Calm, only calm: How meditation will help to overcome the trouble and speed up weight loss


Meditation is spiritual practice, during which your mind is cleared of extra thoughts. Initially, this direction has become popular in Asia, but later this tradition has spread to the whole world. Despite the difference in the practical method, all types of meditation are aimed at balancing the balance between the bodily and spiritual components of your personality. I decided to find out if there are research that have proven to benefit meditation for weight loss. Spoiler: Such works were found!

Development of conscious consumption

During the analytical review "Effect of Mindfulness Meditation On Short-Term Weight Loss and Obese Adults" for 2017, the authors who studied the question for example 14 studies of the impact of meditation on weight loss were proved that this practice really helps a person to establish Contact with your own brain and find the problem of weight gain. After regular practices, people solve their disturbing questions and change the food habits, for which the body weight should be reduced.

Do not be afraid to change habits

Do not be afraid to change habits


Long-term result

Another study of 2017 under the header "MindFulness-based Interventions for Weight Loss: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" studied 19 sources proving the benefit of meditation. In one of them, a practical comparison was carried out by the results of two groups of people - some were properly fed and played sports, the second did the same thing, but they added unconventional methods of overweight to it. As a result, after time, the first group of subjects returned to the previous weight, and the second remained the same slender. As psychologists explain, such an effect is explained by the study of patterns of behavior on the subconscious level, when the people comes to the idea that they like a healthy lifestyle, and not eating fast food and the lack of physical activity, after which they feel soaring and experience discomfort in their own body.

How to start meditating?

For meditation you need four points: free time, quiet place, playlist with soothing music and yoga mat. Turn on the music, sit on the carpet in the lotus position, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Feel like when inhaling climbs up your chest, how air leaves the nose when exhaling, listen to your breath - after 2-3 minutes you will feel relaxation. Then, with open or closed eyes, follow these steps:

Make a deep breath. Hold it for a few seconds.

Slowly exhale and repeat.

Breathe calmly.

Continue to concentrate in breathing for 5-10 minutes.

Practice meditation will help you keep results

Practice meditation will help you keep results


If you are interested in trying other types of meditation or you just want to get some guide, you can find various techniques on the Internet. Keep in mind that you do not need to follow the one that is intended for weight loss - various practices are effective.

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