Petar Zekavitsa: "I dream of a house with a samovar and the Russian wife"


His life lifestyle seems to have several dimensions: a professional political scientist, not a person who does not work in a specialty, he decided to master the cinema from younth. Blood Serb, he became a Muscovite speaking without an accent. Another Petar Zekavitsa is a charming dad son and daughters to which his speech always returns, wherever she began. This artist is a philosopher, as he calls himself, also a little and mystic, like many people with the Balkans. We found Pethar in Belgrade, where he as director removes his film - Drama "Kraken". Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Petar, you turned out to be a difficult year ...

- Indeed, he was very saturated for me. At once, several long-awaited filmmakers, including "beyond the reality" Alexander Boguslavsky and Lenin Day of Sergey Dychkovsky. An important television projects for me also came to the screens that gave the opportunity to look at me on the other hand. I especially liked the ambiguous psychologist of Artem Character in the "Garden Ring" Alexey Smirnov. By the way, a brilliant director's work. Alexey is very, very talented, strong director. But most of all the events and impressions were personal. For me, the heavy stage of life in two cities ended: Paris and Moscow. Paris did not stand the strength check. I took a long vacation and spent all my free time with my children - Sofia and Zakhar.

- I understand that after the divorce you and the former spouse peacefully divided the responsibilities in the matter of raising and the lives of children.

- Completely right. We both do everything in our depends on their childhood and growing up with the smallest stress, despite the new model of existence. Their Mom Catherine is a sensitive teacher, philosopher, humorist, publisher of children's books. Children and I was very lucky. It expands their horizons, puts the love of good print editions. I took on the organization of sports and hobbies. Sonya is a wonderful swimmer, she has the first discharge. Zakhar is a born rustic estate (laughs) and already clearly, and most importantly - loudly removes the note "before" on the pipe. I often take them with me on shooting. My daughter really likes. True, she cannot tolerate rudeness or screams on the site. A couple of times she became a witness of screams and obscene branches of nervous directors. Since then, I have more accurately choose projects and people with whom I work.

In my career there were a lot of all - compromises, peripetia, formation and misunderstanding. I often did not understand the film processing process, in which the wrong motivation reigned: not a good result, but only quick money. But I was wondered cool: I had an interesting way - from a novice director-self-taught, the actors of various genres and formats to the artist's philosopher (smiles), as I love myself. I was fortunate enough to work with good directors, which I am very grateful for experience and trust. I learned to them a lot. This is Valery Ivanovich Uskov, Vladimir Basov, Andrei Malyukov and, unfortunately, the late Vasily Pichul.

Petar Zekavitsa:

"We are with the former spouse all of us depends that the growing of our children, Zakhar and Sony, passed with the smallest stress for them."

Photo: Danilo Miyatovich

"Petar, you look very organically in a psychedelic movie about the exhibition of the Russian avant-garde, removed for the Tretyakov Gallery. Apparently, you are not by chance that it was close to you ...

- Art takes most of my psyche. I am close as a classic and a modern form in which the artist's personality is particularly important. Attentively peering, listen, looking for a secret code, through which modern authors build their world. Actually, the Roller of the Treighteners was precisely about the understanding of art from the inside - or rather, by the chute. Video projects was timed to a new museum audio activity, the text for which famous Russian and foreign actors read. I like new and sometimes bold ideas, especially if it is made with taste and shares of healthy irony. We must grow self-criticism and sober assessment of what is happening and not forget about humor.

- By the way, you have repeatedly stated that you are a comedy actor and just wait for your starry hour in a circus, not on the big screens ...

- It's true! (Laughs.) But everything is not so simple. There is a big difference between humor as an external result of the action of a person and comedy as a display of its entity and the vicissitudes of fate. I will explain. Italian philosopher and playwright Luigi Pilandello described a certain thin line between humor and comedy. Of course, there are things that will definitely make us smile or gomerically laugh. But as soon as we get a little more information about the facility, which causes laughter in us, go to the comedy territory. Without human suffering, solarms, there are no yudoles and can not be comedy. Therefore, I close plots in which naked truth is present. They can be safely called "sad comedies" - a very accurate description, invented by George Dannelia for his film "Autumn Marathon". The Great Film, as well as the "Toy" of Francis Weber. Such material is very rare. I'm still growing and preparing.

- Now you seem not ready for me at all ready for comedy or humor. You do not smile too often?

- Oh, it's external, believe me! (Smiles.) I'm just focused. I am preparing my debut - a full meter under the working title "Kraken".

- Tell about him?

- This is a movie in three parts. Do not confuse trilogy. It just is intentionally divided by the author into three parts. This is a drama about a modern man. A man living in a new merciless world, in which the top of a common mind took momentary pictures, images, microets, global web and silicone processors. The hero is trying to get out of the labyrinth of the social exclusion and an atrophied society of superprovers. And he will have to become a monster in the literal and figurative sense - such a mythical kraken to free themselves from virtual chains ...

