Benefit and efficiency: what reagents reagents on the roads in other countries


Every winter, ice is the greatest threat on urban roads, however, reagents that often use to solve this problem may not be environmentally friendly and adversely affect not only tires, but also bring problems with a pet, because some connections are corrupting tender lapties . Negative reagents affect the appearance of the shoes, if the quality does not clean the boots after a walk. Today, they begin to fight more eco-friendly methods, which cannot but rejoice. But how to get rid of the land in other countries? We tried to find out.

Germany, Austria, Finland

In some European countries, it is difficult to meet chemicals on the roads today. The authorities are experimenting with natural materials, on the streets in German and Finnish cities you can often meet a stone crumb or sand. Of course, this method is one of the most eco-friendly, although it is expensive. The crumb cannot affect the amount of ice on the road, and all the grip becomes much better, and if we consider strict rules of the road in Europe, accidents happen extremely rarely. In the small towns of Austria, there are even special containers with gravel so that residents can scatter it in places where many ice formed during the night.

Europe in most cases chooses ecology

Europe in most cases chooses ecology



Scientist Torgiere Vaa, born in Sweden and looked at the problems of his fellow citizens, developed his own method of combating ice on the roads. Sands are mixed with hot water and spray on urban roads. The way it is impossible to be called a budget, because this requires a special technique, nevertheless the Swedish authorities are most often resorted to this method. Thanks to hot water, the sand is entrusted to the ice, making it rough. However, after each new snowfall has to repeat the procedure, which is not particularly profitable.

New Zealand

Another pretty expensive method is the use of calcium-magnesium acetate. The connection is completely environmentally friendly and does not cause much harm to the environment, there is only one problem - use acetate at temperatures below 7 degrees is simply meaningless. But there was a solution here: many drivers buy calcium chloride and spray it on their own near their home and especially dangerous areas when leaving. Safe and efficiently.

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