When beauty required victims: the beauty secrets of our great-grandmothers


In the modern world, cosmetics are presented in abundance, the range is so wide that the choice can be done by hours. Girls of time impertons wanted to look attractive, and in our time there are a great many ways to maintain natural beauty.

Our great-grandmothers knew how to maintain natural beauty

Our great-grandmothers knew how to maintain natural beauty

Photo: Frame from the series "Walking on the flour"

Let's take a small excursion to the story and see what the experience of past generations can be useful.

Egg protein used to fight wrinkles

Egg protein used to fight wrinkles

Photo: Frame from the series "Bloody Baryn"

Fighting wrinkles. For these purposes, a canvas bandage was used in alcohol and egg protein in the proportion of 50:50. The dressing was put on the night. Due to the amino acids and vitamins of the group contained in the Egg protein, this composition is well suited for nutrition of the skin and narrowing. From wrinkles around the eyes were actively used hot bums. In the morning we wrapped the eyelids with pink or lily water, and at night - very fat creams that were necessarily washed with hot water.

Cleaning the skin. So that the skin is always in excellent condition, the ladies spree it 1-2 times a week in the bath or with warm water. They were sinking in the 19th century a piece of white bread, pre-pulled out in milk for 2-3 minutes.

Olive oil nourishes and skin, and eyelashes

Olive oil nourishes and skin, and eyelashes

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Caring for the skin around the eyes. To power the skin around the eyes and cilia, the ladies were used olive oil, which contains vitamins E and A and prevents the fading of gentle skin. With dry skin, a mask was used from the fiber of black currant and olive oil, which was applied to the face and kept 15-20 minutes.

Means against the swelling of the skin of the face. In order to quickly remove edema from the area around the eyes, we used cold slices of cucumber or a simple bandage, moistened in cold milk.

It is our hands that give the age of a woman, so you always wear gloves in the frost

It is our hands that give the age of a woman, so you always wear gloves in the frost

Photo: Frame from the series "Anna - Detective"

Care Ha Skin Hands. Everyone knows that it is the hands of the age of a woman and its position in society. It is recommended to prevent the supercooling of the hands and always carry gloves, otherwise the skin of the hands will become coarse and unpleasant to the touch.

At the end of the 19th century, an aristocratic society was addicted to the treatment of mineral waters

At the end of the 19th century, an aristocratic society was addicted to the treatment of mineral waters

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Mineral water. At the end of the 19th century, the aristocratic society was addicted to the treatment of mineral waters. Know waking up and in the morning went to the suburbs for treatment. After the mineral water was a guide, a long-term three-hour walk was required. It was believed that this improves digestion and heals the body as a whole.

Dame in the XIX century had one advantage - free time

Dame in the XIX century had one advantage - free time

Photo: Frame from the film "Admiral"

Ladies could afford such care not only because they had a servant, but also because they had something that was missing modern women - free time.

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