Indian recipes on the Vedas: harmonizing internal energy


Appearing over 5,000 years ago, Vedic astrology immediately gained widespread among the enlightened people, namely magicians, shamans and all kinds of healers. Its essence is helping man in harmonizing internal energy flows. We continue the topic of Indian recipes on the Vedas, and today you are waiting for the main recipe Tuesday.

Tuesday - Mars Day

The planet Mars is managed by instincts and emotions, so today is the perfect day when you can act as the heart tells. However, there is a danger to get into the unpleasant situation, if you act carelessly and impulsively. The main products today will be sharp seasonings, lentils, red vegetables and legumes.

Races - lentil soup

The soup is perfect as the main dish, to all of the time, will put in order internal energy.

What we need for one portion:

- 1 tablespoon of red lentils.

- 1 tomato.

- 1 grated carrots.

- 1 small chopped bulb.

- 1 teaspoon of fresh or dry coconut.

- 1 tablespoon of cilantro.

- 1 teaspoon mustard grains.

- 1 teaspoon of the Kumin (Zira).

- pinch of ground black pepper.

- 3 pieces of chili.

- 3 cloves of garlic.

- Salt to taste.

- 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

The first thing you need to do is put vegetables and Chechvitsa to boil. After that, fry the spices in a pan, having splashing it with oil. Add roasted spices to vegetables, leave for 30 minutes. When the soup will be ready, interlaced it blender and add a branch of the kinse when feeding on the table.

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