11 questions about Beauty Tatyana Kotoy


1. You are always in great shape. Do you have special secrets?

The most important secret is an active lifestyle, good mood! In addition, two or three times a week I am a fitness with a coach and a lot of dancing: on stage, at rehearsals, at home ... everywhere!

2. Sit on diets? Just honestly!

The word "diet" I do not like. Here, rather, the question is in balanced nutrition. I eat five or six times a day in small portions, follow the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet, drink plenty of water. This does not mean that I forbid my desserts. From time to time I can afford to eat a piece of cake, and sometimes Cotato fries from McDonalds. The main thing is to know the measure in everything! After all, if you prohibit myself little joy, it will become unbearable to live (smiles).

3. You are a busy person. How to relax?

I spend time with friends, I love to cook and gathering close to one big table. I love to read and travel, watch good films in an embrace with your loved one and walk with a player.

4. How do you care for the face?

One of my main rules in the care of the face of the face is to always wash off the makeup before bedtime. Therefore, as if I am not tired - I do not sleep with cosmetics. For washing, we usually choose a foam or hydrogel for delicate care. Sometimes I remove the cosmetics with tonic to not injure the skin once again.

11 questions about Beauty Tatyana Kotoy 12825_1

"One of my main rules in skin care is always to wash off the makeup before bedtime," Kotova admits

5. Do you have any "homemade" beauty recipes?

I usually buy funds for verified firms and not very fond of all sorts of folk remedies. For example, for hair care we use masks and vegetable-based complexes that are easy to do at home. Very like argan oil and means based on it. We apply on the tips of the hair - and get a moisturized hair and a pleasant aroma.

6. Can you afford to get out of the house without a drop of makeup?

Easily! Moreover, if there are no filming or concerts, just do it (smiles). I give the skin the opportunity to relax, arrange a "unloading day". Maximum - I can use lip gloss and mascara.

7. What are you always carrying from cosmetics?

Lipstick, lip balm, blush, crumbly powder with glitter, eye shadow and eyebrows, mascara.

8. Your favorites in decorative cosmetics?

I love lipstick! I choose bright colors, lipstick berry shades - I think that the lips should be juicy. I love to use lip balms - preference preferences to therapeutic. I adore Cailyn tints, in my purse, a whole arsenal of this cosmetics! For example, the same lipstick of matte texture of juicy shades, a flush of peach or pink, which perfectly refresh the complexion. Highlight Charlote Tilbiry is an indispensable thing when I'm going to the evening event, the face acquires freshness thanks to her. I can also select the Make Up for Ever brand. They have a wonderful palette of chocolate shades shadows - for me it is an eye shadow and eyebrows, and sometimes I use them as a liner. As for the carcass, here I prefer Charlote Tilbiry. She makes my eyelashes and long, and fluffy.

Tatyana Kotova adores bright lipstick

Tatyana Kotova adores bright lipstick

9. What spirits do you like?

I can not say that I have the only favorite brand. It all depends on the reason, mood, the case, the time of year - and there is a lot from what else. Therefore, the houses constantly appear new flavors. I always choose only sweet.

10. Your most brave experiment with your appearance?

Two years ago painted hair in pink color. It turned out that on the eve of his birthday I gathered in the salon. I did not work out to sign up for my master, and I went to another. The result is very sad. After staining, the hair has become bright yellow, "chicken", color. I was horrified. But then I remembered that the house was a can of pink paint for hair and decided to try.

11. What is for you women's beauty?

First of all, the ability to present yourself. I am sure, the perfect proportions of the body, the correct features of the face are not of paramount importance. View, gait, grace, self-confidence - this is what real miracles do. And if in the eyes of the emptiness, even the appearance of the top model will cease to cause live interest in a few minutes after the start of communication.

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