5 Basic Smile Care Rules


Proper cleaning of teeth

Cleaning the teeth has long been beyond the framework of the most familiar tooth brushes of different degrees of rigidity, and electric toothbrushes, which, in addition to hard and soft nozzles of different forms, have also nozzles to clean the tongue and for massage the gums also serve as a modern supplement to thorough hygiene. Electrical toothbrushes of the latest generations are equipped with a multitude of useful features: cleaning zone definition sensors, built-in timers, pressing sensors to protect gums, long-term batteries, tank whitening nozzles and even connecting to digital devices. The manufacturers also took care of children of different ages, making the design of electric toothbrushes by images of comics and animation heroes, and the ability to download applications for proper cleaning of teeth with games and music will turn the daily procedure into a fascinating adventure and help instill the correct habits since childhood.

Selection of toothpaste

One of the frequent problems are diseases and sensitivity of the gums. And in such cases, the patient is prescribed therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes with enzymes and plant extracts. And with a lack of fluorine and calcium, pastes are recommended to strengthen the teeth and enamel mineralization. Contrary to popular opinions, whitening toothpastes are not as bad, as they seem. The main thing is to use them no more than two times a week due to the high content of abrasive particles. Such pastes are well removed to the dental flare and better do the rest with the dental stone. By the way, solid toothpastes (compressed in tablets) here are the perfect option and recommended by smokers and coffee lovers.

Ruslan Sabanov

Ruslan Sabanov

Cleaning language

A huge number of bacteria accumulates in the language, and thoroughly clean the language is also necessary, like brushing your teeth. In addition to the usual tongue cleaning pads located on the back of the toothbrushes, the most practical way to clean the tongue are scrapers with different shapes and colors. These simple devices are very convenient to use, and just care for them, washing with disinfectants.

Hygiene between meals

In addition to the usual rinsers for the oral cavity and chewing gum (which, by the way, it is recommended to chew after meals no more than 10 minutes), it is necessary to use dental threads (preferably waxes - for better slip) and fashionable silicone rams for cleaning interdental intervals. But from excessive use of toothpicks it is better to abandon, as they can easily be injured.

Right cavity care will help keep the health of the teeth for many years

Right cavity care will help keep the health of the teeth for many years

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Using additional gadgets

Not many know about such a gadget, like an ultrasonic toothbrush generating ultrasound, which removes the dental flare and helps prevent the appearance of a tootham, breaking the bacteria. And some similar brushes have a ultraviolet disinfector lamps, with which microbes and bacteria are removed on the brush brush. Ultrasonic toothbrushes, first of all, are recommended to people with veneers, crowns, braces and implants.

Very useful and already becoming a necessary gadget for the care of the oral cavity is an irrigator. Due to the water ripples, the dental flare is removed and the residues of food are recovered, but one of the main advantages of the irrigator is the gum massage. Irrigators are completely different types and sizes - from stationary (enough overall devices with a bulk tank and a variety of functions) to portable (almost with a toothbrush), which are convenient to take with them on trips. The irrigator can be filling out not only with water, but also beloved rinsers for the oral cavity.

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