3 reasons why you should be accessed by parting


Huge bouquets, chocolates and dinners in expensive restaurants - relationships always begin beautifully. But after a couple of months, and maybe about years, you will be waiting for a point in which you need to decide - to stay with a person or leave him. If you choose the second option, we are ready to support and give to understand that time has passed not in vain.

There are no other challenges

Meeting with someone, we gradually get acquainted with their friends, family, colleagues and ... We start worrying for everyone! With the increase in the number of people in your life, the responsibility that you feel are growing. I don't want to forget about the birthday of his best friend, congratulate aunt with the birth of a baby or prepare a surprise on the anniversary of the wedding of the parents. And for the holidays also plunge personal problems. If you are an empathic and kind nature, then surely the personal life of each "Comrade" - the head can ache from endless conversations and councils. But, cheers, now you can forget everyone! His friends will gradually stop contacting you, relatives will stop it immediately, which means that all their problems take together into the past.

Hooray! Now you can spend more time on your girlfriends

Hooray! Now you can spend more time on your girlfriends

Photo: unsplash.com.

The ability to open yourself

How long have you thought about just sit in silence and enjoy, for example, the sound of a burning candle or the singing of birds by the window? You are lucky if you even live with the guy you were able to preserve personal space and pay enough time to communicate with you, but, alas and ah, it is possible to minority. The rest will gladly find that now they have become a matter of not only to general worries, but also to their personal.

It's time to prepare for new dates

It's time to prepare for new dates

Photo: unsplash.com.

No moral framework

Being in a relationship, we are trying on ethical reasons not to flirt with other men, and about a random kiss or sex for one night can not go and speech. But who said you are forbidden to do this after parting? Everyone chooses its tactics from a pessimistic mood. Maybe you will be able to cure in a couple of dates or a couple of new partners?

READ ALSO: Substitution of partners: Is it possible to drown out pain from parting with new relationships

And if you do not see the light at the end of the infinite "depression", then you should seek advice from a psychologist, and not rely only on girlfriends. The specialist will help shake the brain and put everything in its place, so you will once again believe in yourself and begin to appreciate all your positive qualities.

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