5 coffee secrets


Increase attention

Yes, indeed, coffee increases attention, it allows you to concentrate and speeds up the reaction. But only in one case - if sugar is added in the drink. The combination of caffeine and glucose activates the necessary areas of the brain. For a short time you will just become a genius, just eat before that. On an empty stomach, this cocktail does not work.

The right effect gives only coffee with sugar

The right effect gives only coffee with sugar


Increased pressure

If the pressure fell, then coffee will really save. But at the same time, it can have a negative impact on the heart - cause a rapid pulse and tachycardia. Recipe This "disposable". The body quickly gets used to such stimulation and ceases to respond.

To that

To this "medicine" you quickly get used to


Strengthening immunity

Scientists argue that it is necessary to drink three cups of coffee to enhance immunity per day. Naturally, high quality. This reduces the risk of early mortality. Coffee strengthens the liver, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Better to buy coffee beans

Better to buy coffee beans


Medicine for headache

Recall your favorite Grandmothers "Citramon" - it helps from headaches, because it contains caffeine. Is there no one at hand? Just drink a cup of good coffee.

Cooking Drink - Ritual

Cooking Drink - Ritual



It is known that even one smell of ground coffee improves the mood, it will help you in a stressful situation. And the cup of this hot, invigorating drink will help you forget all troubles and sadness. Caffeine is one of the most common stimulants of the central nervous system, and it is she keeps us from depression.

Even the smell understands the mood

Even the smell understands the mood


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