion, art as a whole is designed to soften hearts: on the emotional level, you connect to what is happening on the stage or on the screen and begin to empathize with the heroes. The actor has a specific task: embodying one or another character, to wash stereotypic boundaries that prevent us from being susceptible to each other. You as a viewer starting to test empathy to a person older or younger than you, your or not your sex, another nationality, social group, religion ... These are the differences to which people usually appeal at the state level, creating irreconcilable contradictions in order to manage the masses. Thus, they deprive the human nature of the extent of freedom in which it needs to develop.

The actor seems to me is designed to broadcast an idea of ​​infinity. You have the right to love a woman, a man or a man who is still in search of their sexual identity, and this is your personal matter. Absolute love to do not care what sex, social origin, religion, nationality, and so on. That's what I am interested to explore in the acting profession. I can play anyone, the most disgusting historical character, but it is important for me to call you like an attendance, sympathy, empathy. In the profession, I returned in 2011, with the pictures of the "Winter Way" and "Daughter"; In one played a doctor, in another - the Orthodox priest. Thus, denoting the dualism of his creative credo. The world is not divided into black and white, positive and negative heroes. The nature of human is complex and diverse, and with these principles I come to any role.

- The maximalism is not yours even in youth?

- Was, always. I am brought up in a totalitarian state, wearing a pioneer tie. I had a good teacher, but all of them in one degree or another was typical of other systems, other thinking, and I also infected with it. That is, if the theater is only in the heart of the heart, in no case is the belly or, oh, oh, below the abdomen. Twenty-five years ago, I probably would probably exist in the upper plane. Now, conducting a kind of experiment, I investigate all the properties of human nature. As you already, probably noticed, in our works and "about it" I try to speak as natural as possible.

- No wonder you have already assigned the title of a new sex symbol. There is a saying: "Tell me who your friend is - and I will say who you are." Your close friend is Andrei Zvyagintsev, who is considered one of the most gloomy directors of modernity ...

- Perhaps someone considers. But we are talking about the director Andrei Zvyagintseva or? ..

- Is he not like that?

- Do you know a person who absolutely exactly repeats himself in his works? I'm not my hero Gleb Olkhovsky from the series "Designs", which causes burning interest in the women's audience. If I wanted to cut off this dividend - I would now entered the image and interest. Of course, such a financial condition, like a Gleb, I will never have fallen, but no one interferes with oligarch. (Smiles.) About Gogol, by the way, do you know what they said? "The bad, evil, composes Paskili" - but now we are somewhat differently perceive Nikolai Vasilyevich and his novels, is not it? Moreover, a lot written by him then very accurately falls in the realities of our current time, which speaks of talent and insightness. His supporters wrote that he "preaches love with a hostile word of the denunciation." I think Andrei's films are also charged with this quality. For some, they are heavy and gloomy, and someone is associated with a surgical operation, after which it becomes easier.

Vladimir Mishukov:

"Andrey and Andrei have lived together when our creative gusts have not seriously perceived. But sincerely acquired each other:" The old man, you are a genius! "

Photo: Olga Tupurogova-Volkova; Photographer's assistant: Konstantin Eggs

- You have the heroes are difficult, reflecting, ambiguous. They could well exist in his paintings.

"I think it makes the honor of us both - but neither with one or on the other side we have never used this privilege called" friendship ". There is a material, absolutely subjective perception of Andrei history and character, the parameters for which I as an actor can not fit into his design.

- You just did not ask him this question?

- Of course not! Why lose friendship because of some nonsense? There are other directors. But in any case, the question is open, and maybe someday our cooperation will happen that it will require additional emotional resources from us, as it happens when people are not strangers to each other. And we are almost relatives in every sense.

- There were moments when your friendship was trial?

- Yes, but it will remain between us.

- Woman can not destroy real male friendship? Interestingly, Andrei's wife then became your wife.

- I do not understand the definition of "male friendship". There are different levels on which people intersect - household, worker, physical, and there is the level where they interact through their granted, destination, which is not amenable to gender classification. In this sense, our friendship with Andrei originated primarily at the meeting level of our talents. With him, we lived together when our creative gusts did not seriously perceive, there was no work and money, but we, despite all the difficulties, absolutely sincerely acquired each other: "The old man, you are a genius!" So, third-party women or men could not impede our friendship. In addition, no "love triangle" was not and could not be. I met my future wife when they and Andrei were out of communication, contact. We made friends with him when I had already had a family, and our first-year first year went. The fact that Andrei was once had the first husband of my wife, absolutely did not prevent our rapprochement with him.

- You were so long in the status of a married man - how do you now have freedom?

- You said this word so ... Do you feel wrong?

- The family is definitely pushing us to compromise, the abandonment of some principles is not global, but still ...

- Of course, freedom is beautiful in itself. But in any system, limited to some frames, you can build a life so as not to feel disadvantaged. I lived in official marriage twenty-three years, we have four children.

- For me it is an unreal figure ...

- Therefore, maybe you will be credited to my words. See you with your future wife, I was tuned to free creative egocentrism, but a strong irrational feeling arose - and I dived into it with my head. Over time, I found a kind of rational substantiation why it happened. It was necessary in order to take into the world of four new people - our children. All our children are desirable, and never stood a question: to give birth or not. Now almost all of them have grown, so my mission is fulfilled.

