On the way to perfection: how to accept yourself as you are?


Why doesn't a person take himself completely?

Everything begins, as usual, in childhood. Parents, without taking their own child as he is, constantly criticizing him for how he walks, eats, spends his free time and learn, they bring up in the end of a person who will always look for shortages, sorry himself, live for approval. The girl who parents did not make it clear that she could be loved just that, in adulthood, he chooses toxic relationships, where she constantly had to make compromises, adjust, live to the detriment of himself and his interests.

What to do?

First, try to take your shortcomings. It is necessary to realize that there are no ideal people in nature, and all our shortcomings are the continuation of our advantages. It is also important to understand that you have the right to make a mistake, your own opinion, personal life, hobbies.

How to take your appearance?

Start a page on a dating site. At least just in order to get acquainted with men, flirt with them and periodically walk on dates. Flirt is the best way to get rid of complexes and insecurity.

How to accept your behavior?

It is important to realize that your behavior is a derivative of your personality. If you love yourself, worked on our own borders, respect the strangers - therefore, you accept yourself and your behavior. If your behavior does not suit someone, why communicate with this person? Find someone you like, so that the relationship with this person is comfortable for you and for him.

Exercises for taking themselves

Exercise NO1. Take a sheet of paper, split it into two parts by a vertical strip, to the right to write all your advantages, left - disadvantages. Cut the sheet, disadvantages to throw away, reread the list of advantages before bedtime for one to three months.

Exercise NO2. Ask yourself the question: Do you like what are you going to do or not? Start with simple: you are going to have breakfast, you have a choice - oatmeal or scrambled eggs with bacon. What do you really want? The task of this exercise is to understand yourself and learn how to proceed from your own preferences.

Exercise NO3. Stop pity yourself and scold. We take a chair, put it in the center of the room, sit down and begin to regret yourself from the soul, loud, you can with tears. As a rule, people who are sorry for this exercise is enough to maximize half an hour. Then I want to live on and enjoy life.

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