Forever with you: The dangerous relationships are dangerous


Any dependency is dangerous for our psyche and life in general, however, dependence on people brings us the greatest suffering, as a person can seriously influence our decisions. We decided to figure out which relationships can be called dependent and how to destroy the "cage" in which you find yourself, allowing a man too much.

How to understand what you are in affilatory relationship?

There is nothing more important than your second half

The blind adoration of the partner gradually leads to the fact that we begin to depreciate the rest of our lives, putting relationships in chapter an angle that cannot be called healthy. At this point, it is very easy to lose yourself, and just imagine what will happen if the relationship with this person suddenly will be blown up? Can you start a new life yourself, spending so much time depending on the other person? Doubtful. Never forget about yourself, no matter how stunning is your partner.

You do not see the continuation, but you can't afford to get out of these relationships.

A rather dangerous moment. This is the case when consciousness is not in freaks with feelings: in the depths of the soul you understand that the development of these relationships should not be waiting, but you can not take and throw a person, because emotionally tied. Life in such an atmosphere is gradually beginning to lose meaning.

Do not forget about yourself

Do not forget about yourself


You do not see the person in the partner

Explain: For a dependent person, his partner appears as a landmark in life, it becomes difficult to perceive as a person with his weaknesses and preferences. You can say "shrink" the second half, not letting it live with her needs, sooner or later it will be bored.

Is there no way out?

Create our own space

Without the help of a psychologist, it is quite difficult to solve the problem of addiction, whether dependence on substances or the dependence on a person or the whole public opinion. However, one of the first tips that specialists can give you - try to increase the distance with your partner if you are seriously tuned to change in your life. If you live together, remove the apartment, ask for help from friends and relatives, make it possible to physically move away from the person who destroys you, after that you can start a psychological separation.

What do you imagine from yourself?

When another person becomes the center of our world, to lose himself very easily, we have already spoken about it earlier. Remember yourself before you have entered dangerous relationships: What was interested in you? What did you get? Why not return, so to speak, "to the origins"? As soon as you are aware of self-relief, you will gradually get rid of chains that hold you in a relationship with a toxic person.

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