Vladimir Mishukov:

"It was worth a mom for a short time somewhere to leave, my hysterics began to leave: I thought she throws me. I fell asleep, holding her hand"

Photo: Olga Tupurogova-Volkova; Photographer's assistant: Konstantin Eggs

I myself was the third child in the family. Then, in Soviet years, it was regarded how to "produce poverty." Mom subsequently told me and the older brothers that some relatives inclined her to make an abortion. But everything was opposed to it, she hesitated for a long time and eventually decided to leave me. Found support in the face of her mother, my grandmother. And not so long ago, I read an article where at the scientific level justified that the human embryo was already able to perceive information about the threat of his life at an early stage of development. And the people who hung over the same abortion sword, live afterwards with the feeling that they do not like them. No matter how much it treated them. I remember, it was worth a mom for a short time to leave somewhere, go, I began to hysterite: I thought she throws me. At an early age, I always fell asleep, holding her hand. I am very happy that even the shadow of doubt did not give up to his children in the fact that they were all desirable and were born in love.

- But sometimes it is still difficult to explain the departure from the family.

- In my case, this word is not applicable. There is a divorce when spouses cease to live together. But the challenges associated with care for children, they decide as civilized people.

- How much is the youngest now?

- Will be thirteen, he has Down Syndrome, so according to the standards of ordinary people, he is an eternal child. With him always near any of us.

- We recently gave an interview to a well-known weekly, where they discussed in detail the topic of sex and admitted that almost twenty years were faithful to his wife. Is it a decency or so deep emotional immersion in a partner?

- Decency ... not very well understand this term in this context. You live with a person who is attractive to you and which you are attractive with whom you are on the same wave. Then the moment occurs when this connection weakens by virtue of certain reasons. In addition, for almost a quarter of a century, you are definitely both of them - everyone inside yourself, but live together and pull this family strap ...

- Straps ... You said this word so!

- Strank - precisely because we live in very unstable society, and the existence of my family accounted for such times when they just had to survive. And I have always been doing creative activity, where there is no stability by definition, so sometimes emotional disorders occurred, especially when there was not enough money and something did not work properly.

- Now you probably have a lot of fans?

- I have or my character? I think, with a direct meeting, a certain amount of fans, as you say, immediately leaves due to the fact that they are pretty the features of my hero, whom I do not have. If everyone knew what I really were ... Fan would appear even more! (Laughs.)

- Is it important for you to have a serious relationship?

- I can not say so. I had to hear such Idioma: "In order to feel like a woman, I need a narrow male energy." Do not you think that a certain vampirism is concluded? This means that nature itself is not fueled and blooms, parasitizing someone else's account. To feel myself a man and man, at the moment you do not need a partner. I am self-sufficient. I am interested to be with myself - there is something to think about, dreaming and implementing your ideas. Especially after a long time, when I participated in the process of birth, ripening, the formation of other lives, where I gave a lot of my strength.

Vladimir Mishukov:

"If we talk about sex, then no matter how bodily shell has a person, the most attractive in it - intelligence"

Photo: Olga Tupurogova-Volkova; Photographer's assistant: Konstantin Eggs

Why should people be together? Let's grow out ... Today, every woman can work, independently contain itself and quite organically live without a man, may even give birth to a child without resorting to the traditional way of fertilization. I can wash myself, stroking clothes, cook food and so on. That is, the usual system of old patriarchal joints of joint existence at the primitive level does not work. She outdated and requires modernization. The fact that the husband is the head of the family, leads the ship at the rate, and the woman is the custodian of the focus, this is a rudiment of the totalitarian past. I myself have been in captivity of these plants for a long time, although there were no examples of a full-fledged family before my eyes: my parents divorced, the parents of his wife - too. It seems to me that the era of equivalence relationship comes, where no one will parasitize for someone else's account and make complaints that someone should something. The division of human nature on a strong and weak floor seems to me knowingly false. A woman and man need equally in tenderness, understanding, sympathy. Cut out with a halter, to feel your back to the lover, which will grab your hands and fit to yourself, is characteristic of any person, outside of sexual definition. To be emotionally included in another person, to share with him warmth, without disturbing his feeling of freedom, taking and respecting his personal features, - we still have to learn if we want a valid


- The title of sex symbol on the screen obliges something in real life: diet, sport? ..

"Before this title" awarded ", I as I lived the most organic way for me, I continue. I do a charging: I stand five minutes in the bar, I pressed, pull up on the horizontal bar, walk on the simulator. All without fanaticism, to the best of their forces. I eat according to your own health. I am fifty years old, but directors rarely consider my candidacy for the role of the same age.

- You really young look.

- I haven't rest you for a long time (laughs), you would not know me! The body in the acting profession, of course, should be collected and ready for various transformations. To overcome the world of global gravity - jump, run, dance - it is much easier if you are easy in every sense. But nevertheless, whatever body shell possessed, the most attractive thing in it, since we were touched upon the topic of sex, it is intelligent. It is he who contributes to the variability, manifold, originality and even if you like, eccentricity of sexual relations, thanks to which it is possible to discover new strong feelings.

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