Keira Knightley: "In my life, the Russian period has come"


The painting on the novel of Tolstoy became the third joint project of the actress Kira Knightley and director Joe Wright after the films "Atonement" and "Pride and Prejudice". Therefore, Joe did not even make Keira sample, perfectly knowing her potential in costume dramas. It was more difficult with the performers of the roles of her husband Anna, Alexey Karenina, and Count Vronsky.

Jude Lo still refuses to tell how he was gaining in the image of her husband Anna Alexei Karenina.

Jude Lo still refuses to tell how he was gaining in the image of her husband Anna Alexei Karenina.

From the initial candidates - James McEvoy ("People of X. First Class") and Robert Pattinson ("Twilight") - I had to refuse because of their employment on other ribbons. And the honor to play in the classic fell out Jude Lo and Aaron Johnson ("Become John Lennon"). However, if they still keep silence regarding entry into the image, then Kira willingly shares their impressions.

"The first time I read the novel of Tolstoy in adolescence, and then I remember only the story of love," the actress admits. "And then unexpectedly re-read the past in the summer and thought: wow, but Tolstoy it sometimes hates. It is not always clear - she is a heroine or antiheroine. In general, I looked at her completely different eyes. " However, if the Knightley book has not broke up with the book, the previous shields categorically refuse to watch. "For quite a long time I saw a couple of Roman Cinemasters: one on TV, where Anna played Helen McCurry. Well, of course, the famous Greta Great, - recalls Kira. "But I didn't want to revise them or watch other films to accidentally not copy the game of other actresses." I want my idea about the cannon to be only mine, and not dismissed by someone. " Also, the star reported that he studied several books on the history of Russia of the late XIX century. But it admitted that the Russian language did not learn and do not even plan to speak with the Russian accent: "Why cavity language? If you want reliability, then you need to talk not with an emphasis, but in Russian, "Knightley is sure. "But this is the Anglo-tongue film, so we decided to speak right English."

The filming of the film is carried out mainly in the UK, but several scenes were shot in the Kizhi (Karelia).

The filming of the film is carried out mainly in the UK, but several scenes were shot in the Kizhi (Karelia).

At the same time, the Russian focus Actress is still familiar: in his last, at the moment, the film "Dangerous Method" Kira played Sabina Spielrein - a Russian patient, which is associated with complex relationships with the founders of psychoanalysis Karl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud. "In Russia, I have not yet been. But it so happened that two films in a row I play Russian heroines. Apparently, the Russian period came in my life, "Knightley is joking.

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