Petar Zekavitsa:

"Thanks to the father's service, our family led a nomadic lifestyle. We just found themselves in Moscow, when the war began in our native country, and remained"

Photo: Danilo Miyatovich

- Did you shoot the cinema here in Serbia?

- We shot him in Serbia, and in Germany, and in Russia. "Kraken" - in the process. Much work is still ahead, but part of the material we presented at Kinoryanka in the Romanian city of Alba. Our team received a prize on Pitching and the support of the producer Amber Orff - the daughter of the famous Kinovd Susan Orff.

"Are you perceived in Serbia as a Russian or still Serbian actor?"

- Most of my work was made in Russia. I needed elementary time on my native Belgrade. All trips were somehow connected with my family and obligations. For me, it was important that my children felt and saw their roots, absorbed part of Serbian culture, nature, traditions ... Together with them, I open a lot in Serbia for the first time. Last year, we visited the monastery of Manasia. We will visit Lazarev Canyon on New Year's holidays. I receive offers from local directors, and from my Russian colleagues. Because of his complex shooting schedule, I, unfortunately, could not get to the full meter "Balkan frontier" Andrei Volgin, who was filmed here. I am glad that more and more joint film projects appear. Our story has not one point of contact and goes deep in centuries. But this year I will still have time to play in Belgrade in the new season of the popular series. Shooting will begin in December and will last until March next year.

- As I understand, you are not from the creative family, right?

- Mom I have a translator from English, and dad is an economist engineer, a specialist in steel and alloys. Thanks to his service, our family led a nomadic lifestyle and just turned out to be in Moscow, when the war began in our native country. Therefore, parents decided to remain, despite the fact that everything was not so good with work. I was then thirteen years ...

- How was the fate of your family?

- My sister and I studied at the usual Moscow school. Rather, not quite usual: I was in a class with a chemical bias - and I did not understand anything resolutely. I needed almost thirty years to figure out what was talked about. And now I can say with confidence: Chemistry is a very cool thing. This is poetry ... After school, I strongly studied English and prepared entrance exams in the hope of getting into some foreign university. I then could not confess to my parents that I want to link my life with cinema. And began to study on the political scientist. At the very end of the globe - the city of Honolulu, in the Hawaiian Islands.

- Wow! How did you go there - in the capital of surfing and ukulele? ..

"Everything is very simple: everyone was afraid to do there (laughs), thought it was extremely frivolous." I passed on the points and even got a small scholarship. Unlike school at the university, I learned well and quickly advanced by the curriculum, which allowed me to do myself on cinema. Hawaiian Pacific University is a solid educational institution in which the theater faculty was. Theater has become the first platform for my further creative research. At first I was asked to a group as a free listener, then I began to participate in student productions on a par with everyone, and then I decided to remove my first short meter. I remember very well how I collected my first team. Mike Regan, a marketing student, became my operator-director. He was fond of photography and damn the camera well. To do this, we got the Soviet 16mm Krasnogorsk-3 film equipment. A student of theatrical director Kristof Colompar became our director's artist, and Hawaiian Princess Kaii Kapu Mahan Elizabeth Walters about Kahuuman - our main heroine.

Petar Zekavitsa:

"Gemini" fell in my eyes. This monstrous terrorist attack made an indelible impression on me. I moved from New York and fell into depression "

Photo: Danilo Miyatovich

- Did you get a real princess?

- Yes. Mahan Walters is an abbreviated name, she is a real Hawaiian princess from the last Camerech dynasty. She trusted usually and was delighted with the result. Mahan studied on theatrical, but also drawn well. As a result, she became an artist. The film was called "The Clown Always GOES HOME ALONE" - "Clown always returns home one." Inspiration for this work, the images of Comedy Del Artte became.

- Why not enrolled at the Directory Faculty?

- I tried. But I was young and several times did not pass the competition due to the lack of experience or strong portfolio. At the same time, I also wanted to play myself. This is where my solarms and tests began, which stretched for four long year.

- After graduating from the university, you chose New York for life. For many, this magic is to take youth in the capital of the world ...

- I was twenty-one, and I was not ready for this call. I then did not understand New York. It is like with chemistry. (Smiles.) It took a lot of time to realize how badly he is steep. In this city, I spent exactly a year: I settled to work as a waiter, walked through the castings, starred as an artist of mass scenes and I could boast that I stood next to Jennifer Consoreli in the movie "Mind Games". I even partly distinguish on the screen! (Laughs.) But the most important thing is in this city I met my future friends and companions: director Sushan Seclocking, Swiss Serbian roots, and Bosnian Jack Dimich, now more than a successful American actor. At the end of the summer of 2001, Dimich asked me to help in the formulation of his graduation work. He then ended the Theater Institute Lee Strasberg and prepared Richard III Shakespeare. I suggested that he had a little change, move the action to the streets of the modern city and remove a full-fledged short meter. It was a worthy job, which Jack and I still pride. But soon after that, the tragic September events followed, which greatly influenced my internal equilibrium. "Gemini" fell in my eyes. I did not understand what to do, where to go and what would happen next. This monstrous terrorist attack made an indelible impression on me: a new anxious beginning broke into the world. I moved to Moscow and fell into prolonged depression.

