Recipes of diet New Year's dishes


Chicken, stuffed with pancakes

Kitchen: Russian

Category: Hot

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dish cleared on: 4 people (a)

You will need: Chicken 2-2.5 KGN Pancakes 10 Uzluk 1 Grazowkov 1 Step 70 Gyatits 2 Stsp Shampignon 200 Hood, Freshly Ground Black Pepper To Taste

Cooking method:


From the chicken you need to gently reach all the bones and meat, without damaging the skin and leaving only the wings and legs. Chicken fillet skip through a meat grinder.


Onions finely chop, rubbing the carrot on the shallow grater, mushrooms are finely chopped. All fry in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.


Vegetables with mushrooms to join with chicken minced meat, salt, pepper and drive egg. Mix. For each pancake you need to evenly distribute the stuffing. Grate cheese on a shallow grater and sprinkle to them mince.


Pancakes roll into the tube. Beat egg. Each dam fuse to the egg and start them chicken skin, covering the edge with toothpicks.


Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake a chicken for about an hour. Before feeding, do not forget to remove the toothpicks.

Stuffed squid

Recipes of diet New Year's dishes 44442_1

Stuffed squid


Kitchen: Mediterranean

Category: Hot

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Dish cleared on: 4 people (a)

You will need: Kushka Kalmar 4 Uzluk 3 Stscumpignons 200 Gray 100 Glime 1 Stuckrop 1 Bunch

Cooking method:


Rice (better oblong) to boil in salted water until ready.


Onions are finely nourish, champignons cut into small cubes. Fry mushrooms with onions on sunny oil. Mushrooms to connect with rice, mix.


Grind greens, add to the stuffing, mix. Square lemon juice.


If the squids were frozen, they need to defrost (better in the refrigerator), clean, if necessary. Boil in salted water no more than 3 minutes.


Squids are tightly soldered with a mushroom mixture and put into the form for baking, lubricated with vegetable oil.


Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake squid 15 minutes to ruddy crust.

New Year's love

Recipes of diet New Year's dishes 44442_2

New Year's love


Cuisine: Caucasian

Category: Hot

Cooking time: 1 hour

The dish is calculated on: 6 people (a)

You will need: beef mince 600 chicken minced 400 gel yeast dough 1 packclock 2 shtsyhino 1 Blender prunes 6 stem, pepper for tastewood spanks 6 pcs

Cooking method:


Speats need to soak for 30 minutes in water.


Onions finely chop. Mix two plastic species, add onions, drive the egg, salt, pepper and mix well.


On each skewer to ride in the monotonylivin. The minced meat tolere each monnalvinus so that it looks like a lully.


Dough roll out and cut into thin stripes. Each strip wrap the lully.


Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Lulle put on the baking sheet, add some water and bake to ruddy crust for about 50 minutes.

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