Daniel Radcliffe: "Marriage is a huge stress, but I will soon shine"


Daniela Radcliffe can not be called a typical child-actor. It does not freeze in nightclubs, does not change passions like gloves and generally behaves like an approximate English young man. And most importantly, it is not looking for a new franchise, in which you can dug your teeth and upright millions of more than ten years from it. Instead, he is without tired of trying to prove to everyone that is capable of greater, playing absolutely non-format roles. But in reality, could the boy who survived?

- When the cameras are included, many actors say they cover their panic. Dan, do you, too?

- Nothing like this! I understand, adrenaline rides when you need to jump out the window, but with ordinary scenes something to panic? In the end, if the first time it does not work, you can always remove a double. It's just a job, and it is necessary to relate to it.

- It seems that I read in an interview, as if you felt at certain points on the set. Is it really useful?

"I think I could say that about my first listening to the role of Harry Potter." I do not know how it can be useful. Although I did not consider myself a child-actor who is allowed to be replayed due to lack of experience or too admire what is happening, as well as to numbness. You just enjoy what you took on the role, and this child's immediacy can be visible on the camera. And not why. (Laughs.) I don't really understand how this is to heal. Here my parents are fond of meditation, but it would be strange to stand in one pose and look for some inside-Renny rest. You rest here, and life goes!

Daniel Radcliffe glorified thanks to the films about Harry Potter

Daniel Radcliffe glorified thanks to the films about Harry Potter

- And in the theater you are the same?

- Oh, there is quite another thing. Adrenaline Pile! Just go on the stage, knowing that millions of eyes will watch you, it's scary. At some point from fear, you can forget how to move your feet. I remember, it happened to me during the dance at Oscare. As a result, he simply said to himself: "You rehearsed. You know how to do it, "and calmed down. Only on stage you can experience spontaneous emotions, and this theater is valuable for me. You do not have a second chance here. Actually, the last thing I say to myself before going to bed: "Damn, well, why am I doing it? It's scary! " And then you just go to the layout, and everything starts to somehow turn out, and the excitement goes away by itself.

- What do you think so the power of the Spirit and calm is important in the acting craft?

- Honestly, I do not know. Everyone do their job in different ways. In my case, much more important turned out to be on the shooting honest and open. It seems to me that the rest is just a consequence. After twenty years, I realized that calm is a very good condition, not for work, of course, but in general for life. But for this I had to spread with alcohol, even twice. Nevertheless, they get used to him very quickly, especially when you do not want to meet with your emotions, but you dream just forget. I excluded the drink from life, and in my head immediately sounded: "So, now you will have to really ask yourself uncomfortable questions and answer them ... Who am I actually? Who wants to be? " And it seems, I still began to approach the answers. While I did not find them, but I feel that my energy does not break in attempts to be who I am not.

- You have become more trusting, completely getting rid of this dependence?

- I think, yes, although, honestly, I have never had problems with confidence. I always lived by instincts. And now, when I'm almost thirty, I better realize what I want, and what I don't exactly do. Probably, it only comes with age. In his youth, throws it there, then here.

- Yes, you were decent, who you just didn't play! From the poet of Allen Ginzberg to a guy who unexpectedly began to grow horns, and even a lively corpse was in your filmography ... Do not regret some roles?

- If you regret, then you can return to the past and change everything. And if you can't, then why make yourself notify yourself? Yet logical. If I starred in some movie, then some lesson came from this. I certainly did not have a waste of time. So I would not want to change anything. Of course, what to smear, some roles I chose, because I was hoping for awards, but we passed the years - and I can soberly appreciate what happened. Yes, I was not given a prize, but I played well. There is no need to be ashamed. In general, many artists seek to differ their roles, but they have more restrictions than me, even though I was called before the actor of one role. Here the floor is given, for example, with whom I starred in the picture "Man - the Swiss Knife", knows how to choose completely different characters, he does not have it at all as such an amplua. Many people envy him. It is very good when you can vary your work, and not get stuck in one way. Here, for example, I would like to play in some huge film-catastrophe. I hope there will be a chance. Probably, I am in a good position now: Financial independence gives me the opportunity to do what I really like. What is the funniest, in real life I am a slave habits, to marry in Routine for me - the usual thing. Well, though, there is a work, but I would have lying all my life on the sofa.

