Even if you are a bit for 30: what tests you need to pass in adulthood


Scientists say that the period of optimal functioning, the maniacal to the nature, as a biological organism, ends to 35-40 years. Reducing the blood hormone content at this age is the reason for all the problems associated with aging. The loss of collagen and moisture of the skin, loss and thinning of hair, bad sleep and well-being - this is not the entire list of trouble that you have to face a woman after 40.

So what to do? We answered the doctor of medical sciences, the gynecologist-endocrinologist Svetlana Yurev.

- In order for a woman after 35-40 years to remain healthy and attractive, it is important to be physically active, to eat well and, if necessary, to ensure the missing hormones in a timely manner in its body. To destination MGT (menopause of hormonal therapy), you need to contact a specialist who will ask you to do the following:

1. Rate its condition on the Green scale - fill out the questionnaire.

Green scale

Green scale

2. Determine the hormonal status - to pass on the Hormones of FSH, E2 (for 2-4 days of the cycle), progesterone (for 19-21 cycles).

3. Make ultrasound of small pelvis organs and mammography.

4. Take a test on oncocytology, pass the HPV test.

5. Pass the blood on TSH, glucose, insulin, make a lipidogram.

After that, if there is no contraindications, the doctor prescribes you drugs that will prolong your youth, beauty and health!

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