Can cosmetics stop aging?


Talking about aging is just as difficult as to argue about religion or politics. Almost a philosophical question acquires a global scale - the hunt for youthful girls start from eighteen years. In the meantime, the beauty industry does not get tired of reminding: erase traces of age for only injections. How to start and how to continue the fight against aging? Does it make sense to turn the bathroom to the warehouse of countless jars? An expert of one of the leading cosmetic firms Elena Alekseeva will tell if they will help to resist the inevitable.

Mechanics of Time

Let's start with axioms without accepting which it will be difficult to act further: we are all inevitable. The only question is how quickly and how actively. The reason for the appearance of wrinkles, pigment spots, the loss of elasticity and tone of the skin becomes time multiplied by genetic predisposition. The fact of plastic surgeons has already been proven by American society: relatives are older than. This knowledge allows us now, looking at your moms and grandmothers, understand what you need to do stop, trying to stop running the shooter.

"Stop genetically conditioned aging is impossible, but you can slow down its speed, prevent prematurity. To do this, it is necessary to understand what skin changes are inevitable, and which are caused by our negligent attitude to themselves or arise as a consequence of the harmful effects of the environment, "says Elena Alekseeva. Thus, it is better not to count on the effect of cream or serum, forgetting about the day of the day, classic two liters of water per day, sports and proper nutrition.

Happy exceptions from the general rule can neglected a healthy lifestyle and smoke, while remaining in the form. But sooner or later, this attitude towards its appearance will be, and the deplorable consequences can already be corrected by a course of creams.

Torn chain

Signs of the years lived in different people appear at different times, and there are also their reasons for this. And the main perpetrators of the early (as well as timely and even late) aging of the body are notorious free radicals.

The familiar term, but what about the radicals, from whom or from what they are free and how they affect the process wear processes, not everyone will answer. Without going into details of complex biological processes, we will explain: unstable oxygen compounds "attack" on healthy cells, turn them into free radicals and launch a delicious chain reaction. The result of this geometric progression is: we are older.

The subversive actions of radicals block all known antioxidants - substances protecting cells from aggressive chain reactions. Until a certain age (individual for each person), the body is able to independently cope with the destructive effect of free radicals - it contains antioxidant systems that slow down the aging process. But it is not always enough of his own strength, and helping the body to cope with aggression need as early as possible. All young girls should be left not to creams and serum, but on fruits, vegetables, fish, eliminate alcohol from the diet and refuse cigarettes. Alas, this is a capital truth that does not change the potent composition of a cosmetic product.

And sometimes we ourselves customize the radicals, hiking by our actions. According to Elena Alekseeva, it is its own negligent attitude to the skin and external factors cause the appearance of the first wrinkles, which we have not yet deserved. Consequently, our main strategy is not a correction of already existing shortcomings, but protection against them and full-scale actions to prevent them.

Game in overtime

Despite the fact that scientists are not ready to imagine embodied youth in a miniature jar, it is impossible to abandon cosmetic repairs. "Today we know the nature of the mechanisms leading to the emergence of age-related signs, and funds are found that can partially slow down or temporarily block these processes. Prevention of skin aging and protection of it from damage, and not plastic surgery at all are the most reliable means of renewal of youth, "Elena assures. It is important to understand that any cream promising to play the role of a time machine affects the horny layer and skin epidermis and gives only a visual effect. However, if after it the skin is smooth and beautiful, why not try?

Choosing a tool that protects from the effect of time and helps get rid of small wrinkles, dullness and pigment stains, do not lose your head, do not wait a miracle and remember: products with antioxidants warn future problems, and do not solve existing ones. The deep feces, the savings of the face, the nasolabial folds and the omission of the age will not go anywhere.

So that the entire "age spectrum" appeared as long as possible, turn on a good moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid, vegetable extracts, vitamins E and s and sunscreen. Often, the regular dose of "drinking for cells" is enough to give themselves a few additional years of youth. But it is important to be attentive and not to rearrange. Read the label: If your cream is equipped with occlusive properties (with the ability to hold and lock moisture), its long-term use can lead to the mobilization of aging processes.

The best choice for fading skin is a product with ceramic and phospholipid emulsions, oils with fatty acids and non-lighted fats (sterols). Pay attention to the means with hydrolyzed proteins (elastin and keratin) and amino acids.

And perhaps, the most important thing in the war for youth is a rational approach and a set of measures that cannot only be in persistent use of "miracle-ointments". Unfortunately (or fortunately), no health does not have beauty: no cream will erase the consequences of many years of neglecting to their own body. According to the disappointing Sophie Lauren, the source of youth is in mind, talent and creativity. "Learn to drink from it, and you really defeat age," she says.

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