I want to keep silent: why a woman is so hard to talk about her desires in bed


In everyday life, it is quite simple to declare that we want, but as soon as it comes to sex, confidence instantly evaporates. And, as a rule, we are talking about women who are the harder to share experiences with a partner.

It is important to understand that a man cannot read your thoughts, which means it is difficult for him to guess what you like and what is not. In addition, a woman needs much more time to tune in to a sexy wave, in contrast to men who have this process somewhat easier. We decided to figure out why it is so difficult for us to talk about our desires in bed so that we are heard and understood.

Talk to frankly

Talk to frankly

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

It seems to us that the desires of a man are more important

The overwhelming number of women believes that the man is presented in sex, and their needs and desires move away. Of course, it is important to understand how to satisfy the partner, but you are the same member of the process, like a man, so listen to yourself and be sure to write it a man. Forget about yourself exactly not worth it.

Do not be afraid to offend a man

Do not be afraid to offend a man

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Woman is afraid that the partner may be offended and close in itself

You do not need to sit at the table, turn on the lamp and shine to her man with the phrase: "We must discuss our relationship in bed" - so you really scare the partner.

But it is necessary to talk about it, especially if you experience serious discomfort in sex. You can start the conversation so: "I really like sex with you, however there are things that you need to discuss ..." "Agree, such an entry disposes to conversation, and there is definitely no reason for the resentment.

and woman and man have the same rights in sex

and woman and man have the same rights in sex

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Woman afraid of condemnation from a man

For any person, fear of being rejected is one of the main. When a woman begins to think about his sexual problems, she is hard to get rid of the stereotype, that the weak sex can in principle talk about sex, because the man will decide everything. Not all. Your partner is not a telepath and can not understand that you, for example, are not the most pleasant feelings from oral sex, but continue to do it, because "everyone is doing." Believe me, a man who is all right with self-esteem, will never raise you on laughter or ignore your requests. You just need to say directly - what you like, and what is not. Everything is not so difficult.

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