No, no eyes: The most attractive men's parts of the body according to women


It is believed that only men love their eyes, in a hurry to dispel this "ancient" myth: women turn to the appearance of a man no less attention than the representatives of a strong sex. Today we decided to figure out which parts of the body attract cute ladies most. Men on the note.

Worked muscles hands and shoulders

It is this area on the body of a man most often turns out to be in sight of both women and other men, especially in the warm season, and therefore hands and neck most often become a "point of attraction" for weak gender. "Soft" and, God forbid, with a dense fat armor, hands can not attract any woman, and therefore a man is important to pay attention not so much press as the top of the body, women will definitely not miss a person who follows themselves.


Men may surprise this item, but approximately half of the surveyed women prefer partners with a brightly defined terrain of the buttock zone. Just as in the case of a female fifth point, men will not prevent the exercise to the lower part of the body to their fitness complex, not only on the buttocks, but also to their feet.

Detach the time to work all areas

Detach the time to work all areas



At the subconscious level, a woman is looking for a person who can protect it, and therefore the wide and leased spin on the weak gender is associated with a strong and endless partner. Of course, the embossed spin is not in the first place in the list of preferences of a woman, however, in the fitness center it is desirable to pay attention to the attention and this part of the body, who knows, maybe your future companion will attract exactly your rear view.


Probably, the neck muscles to pump up the most difficult, however, according to fitness coaches, it is not at all. With a competent plan of training compiled with an instructor, it is possible to achieve just incredible results. Moreover, women do not matter how strong your neck muscles will be, the main thing is its clear contour without checked skin and declarations.

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