Daniel Radcliffe:

In 2007, Daniel Radcliffe debuted on the theater scene in the play "Horse", where he played naked

- Is not surprising that you became famous at such a young age, but did not change the glory?

- I am constantly talking to me. Journalists are confident that the boy spoard popular and money will be released. (Laughs.) And here with such absolutely the same expectations I come across the last twenty years. I seem to be a real bastard, but I'm not like that.

- And at the same time everyone knows you. You became a megazvera precisely thanks to this role.

- Yes, and, on the one hand, it is strange, but on the other - completely familiar. The most stunning was when people approached me on the street or in the store. And I was so nice to their attention! When I go somewhere with my girlfriend or with friends and this happens, it becomes awkward, but I do not. Funny, yes? In addition, this is a second thing - a man came up to you, shook his hand, made Selfie and went further satisfied. Let others call my life strange, and everything suits me. Either I'm just used. (Laughs.)

- And the parents did they react to the fact that you would play in Harry Potter?

- Then it was about six films that will be filmed in Los Angeles. As soon as Mom and Dad heard about it, they immediately said: "No, it's too." I did not even report anything. Three months did not hear anything, and then the producers appeared again, but with another sentence: two films and shooting in England. Parents allowed to resemble samples. And everything is spinning.

- After "Harry Potter" your popularity of dull?

"Yes, I barely managed to express priorities in your acting life, I understood that Potteriana is not forever." And so I did not want to think that this is the best, for which I was capable. Perhaps this will not happen again, but I decided that it was necessary to rejoice that it was generally in my life. In the end, they could choose any boy, and took me.

Daniel Radcliffe in the film

Daniel Radcliffe in the film "Woman in Black"

- More such large-scale franchises do not want?

- Not sure. Some of my friends dream about it. Like, after the franchise, they will finally be able to play what they want. Well, I'm after the franchise, and what? In general, we, actors, incomprehensible people. For example, when my girl is listening to listening, she does not think about the project itself. Just experiences fate. And ninety-nine percent of artists come in the same way. So I'm in an extremely favorable position: I can easily refuse the project without any listening, if I do not like the idea. Also with franchises: if the idea is cool - I agree.

- In the "illusion of deception-2" you play a rich spoiled guy, the present, as you put it, the bastard. Did you like it?

- Madly! I wanted to finally show that I can be different that I have, damn, there is a sense of humor. I wanted to play all the hundred, and not to dangle between the three poles under the names "you are a goat", "you will all fall" and "you don't deserve it."

- Then I have no doubt that you are a good guy. We will have, apparently, take it on faith.

- And it is very nice to hear. I never knew how to react to compliments, but still I am very flattering. To be honest, the actors in real life must simply show that they are also people, but many can not cope with it. Star disease is not a fairy tale. According to youth, I was considered inaccurative, loud and generally unbearable. Spain from me fragile things before interview. Yes, I'm awkward, but you see that the Vaz must and unharmed, and the glasses did not beat. (Laughs.)

- How did you get preserved your human qualities in the acting world?

- It is hard to say. Probably influenced the fact that I began to starve in London, but only then got into, as it was considered, spoiled Los Angeles. But I perfectly seen what reputation most of the stars has, and I did not want this similar. And besides, I knew that for any feeder would immediately get from my parents.

- Critics wrote that your last film is "a dangerous task" - reminded them of "buried alive" and similar projects, where the hero is in isolation and speaks with everyone by phone. How do you feel about what pictures are compared with others?

- In essence, in the cinema it is difficult to come up with something new, so I normally perceive comparisons. The main thing is different - did I like to act in this movie? Am I satisfied with the result? I never review the pictures in which he played, so the impression of work and the premiere.

