Liam Hemsworth: "I thought my proposal would save relationships"


It seems he is always on the second roles. It can be understood why this feeling takes shape: the Hollywood actor of Australian origin Liam Hemsworth is surrounded by the stars of the first magnitude. His brother Chris is an almighty torus, a hero of several shields about Boga-Rublizhtsy in the Marvel Comics Universe. His ex-spouse is a rapid singer Miley Cyrus, the relationship with which is a favorite (and sometimes home) the topic that journalists communicate with Liam. Meanwhile, the young man starred in sixteen paintings, is engaged in charity and in general it seems good small.

"Liam, we noticed that you are a big lover to be aside - you can walk further from the camera than I could prefer the rear seats and the second plans. Are these peculiar habits that came due to the presence in your brother's life?

- The wrong chain "Cause-Corollary" did it. (Laughs.) We are in the family three, and we are all very different. Luke, Chris and I - three separate individuals, for which sometimes you can not say that relatives. Is that thanks to the appearance you can guess. I always had the most calm and melancholic, if you could say so. And really loved "not to detect" ahead, preferring to sit on a sideline quietly. But Chris knows how to become the center of attraction of universal attention, and most importantly, he is so comfortable, he loves it. Therefore, we have different careers, let both in the same industry, and the hobby are different, and in general we are different. So my peculiar, as you say, habits are the result of the work of my peculiar person, for which the brother, of course, affects, but not as much as many people think.

- And who influenced your amazing for Hollywood actor love for his own construction of houses? I'm about the fact that celebrities are usually other addiction - at best, collecting expensive ornaments or yachts, well, or there dolls ...

- I always liked to work with my hands. "There is nothing more royal than the work, there is nothing more slave than luxury and nonsense" is a quote from Alexander Macedonian. True, I do not compare myself with anyone or other royal individuals. Just see how the day in the company of the hammer or saws. This is a very grateful occupation: here you are only logs and lamps, but already a house, imagine the whole house in which you can live, your family, your children.

- They say your sadly famous mansion near Malibu, in the mountains next to the canyon, you built literally from scratch.

- Not quite like this: before, there was a house here, in which hippies and people from nudist colonies lived. By the time I acquired a mansion, it was almost completely destroyed - and I had to deal with the restoration of the foundation and wall for a long time, not to mention the roof. Today, my friends come here, who are bored and running Hollywood, they are tired of the eternal race and they just need to breathe and come to themselves. Alas, my dear house, my fortress, he suffered from fire. I remember it with such a bitterness! I hate social networks, rarely use them, but then it was simply not able to not post a photo: the wreckage of my coziness, my life in these walls, arranged in the word LOVE. At first it seems as if you are looking at the hill of the trash. (Sighs.) Everything that remains from him. Love.

- Have you suffered in the most terrible fires?

"Neither I, nor Miley, but were the dead, wounded, and we tried to help fire in what could." Then it turned out that this catastrophe became the most destructive fiery tragedy over the past twenty years.

I remember, I was visiting my brother Luke, whose house is located above, on Mount, twenty minutes from mine. He first laughed, then persistently advised me to ride the animals. I did not perceive it seriously: Miley was on tour, and smoke looked harmless. But after fifteen minutes I was going and went. Cats hate cells more pigs - that's what I made from our chaotic moving.

It really was hard. I understand that it sounds like from the spoiled son of rich parents, because some of this fire lost the latter, and someone - and life ... just in that house there were so many things, dear to my heart! Watches presented by relatives after the premiere of "hungry games". I wanted to give them to the first son at the age of adulthood. I am not too tied to things, more to people and to animals, but it ...

- Liam, you are a famous amateur and defender of animals. Tell me how many brothers are the smaller brothers now under your guardianship? Do they live with you in this house?

- Oh, in the house they will definitely not fit. Sometimes it seems to me that by Miley (Miley Cyrus. - Approx. Aut.) Marked the beginning of their own zoo. So, we believe: we have seven dogs, three cats - so far and less or less tolerant, right? We also have two horses and two pigs, and in Nashville, where one more our house is, a whole stable.

- Do you have pets?

- ABOUT! (Smiles.) Everyone who knows me at least a little bit familiar with Mary Jane, my faithful companion and companion. Meet and you!

- Who attracted you love for animals?

- Of course, parents. I was born in Melbourne - a big city, a certain rhythm of life, you know? But soon we all moved to the north side, to the Australian outback, where the mother and dad was engaged in breeding livestock. How much I remember, we have always had a shepherd dog. I just could not imagine that in some families anyway, you understand? As if the dog is like younger brothers. (Laughs.) It all started with two legendary hedgehogs. Of the father-progenitor, we called the poppy, and his son - Tosh, caught? Mac-and-Tosh, Makintosh. (Laughs.)

- Listen, you had every chance of growing a classic Australian farmer. How did you come to the actors? I know, this question is usually asked for all the current stars, but in the case of you really curious how it happened. A boy who is not accustomed to be in the first roles, in love with animals and nature, and here ...

- Like many in my craft, an older school led me to the actor. The first love, mugs for interests, parties after lessons - and now I am already playing amateur plays. Here, by the way, the example was filed by Chris, who told a lot to my senior brother and showed. Secrets and details of the profession first I learned from him.

