Erase 10 years from face: how to remove wrinkles using adhesive tape


What only the methods of rejuvenation does not offer a modern beauty industry. Pricks of beauty, hardware cosmetology, not to mention operating methods - this is not a complete list of what girls go for the sake of obtaining long-awaited reflection in the mirror. However, recently cosmetologists are increasingly inclined to look in the direction of techniques that minimally affect human health. One of these directions is kinesiotapproving. Many know this method as an excellent means to eliminate pain in injuries, stretching, to improve the work of the joints and as muscular support. However, specialists in the field of beauty cut down that the tapes can also be used to eliminate wrinkles, and to achieve the lifting effect on the face.

Aesthetic kinesiotapprovision is a new way of fast rejuvenation. Special elastic ribbons are pasted on the skin in a certain way, and the result, according to experts, can already be visible in 4-6 hours.

How it works?

As a beautician-aestheticist and a specialist in natural methods of rejuvenation of Olga Enko explained to us, Teypa work through the increase in blood circulation and accelerating lymphotocks. They return muscles into their initial Nimotonus. Thus, the process of natural rejuvenation is underway: the swelling goes, smoothed wrinkles, tissue tightened, as a result, a healthy complexion appears!

In principle, the use of adhesive tapes is quite logical. For example, you have horizontal wrinkles and ptosis. And now imagine that you do the following: put your fingers on the middle of our forehead and raise your hands a little up, while tightening the skin and fabric under the skin (muscles, fascia). Look, how the wrinkles go and how the upper eyelids are revealed. And what if you do this 6-8 hours every day during the month? The muscles will obviously remember the new position! Of course, in life, it is impossible to perform such an experiment, therefore, and the method of aesthetic tipping is invented.

Where to acquire?

Kinesiotapes now buy easy, they are in fairly wide access. For example, you can buy in the Internet Magazine, there is also a pharmacy and sports stores. But it is very important to choose kinesiotapes that are suitable for working with delicate skin.

Teyps are especially relevant to wear at home during self-insulation

Teyps are especially relevant to wear at home during self-insulation

Press service materials

How to choose the right tapes?

First, the material from which the kinesiotape is made is very important. An ideal for working with a person can be called Teyp, which consists of 100% cotton (Cotton).

"Do not acquire a kinesotape, which contains spandex (SPANDEX), such a teype is suitable for the body, but not to work with the face, since Spandex is added for increased elasticity," says a cosmetologist Olga Enko.

Secondly, the elasticity of the kinesiotape is important. Values ​​such as 130-140% elasticity are equal to the elasticity of healthy human skin. But if you see an indicator of 180-190% - it is suitable only for working with the body.

Kinesiotape is manufactured for different purposes. For example, for sensitive skin - with a marked sensitive (sensitive) or a sign of TUV quality (German certification). Such a teype can be safely glued on the gentle skin of the face.

You can also meet the kinesiotapes with the mark Classic, Basic or Sport - They are for working with the body. In addition, the mark "Sport" speaks of increased fixation that it is not necessary for working with a person. This can cause an allergic reaction to the skin, since glue with increased adhesion (clutch) is used here. For sports activities, such a teype is wonderful, as the skin turgor is denser and the muscular activity is different, but during work with the face, he can also cause a chemical burn.

If we talk about manufacturers, it is best to take TAYPA issued in Japan, South Korea and Europe. Well, the dimensions of the teip are recommended to take a standard width of 5 cm. Roll length does not have a value, and a similar width is economically appropriate. But the Teip's color is not important at all. The main thing is to choose the color that I like, inspires or maybe relaxes. You can always buy a roll of neutral beige color.

Is it possible to replace the kinesiotapes with alternative handicrafts?

According to the specialist, no home analogue will be able to perform a hundred percent task: "The fact is that it is a special tape that does not shine the movement of the muscles, so it is impossible to replace it. But temporarily can use elastic ribbon on the forehead and chin. By the way, here you can remember Elina Bystritsky and its secrets of beauty. And also a button or coin, which was put on the interburist space to form the muscle habit of not frowning or not surprised. "

How to apply teaps yourself?

Experts recommend to impose teyps after all in specialized institutions with cosmetologists. Because overlay options are dozens, and nuances - hundreds. But if you still decide to do it yourself, here are some ways to stick ribbons at home. For this you need a kinesiotape and scissors.

Apply ribbons better with a specialist

Apply ribbons better with a specialist

Press service materials

To eliminate nasolabial folds

1. It is necessary to measure the length from the lower point of the nasal wrinkle to the so-called interbural zone (the point between the eyebrows), cut off the desired piece of teip.

2. Five periant meter ribbon is cut along three identical strips.

3. Stick carefully strip from the inter-block point, leading a teype on the edge of the nose - so that he would cover the wrinkle. When you start to fix part of the tape at the top point, raise your eyebrows. But the rest is glued, already when the face is relaxed.

To eliminate wrinkles on the forehead

1. Measure the desired Tape length, based on the size of the forehead: from the eyebrow line to the hair growth line, retreating 0.5 cm hair edge.

2. Next, cut the teype with a width of 5 cm along the 4 strips of 1.25 cm.

3. Open 1 cm of paper, free the whole teyp.

4. Condet one edge at the hair growth line. One site that we glued is called "anchor". Hold your fingers anchor.

5. Enclosing TEYP to the eyebrow line, without tension.

6. Make the Activation of Teipa, in progress.

7. Repeat the application in this way, distributing the tees throughout the forehead.

Tipping for raising cheek

In this case, the teype does not need to be cut.

1. Measure the desired length from the wing of the nose to the ear. Cut off.

2. Tape wide in five centimeters needs to be pasted on the wing of the nose, then mentally spend the line to the top of the ear along the cheekbone. On it and paste TEYP. The tape should also close the nasolabial fold.

Tapes are applied without tension, while during the process of the lips it is necessary to take to the opposite side of the attachment.

Wear 6-8-7 hours. Longer - does not mean more efficiently. Shoot neatly in reverse order of application. As for the frequency of the procedure, then one of the possible schemes: 5 days in a row to apply Teyps, two days is given to rest. Then repeat. The course lasts a month. As for the time of day, experts advise the use of tees during the day, if you work with facial wrinkles. In order to pull the oval faces, it is better to glue the ribbons for the night.

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