How to distinguish unhealthy relations from affiliate and safe


The main marker of unhealthy relationships - if in a relationship you are not great. The feeling of discomfort, the desire to re-educate a partner, not passing the feeling of guilt and the expectation of changes suggests that something goes wrong.

If you feel that competition has arisen, it's bad. You no longer support each other, and our best is trying to prove your superiority. This game can be implicit. On the one hand, the partner calls you to develop, on the other - devalues ​​all your achievements. Looks like a closed circle. It is struggling male and women's start: the female part of the person passionately wants you to show the qualities of the getter, for example, we bought a house, while the male part cannot allow it to happen. So, you studied for a long time, worked a lot and finally buy it. Only now it turns out that it cannot live in it in it, since this discredits him as a man.

Strong bullless jealousy is not at all the indicator of great love, but speaks of an emotional unhealthy. Of course, if you caught it with a political one (or you), the scandal will be a natural continuation of the Misanessen. But if the jealous man does not need a reason at all, and he comes up with him in a flat place, it is worth thinking, with what internal objects he fights in his head and why he puts himself in a deliberately losing position. You can be jealous not only to potential competitors of the opposite sex, but also to friends, and to parents, and even to children, that is, to any objects of your attention. The jealous partner is committed to establishing control over your movements, as well as minimize your interaction with the outside world - the Completed Complex is rampant here, which took place long before the meeting with you.

It seems that you have nothing to talk about. The point is not at all that nothing happens in life, and certainly not that you did not read a single book. Simply evident emotional tension between you. Most likely, there is a particularly acute topic that takes all your thoughts, and talking about the trends in the global economy became simply inappropriate. Or you simply do not decide to talk to the partner everything that comes to mind, because that would not come to her, will be criticized or will be announced uninteresting. But you do not decide to discuss and this preferring to stay in the "thin world is better than good quarrel", even if your world has gained an anorexic look.

Another sign of unhealthy in a pair is the impossibility of dialogue between you. It is no longer going about your indecision and fears to lose partner. You openly declare a problem and even offer options for its decisions, but find yourself sent to your girlfriends or to a psychiatrist. The most harmless refusal of the dialogue may sound like "everything suits me" that in translation, unfortunately, means "sneezing, I wanted to do not suit you."

He convinces you in the wrong sense of the situation, and your reactions call inadequate. Do not hurry to write yourself into madmen, it is an old good "gaslight" - the type of psychological violence, the manipulation, which received its name from the film "Gas Light" of the same name. The partner systematically makes you feel stupid, helpless and unstable emotionally, although before meeting with him you were confident in the opposite. So he gets control over you. Total control is needed by a manipulator due to the basic distrust of the maternal figure. Such people are extremely vulnerable and defended by the attack. But this is not at all your problems. Even if you want to devote the lives of fighting someone else's psychopathology, keep in mind that you do suicidally.

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