How to find your way to success


Sweet word "success." How much time we think that someone is successful and in demand. How many of your own feelings and thoughts we invest in what it may mean for us. As you want to be successful and appreciate yourself. True, I also want others to also appreciate and, maybe noted that this is so. So, I think that success is a voluntary and personal business. Personal success is that everyone itself determines for itself. Therefore, it is important to determine for yourself what is your own success. Maybe this money, maybe this is a family, maybe these are professional achievements or children, many children ... List can be continued for a long time, without describing half of the fact that there is a success. Therefore, we conclude: "Success is a personal matter, and before it seeks to seek it, it is necessary to understand what is personally for me."

Health and recreation. Support for loved ones.

You can, of course, be successful in everything, but, as practice shows, then there must be special conditions. Support and adoption of loved ones, their desire to be with you in everything you do, and understanding them that your success can be useful for them. Their unconditional faith in you. And confidence in you. But often it happens that everything seems to be everything and it seems to be all right, but somewhere all the same sharpens the stone stream of dissatisfaction or discontent. Maybe because in the days only 24 hours, and it is impossible to all right away. Own forces can bring. So that all this does not look very pessimistic, withdraw the second success formula: "Take care of your health in time."

Have time to relax. Think about how when and with whom you want to do it. Maybe alone. Or maybe with loved ones. Or maybe in a large company. What is vacation for you. Head to negotiate with your loved ones about you, about yourself, about your holiday.

Allow yourself to be successful. Be able to hear your values, needs, desires.

If the first two formulas are obtained, then we go further. Having determined for myself what a success, putting real goals by enhancing the support of loved ones and treating your health and rest, now, in my opinion, the most important thing is to afford to be successful. Give yourself inward resolution. Very often there is that we are successful in many ways from the desire to like parents, close, children, friends, colleagues. Not from the position "I want and know how", but from the position "I will like it for it for it, they will see, will appreciate ..." So, it is important here to allow yourself a success for the sake of success, for yourself. Rate your weak and strengths. Weak to make strong, and strong - even better strengthen. Hear your own values, needs, desires. Become a master yourself. His character. If it is accepted, then proceed to the next step.

Find your dream. Activity, sequence and pleasure from the process.

So that you just do not rush in search of success, you need a big dream to turn into a small one. But first you need to find it. His dream. To do this, you need to pay for some time to her - in order to come up with it. She is yours. And only you know what it can be. She will tell you where to move. Only during the movement, it can and should decrease. And to become something completely real. So after some time again grow up. Her is a dream - you need to perform small steps. And to do this with due activity, consistently calculating their steps forward and not forgetting how much the process is enjoyable.

I will give an example. It is possible that it is now difficult to imagine that it is possible to work with pleasure, with due professionalism, consistently performing the small tasks set, while it is completely serious to refer to the end result and be in this with a feeling of joy from what you feel and do.

Adjinate someone else's experience. What is done before you may be your fellow worker and assistant.

Only you can affect your future. Today's behavior, actions define your future. Do not forget about it. Therefore, to be in the desired future, right here and now construct it. Be careful to someone else's experience, you will die and analyze someone else's success experience and other people's mistakes and failures. Be careful to yourself to your capabilities and internal self-limits. It happens that it seems someone else's success and it seems to be clear how - but for some reason it does not work. And then, maybe it is worth thinking, where and at what stage did you stop?

This sequence is optional. After all, we are all individual and unique in our uniqueness. Therefore, the road to its success is different.

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