In film

In the film "Man - Swiss Knife" Daniel Radcliffe Played Cover

- With a partner in the film, actress Grace Gammer, you have almost no joint scenes. How did it happen to show the plausible relationship?

"We rehearsed a couple of days for a couple of days, tried to build the story of the character of the characters. And everything in the end it turned out, because Grace is a magnificent actress. Without exaggeration. We were lucky that we thought of her in one direction and were open to each other.

- Which of your films do you consider undervalued by the public or critics?

- Probably, is it "friendship and no sex?". The trailer showed that this is a light and funny romantic comedy, although the project was not at all about it. But marketers, apparently, decided that so the cinemas would come more people. It is clear that the paintings like "Man - the Swiss Knife" few people look, it is an extremely specific movie, but I was hoping that "friendship ..." will still appreciate more people.

- What directions would you like to work with?

- Oh, I have a whole sheet of desires! In it, the Cohen Brothers, Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Martin McDona. As for Tarantino, I have no idea who I could play, but I immediately know, it would be damn cool! The main thing is not to read in the scenario "And then he breaks it with a naked hand to them." (Laugh.) With my appearance it will be a bomb!

- Why don't you use social networks?

- My girl Erin has Twitter. A couple of days ago she interpreted something political, and I would not get a break down in her phone: everything argue, some network wars are solar. I think if I started the account, I would also begin to fight. (Laughs.) Therefore, hold, in the world and so much hatred. Why do it have to multiply.

- In general, you would have to give up the acting profession? Do not play anywhere at all - not in the cinema, nor in the theater?

- I think no. How can you abandon work that brings pleasure? Then it is necessary to find something no less cool first.

- There is a feeling that you are preserved at work, because you are moving constantly.

- No, it does not depend on me at all. Sometimes after the end of the film, you are immediately named in another, but it happens more often: there is a pause per month or even three - and it is necessary to fill something. When you act an actor, you need to get used to that everyone is so unstable. You do not control anything. I promised Erin to bring it at last on vacation, this year I have never been resting normally. And everything does not work. Already tired of bringing it. I think I'll just take it, as they say, ran down - and we will go somewhere together and finally switch. In the end, in a couple of weeks, nothing will happen. I am not a nuclear button control. (Laughs.) It is clear that I have a work that I love all the soul, but I love and Erin - have to make compromises. In general, all this story I wanted to reduce what, yes, I am a workaholic and I like when I am busy in projects, but in the last year I am learning to rest. It turns out that I did not know that before.

Daniel Radcliffe with his girlfriend Erin Dark

Daniel Radcliffe with his girlfriend Erin Dark

Photo: Legion-Media

- Here you are right, this can be learned. Although at first it seems strange how you can be comfortable if you do nothing.

- That's, I began to make myself a small weekend - one day in the week. At first, I still wanted to grab about some scenario from the stack, read, take notes, but I stopped myself. Recognized that this is not in vain time, and time alone with it, the ability to think. And it began to get. Now the main thing is not to abuse. (Laughs.)

- What are you doing in your free days?

- I read a lot. I tried to watch movies, but did not go. Absolutely not relaxing. If the picture is good, I immediately begin to envy the actors that play there. And if bad, just turn off the TV. With books a completely different story. So I recently presented "Dark Money" Jane Mayer. The thing is gorgeous! If you have not read it, I advise you to quickly do it. You will not regret. When I opened it, I first thought that there would be a dry journalistic story, but began to read - and I captured me from the first pages.

- Now in the press, all the talk about what you made a proposal to your girlfriend Erin Dark. It's true?

- We together for almost five years and have long been talking about the wedding. I already bought the ring, but I will not talk anything else. I remember, three years ago there were rumors about our engagement, but Father Erin was denied. I do not want to risk more. There is a marriage something fantastic ... Of course, it is stress, but I think it will shine soon. (Winks.)

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