Young with "beauty atmosphere": positive results are already obvious


We continue to talk about the progress of the joint project of our magazine and Expert Clinics. Recall that under the leadership of Dr. Dorina Donich selected participants undergo a therapeutic course on a unique technique, allowing to restore the hormonal function of the body and slow down the aging process. Not so much time passed, and the positive results are already obvious.

Briefly about the method

SRD rejuvenating therapy (STEROID RECEPTOR DETOX) implies cleansing receptors to their own hormones. Over the years, these receptors are glued with various alien compounds and toxins, so hormones cease to work in full force, which leads to hormonal aging of the body.

To correct the work of receptors, a special preparation of plant origin is used, which is introduced as an intracutaneous sample (as a vaccine). Such injections reveal the sensitivity of receptors to those or other hormones and show which of the antibodies or toxins. In addition, injections activate the immune system, which begins to seek alien agents and quickly cleaned them. Injections are held once a month and adjust the sensitivity to their own sex hormones, which contributes to the gradual restoration of the hormonal function.

Exclusive consultation

Young with

Dr. Alexander Iceeczon and Head of Expert Clinics Dorin Donich met with the participants of the project "Young with" Beauty Atmosphere "

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

The next stage of SRD therapy coincided with the arrival of the professor at Moscow, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Yzekzone (Israel) - a famous specialist in the aging of the body and brain, as well as on reproductive medicine, endocrinology, immunology and allergology. For more than 20 years, it successfully applies the method of cleansing steroid receptors in Israel and helps women solve problems associated with hormonal violations and hormonal aging of the body.

To meet with a professor, all participants in the project gathered at Expert Clinics and shared their impressions about therapy. During the consultation, the doctor carefully listened to each of the patients, got acquainted with the results of their tests, assessed the dynamics of the change and made further recommendations for treatment. He also noted that all the ladies talked about certain improvements in health, energy, external form.

In the process of live communication, the doctor was asked a question that was interested in all participants passing the therapy SRD: Is it worth waiting for the restoration of the former monthly cycle? "This is possible, but I do not see the need to continue menstruation in women after 50 years

And older, "Dr. Itseczon replied," because many women no longer plan to be pregnant. It remains a purely psychological moment associated with the feeling that the monthly occurs - you are young. In reality, the restoration of normal functions of the body (including hormonal), maintaining the health of the woman, maintaining its external appeal is to maintain its outer attractiveness - with these tasks, therapy for cleansing receptors is cope with these tasks. If, after passing the full course, you have improved objective tests of tests, you have become better to feel, rushes tides, the quality of life has increased, more forces have appeared, then the goal has already been achieved! With the help of therapy, we reduce the impact on the body of many negative factors, whether smoking or accommodation in environmentally unfavorable areas, reduce the risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases. In addition, the optimal biological cycles of the body restore, and if they will be accompanied by menstruation, it already depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. "

Olga Kubanseva, 48 years

Olga Kubanseva

Olga Kubanseva

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions Olga:

- I recently worked very hard. Before the new year, we did a large television project, the shooting went in a mad pace, when you start at 8 in the morning, and you finish at two in the morning and spend almost all day on your feet. I was struck that, despite such a load, despite the informed atmosphere on the site, I was calm, balanced and almost not tired. I think this is the result of the therapy. In addition, I noticed that the skin on the face was better, it rose her tone, smoked the color. Without changes, pain in the right hip joint and the tendency of the right leg to swells. Among the positive shifts it is also worth named the gradual normalization of the monthly cycle.

Doctor's comment by Alexander Isekzone:

- We see a positive trend towards a decrease in the original symptoms, but still have something to work on. To maintain the dynamics of treatment, you need to continue drinking magnesium, selenium, zinc, coenzyme, probiotics, acetylcysteine, to spend some more TPT sessions (TRIGGER POINT THERAPY) with a special focus on the area of ​​disturbing hip joint. The drugs that are part of the injections will reduce inflammation and pain syndrome, improve microcirculation in tissues, will contribute to the removal of swelling. It is also worth passing a course of the minion for problem areas.

This procedure will beneficially affect local blood circulation and lymphotok. For additional support for the joints, it is necessary to use more animal proteins.

Tatyana Rakhmatullina, 52 years

Tatyana Rakhmatullina

Tatyana Rakhmatullina

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions Tatiana:

- I want to note a noticeable increase in the endurance of my body. I am now working on two works, and sometimes it is possible to sleep at no more than five hours. Previously, such a regime would be in a burden, and now he is relatively calm. After droppers and injections on acupuncture points, there was an unprecedented tide of energy and strength, I feel much more active - this is in my age! There is not even a trace characteristic of me winter lethargy and depression.

On the recommendation of Dorina Alekseevna, I continue to drink the drugs of magnesium, iron, probiotics, regularly make a fruit smoothie, in the morning I drink two or three glasses of water with the addition of lemon juice and a small amount of honey. The only thing I do not have time to do now because of the two works is to play sports, which I feel very sorry.

Separately, it is worth saying about changes in appearance: I obviously pulled the skin of the face! Before the start of therapy, the chin was so checked that in the mirror did not want to look at himself, and now the situation has improved. I would like to really lose weight.