- Nevertheless, in Moscow, you began to master the television field: as a producer did a musical and entertainment show "Solhesha La Fan" and even were the leading several issues.

- All this happened not immediately. At first there were a movie. My "godp" director Alexander Belanov helped me make the film "Allen's rule." It was a short meter in the style of mokumentari, in fact, my first work in Russia. She received a prize of the audience sympathies of the festival "No Barriers" in 2003. And then work on television has already begun. Funny was this project - "Fair Fan". The game of words. We lived in live fans of domestic music stars. All this was a little touch. Practically straight morning esters. Single forerunner of the Internet channel or podcast. But then television only counted on SMS and live calls.

- And today you offer the role of the lead?

- I was called in a kind of information releases, where questions are raised on the evil day. But my policy does not attract at all. Yes, I would gladly become a TV presenter, but not in household themes. Programs about culture, travel or children's programs are something that could be interesting.

- Choosing material for work, are you prone to compromise?

- There was a stage when I had to go to them. When the family appeared, the first child was born, I agreed to the most different work: I was a translator of foreign ribbons, I prepared them to sound, plus adapts to foreign TV shows for our television, took off as a comedian comedian film co-producer ... Interesting experience, by the way. Not sure if I want to repeat it. (Smiles.) After a couple of years, everything shines everything a little, and I again completely dedicated my time to the acting game, gaining experience and strength.

- Who do you call yourself today?

- artist philosopher. (Laughs.) I returned, from where he started. I am a student.

- Exactly philosopher! Tell me, what work will you please us soon?

- Oh, next year there will be many good prime ministers. So much that I will have time to get bored! "Mistress of the hotel", "Russian slides", "one hundred times married", "Live mine", "vocal-criminal ensemble", "Ebigeyl" ... "Kraken" again.

- With this schedule, is there time for a personal life?

- There is. Almost all your free time I dedicate my children - we are engaged in sports, traveling. Walk, fool fool. Cook together…

- Love to culinary?

- I love very much and I can! If I were not a director with the chambers of the actor (laughs), I would open my own restaurant.

- What do you usually cook?

- I cook everything. With the exception of complex baking. And, perhaps, offal and liver. I do not use them yourself, and not cook. I love to delight your relatives and loved ones, especially your children, of course. I love to combine dishes that can be built in fifteen minutes, with disadvantages that need to be tomorrow in the pots in the furnace or oven. I like to collect large companies and arrange the holidays of life. Then I post on the full program. Unfortunately, the last year did not have time to rest and the holiday.

Petar Zekavitsa:

"In Russia, I grew up, gave birth to my first long-awaited children, put an apple tree. I dream of my house with mezzanine, samovar, dogs. And about the Russian spouse!"

Photo: Danilo Miyatovich

- The best holiday for you is the sea?

- Every summer, parents sent us with her sister to Croatia to our grandmother, so I practically grew up at sea. True, I do not carry a bad heat, great humidity, so the coast rests early in summer or early autumn. And then less people. I do not like large clusters of the people in general and on the beach in particular. But my biggest love is the mountains! I ride a good skiing. In the youth was a member of a professional youth team and many of the sports had been interested in this sport. Moreover, put on skis. Sometimes I enter the role of the coach. (Smiles.) But it works: Believe me, two lessons with me - and you will find confidence! I also want to visit Sakhalin. I have a close friend there, with whom we studied in Honolulu, Sasha Doroshenko. It would be nice to meet him, watch his island, and then go to Hawaii, stand on the crest of the wave ...

- You are also surfer!

- Sasha and I have mastered all the water sports - from fredising to diving into the coastal volcanic canals from Lava! (Laughs.) I want to go to Honolulu and show this island beloved.

"You didn't say who she was ..."

- And I will not say! (Laughs.) The fact is that we honor each other's privacy. I can only say that my favorite works in the field of art. This is an extraordinary person who does not cease to surprise me with his worldview and wisdom.

- She is an actress?

- No, she is a modern artist. Also ballerina. Linguist. Osteopath and musical producer. "Voroshilov Sharpshooter". Architect.

- Petar, are you sure that you talk about a person from our planet? ..

"Now, after your question, I'm not sure." (Laughs.)

- Tell me, did you find your home in Russia?

- In Russia, I grew up. I gave birth to my first and long-awaited children. I planted an apple tree. True, not on its site, and it wants to fix it. Most of me - here. I dream of your home with a samovar, mezzanine, dogs: bug, ball and cheattle. Russian wife! (Laughs.)

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