Articles #261

What to do when romantic love die?

What to do when romantic love die?
From the letter readers Womanhit:"Hello Maria!My question is banal and trivial, probably. My relationship went to a dead end, stopped pleased me, and,...

What signs of the zodiac waiting for a career takeoff in August

What signs of the zodiac waiting for a career takeoff in August
AriesAlready at the beginning of August, you should prepare for the upcoming challenges. You will experiment in your work and even change the place of...

Fitness Cosmetic: Beauty Means for Sports

Fitness Cosmetic: Beauty Means for Sports
Proper cleansingWhen we are engaged in sports, the sebaceous glands are actively working: sweat is highlighted, and with it urinary acid and salt - natural...

Dmitry Sordun: "My team almost broke up because of a funny song"

Dmitry Sordun: "My team almost broke up because of a funny song"
"All past week we worked with the musicians in my studio over the new song, which perhaps it will be very soon heard by everyone!) Well, in any case, I...

She said "no": why men react violently to disclaimen sex

She said "no": why men react violently to disclaimen sex
Any refusal is always an unpleasant experience, especially when it comes to personal relationships. For a woman, the partner can strongly affect self-esteem...

Stories: "Beads from nautical raff"

Stories: "Beads from nautical raff"
Reference: Larisa Bratnikova is the author of two novels and many stories. Writes catchy, bright, bulk. Not noticed it does not remain: Larisa - the winner...

How to learn to deceive others

How to learn to deceive others
First you say that the girlfriend is beautiful in the dress that she does not go at all. Then do not tell her husband that they got a premium, dreaming...

5 diets, whose effectiveness is proved by science

5 diets, whose effectiveness is proved by science
Although many diet can be approached, the main thing you can find the one that you like and which you can adhere to the long run to fall into the visible...

Apple from the apple tree: how to defeat the children's jealousy

Apple from the apple tree: how to defeat the children's jealousy
Actress Anna Banschikova is engaged in raising two children: Mikhail, who will be six years old in June, and a four-year-old Alexander. The younger son...

Silent duet: why marriage disintegrate from the inability

Silent duet: why marriage disintegrate from the inability
Life is not only family holidays and ambitious plans, but still life, children, work, failure, fatigue, toxic people.This is the reality in which we live...

Selena Gomez told about the small sizes of the Bieber

Selena Gomez told about the small sizes of the Bieber
American actress Selena Gomez gave frank comments in which he told about his sex life with a former boyfriend and pop idol of teenagers Justin Biber. According...

Who am I: the emergence of difficulties in self-realization

Who am I: the emergence of difficulties in self-realization
Probably, each resident of the megapolis heard of the importance of self-realization, but not everyone understands what it lies. The word "self-realization"...

Young with "beauty atmosphere": positive results are already obvious

Young with "beauty atmosphere": positive results are already obvious
We continue to talk about the progress of the joint project of our magazine and Expert Clinics. Recall that under the leadership of Dr. Dorina Donich selected...

Sex vs. Alcohol: How to spoil sex

Sex vs. Alcohol: How to spoil sex
Probably, everyone has a story where sex and alcohol were closely intertwined. It is difficult to say how incompatible these two concepts are, because...

Daria Shashina: "If the doctors are not allowed to stay in the group - I leave the show business forever"

Daria Shashina: "If the doctors are not allowed to stay in the group - I leave the show business forever"
A few days ago, the Serebro group fans learned extremely unpleasant news. Information about the fact that the team may leave the beauty-blonde Daria Shashin....

Calendar of happy life: July 26, 2019

Calendar of happy life: July 26, 2019
Recommendations Alexander Litvinus will help correctly on Friday.Calendar in infographicsJuly 26, 2019Clothes color Dark green, khakiDrawing clothes You...