Doctor's comment by Alexander Isekzone:

- I see that in the history of Tatiana there is a removal of appendix, and now among complaints there is a problem of irritable intestines. According to statistics, people with spent appendectomy conducted 20% more often disorders intestinal microflora and failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to help the body using healthy nutrition and regular reception of probiotics. It is also worth using freshly squeezed green juices, there are nuts and seeds, drink vitamins of group V.

Tatiana lives in Obninsk, where the world's first nuclear power plant is located; In addition, local ecology suffers from emissions of harmful substances. From here we see in the analyzes an excessive amount of heavy metals - lead, nickel, cadmium. To neutralize their influence, it is necessary to take magnesium, zinc and selenium preparations.

An autoimmune thyroiditis is another problem that was discovered during primary surveys and with which drum doses of Selena will help (200 μg per day at least half a year). Studies show that selenium is able to slow down autoimmune processes aimed at the thyroid gland.

Galina Chernavina, 54 years

Galina Chernavina

Galina Chernavina

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Galina's impressions:

- I still feel unpleasant symptoms of tides due to the abolition of substitution hormone therapy, and instead of ordinary phytoestrogens hormones make it possible only partially. It is especially concerned that I began to wake up from the tides in the middle of the night and noticed at an increased appetite in the evenings, which is uncharacteristic for me. As a result, evening snacks led to a set of kilograms.

But if we talk about overall health, then the energy is clearly added. Usually in the winter period, I become sluggish, but this time I feel cheerful and work a lot. Another positive aspect: I almost stopped sowing the back. I continue to drink iron, zinc, magnesium, omega-3 and -6 acid discharged me.

Doctor's comment by Alexander Isekzone:

- Galina has hyperstroynes, that is, an excess of female hormones of estrogen, so we cancel the reception of phytoestrogen. The fact is that even when attenuation of the ovarian function, the adipose tissue continues to produce female hormones, and in this case it makes it quite active. In addition, Gynecological anamnesis of Galina testifies to the overaffect of estrogen over the past years, the stormy reaction in the field of injection after the first SRD procedure says.

To combat tides, I advise you to apply non-correlative regulation methods, in particular, a few more TPT sessions with the introduction of biopitides, antioxidants, magnesium, vitamin B6 according to acupuncture points, only focus on the neck and abdomen area.

In order for the resulting weight, it is necessary to feed it in small portions, do not interfere with the proteins with carbohydrates. Also recommend LPG massage sessions. Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the influx of oxygen to the tissues, subcutaneous fat will be burned, the structure and relief of the skin will improve, swelling will take effect.

Alla Shishkova, 48 years

Alla Shishkova

Alla Shishkova

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions of Alla:

- If, after the first SRD procedure, I did not have any special reaction for almost a month, then the second session gave a fast and noticeable answer: the skin in the fields of injection blushed and started itching. Dorina Alekseevna says that this is a good sign, the process went. Recently, I naturally, without any violence on the body, reduced smoking from three packs a day to 14-17 cigarettes that I am very pleased. Passed nervousness, there was a calmer attitude towards everything that happened, well, in general, I feel good.

True, some time ago began to beat the heart and "twist" the intestines, "perhaps some discharged drugs ended, and I did not have to buy new ones. The skin still remains very dry. Apparently, there is not enough moisture from the inside. At the same time they began to grow nails and hair very quickly. A small focus of vitiligo on the shoulder has disappeared.

Doctor's comment by Alexander Isekzone:

- Vitiligo is a sign of immunodeficiency in the body, and the fact that we no longer observe the impairment of pigmentation, speaks of the restoration of the skin immunity. This is a very good sign. It is also gratifying to hear that it was possible to significantly reduce the number of repurchased cigarettes, but it is necessary to strive to give up tobacco at all. As for the heart, it began to root due to a break in magnesium taking, which is necessary in violations of heart rhythms and heart failure. I suggest continuing TPT sessions at intervals once a week and take two more droppers (every two weeks). To accelerate the detoxification of the body, it is advisable to be like a Turkish bath: wet steam will contribute to active sweating. It must be said that Hamam acts more mildly than a dry sauna or a Russian bath, so it is better suited for a terretous dystonia.

Comment by Dorina Donich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Special-Alista in the field of biodeparative and anti-aging medicine, doctor of the obstetrician-gynecologist, plastic surgeon, supervisor A Swiss Group, President of the Russian Association of Interdis Ciplinary Anti-aging medicine, Head Expert Clinics:

- First of all, I want to pay attention to how all our participants changed: they literally shine from the inside, they changed the quality of the skin, there was more energy, a positive attitude appeared. But we are only in the middle of the way.

Soon the individually selected compositions of the ingredients (as powdered) ordered from Germany will come to correct the orthomolecular status of the body, where they will include the necessary vitamins, microelements, amino acids, peptides, vegetable hoods, antioxidants. This is the optimal form of the drug, as it is more convenient to take more than 60 different components and is easier in the form of a powder than 10-15 tablets. In addition, together with the professor of the title, we adjusted further treatment for all participants in order to harmonize the endocrine function and we are now improvised both in well-being and in the guise of our ladies. And it's great that all this is lost and without receiving hormones.

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