How to care for your teeth: home recipes


As one of the most beautiful and desired women of the world said, Marilyn Monroe: "Smile, because life is a wonderful thing and there are many reasons for smiles."

Welcoming sincere smile works wonders - it is not for nothing in front of her retreats a gloomy day, as it comes in a children's song. It's nice when we smile, and snow-white teeth are visible under Alay lips - a beauty and health indicator. I want to admire the owners of a truly shining smile!

I would like to give you a couple of non-bored tips on how to take care of your teeth outside the house and what you need to always have in your handbag.

We all loved in the cold season to drink something jogging. But hot tea lovers should warn: the temperature of the oral cavity is not so high so that your teeth can withstand boiling water without consequences. Tea is best to drink warm, not hot. A sharp change of temperature harms tooth enamel. The same applies to those who like to drink strongly cooled drinks, especially with ice. Ice drinks "help" destroy enamel, which is then very slow and difficult to restore, which is why it is better to drink room temperature drinks. If we talk about such favorite drinks like coffee and wine - here it is generally worth paying special attention to our beloved teeth. Let's start with coffee. If you drink it, it is very important to clean my teeth after it or just rinse with the mouth with water. The perfect option is to nourish carrots or an apple. Remember: even one carrot / apple a day can save your teeth from destruction!

Now about your favorite glass of red wine ... The red wine is in the first place in the content of acids - even freshly squeezed orange juice by acidity comes after.

This does not mean that everyone needs to sharply go to the bread with water. I recommend drinking specially dangerous for teeth of liquid (wine, frosses, sweet sodes) through the tube to avoid contact with enamel.

Do not look for a reason for a smile - smile and transmit further.

Do not look for a reason for a smile - smile and transmit further.

Materials press services

As for food, I don't have to say, it's not worth saying that it is best to leave for 2-3 minutes and a road set to clean your favorite teeth (road small sets are sold everywhere, cost inexpensively, and fit into any ladies' handbag). I also love and you recommend you to buy a cleaning foam for teeth to care, which not only dissolves the dental flare, but also carefully whitches the enamel, and the taste and smell are pleased and give freshness.

There are also products that strengthen their teeth - ordinary radishes, bananas and raisins, and the best natural bleach is strawberry. Take note Recipe: 1 tbsp. A spoon with a slide bitter in a strawberry puree mixed with 1 tbsp. Spoon cream or milk. Use this delicious mixture instead of pasta. Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones in order to support the radiance of his Hollywood smile, often cleans the teeth of this particular bleach.

And another little advice: Do not forget to throw chewing gum in a handbag, but remember, it is not harmful directly immediately after eating, and not on an empty stomach and only for a few minutes!

And smile! Smile! Do not look for a reason for a smile - smile and transmit further.

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