- You're in the profession for almost ten years ...

- Twelve. (Smiles.)

- Forgive my mistake. In Hollywood, they sometimes forget to "count" the first successes in the homeland of the actors. Remember, where did you start?

- In sixteen years, he was listening and began to work in the television show "Daughters of Maklood", and in the selection of Sketch "home and on the road." Well, then there were "neighbors", the famous series, who gave Hollywood many of his current heroes. There I performed the role of a heart in a wheelchair Josh.

- And then there was your destiny with Miley Cyrus dating and creative duet ...

- Yes, it was so long ago, it seems, in 2010. And we met for a year earlier. Both did Disney recruited us, and we starred in the adolescent romantic film "Last Song".

- Did you immediately like each other?

- It was immediately clear that I like (laughs), but at first no one thought about anything - just two young actors work together. We were interested in the process of filming, but, of course, we looked at each other.

- Your career take-off from Miley came about one time - she, I remember, triggered and became a teaching girl, and you took part in the "hungry games". How did this affect your originating relationship?

- I think it is obvious. True, initially it seemed to me that our career and our life behind closed doors were not intersecting stories, but, alas, it is not. Miley's transformation is very impressed me. I know that this is the stage image that provocations and shocking is a way to exist on stage, and yet I sometimes wandered on that girl from the Disney show, which he met sometime. Damn, I risk seem like this homely tyrant, which prohibits the wife to wear a miniskirt, but I'm not at all about it.

- But you decided and made an offer, right?

- Yes exactly. Seven years ago for the first time he offered her to become my wife.

- Now we already know that after a long engagement, the wedding still did not take place, and then you also parted at all. Why?

"I was naive and thought that the proposal would correct and gluits all the cracks between us, heal all the wounds would answer all the questions. Stupid! Just as stupid as the hope of the birth of a "saving" child who should strengthen the marriage. Wedding, children are huge joys, but also big tests for strength, and therefore I no longer bet that mistakes.

- And yet you committed it, isn't it?

- Listen, when we came together again, we were both ready for what awaits us ahead, - and no one built any illusions. That break in a year and a half gave us time to think and realize what we mean for each other. By making a re-suggestion, I did not try to save the drowning ship or patch the holes in it - it was an act conscious, weighed and clear. I understood that I want to see Miley my wife.

- Ring, as noticed in the press, it was the same, from 2012 ...

- Yes, as a symbol and a sign that we have passed through different tests, including testing by parting, and remained true to their desires and values. The wedding was awesome, and I will not regret what we did, never in life.

- And nevertheless, you again broke up.

- It's hard to talk about it. Yes, we divorced. My family, especially Chris, supports me, and Miley. Our history this year is ten years old. And you know ... nothing ends. As Miley said, couples who survived what we experienced: parting, upshots and falls, fires - as if they penetrate a special connection, germinate in each other, the nature of the relationship between people changes.

- Do you want kids?

- Yes. Ten, fifteen, maybe twenty. Miley has a big cheerful family. Hamsworth has a big cheerful family. I adore big funny families. But if you think about children, you must first decide what to do with dogs. They are too much: the child in such a house will not exactly bring. (Laughs.)

- Are you still close with your parents?

- Oh yeah. Going together often, although not as it happened. But all family holidays be at a common table - our holy duty and a happy tradition.

- Do you contact Chris for advice and recommendation if it concerns a career?

- I trust him more than my team of agents, if we speak frankly. Almost every scenario is tested by Chris. (Laughs.)

- You do not feel a dangerous competitor in it?

- Oh, well, of course, no! We spell in different age categories, we have different roles, different tastes. Of course, we encountered listening - it was obviously "Tor", and the director of casting chose Chris. But it was ridiculous to expect other things: then I was almost eighteen years old, I was green, Yun and not ready for the role of this scale. And in general, now I understand that blockbusters and comic screenization are not quite mine.

- What is yours? Judging by the filmography, you are still looking for your credo.

- After the "hungry games" it seemed to me that I was Doros before the militants or epic paintings about the future. "Independence Day: Revival" showed that this genre is far from where I would like to work. Maybe try yourself in historical paintings, deeply and fluttering to work with the character of the hero, to find a project in which I can immerse yourself with your head. Chris, by the way, very helps me in this huge world of scenarios. He is my hero and my support.

- Liam, you know, you are not at all similar to the hero of the American dreams. More precisely, not so: it is very noticeable that you are not here - and here it did not become relatives. Do you miss Australia?

- Very and very strong. On a huge coast, in Serf, in the waves, at the amazing sensation of freedom and their own forces, which from somewhere appears there, whether you are a child or a weak old man. Here I can't just jump into the car and go to the sunset, far away to meet myself. In the same place ... try, seriously: there you have a chance to meet the present yourself and return from this journey completely updated.

- What do you see yourself? Usually, many Hollywood stars, so to speak, lose the soil under their feet, go with their heads into the on-screen images, wandered by role to the role ...

"I feel like an honest and truthful person, at least, all I do in life, I do in order to be good." Parents taught me to be kind to people. I think I get.

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