Kohl Serg and Regina Todorenko: "Just in the journey is much more interesting"


- Kohl, how do you like the idea of ​​the program - a choice of two travel options?

- I think this is a brilliant idea. After all, to travel with an endless limit of money hardly anyone from the viewers can afford. And 100 dollars - too small amount to go abroad with it. But to look at how it might look from the side is interesting.

- Regina, before you came to work in the program, did you watched the "eagle and holding"?

- Of course, looked. It was one of my favorite my shows, in which I, as a small child, dreamed of participating. I know personally Alan Badoeva, who invented this program. And then, when he began to lead her, I even had a little bit to envy him, because not only a child dreams about such work, but also an adult.

- When the project began to lead, worried - it will not work out?

Regina: For me, the most important thing about the viewer's program. Because the project has already had a current team that showed the viewer as beautiful, dangerous or interesting in other countries. And then suddenly the old and already loved presenters come new ones. This is the same when the most important hero is suddenly dying in your favorite TV series. It is hard to survive, you need to get used to it. But I really want the viewer to rejoice at us, and for myself, because it also happens everywhere with us and sees everything with my own eyes, but only sitting on the sofa.

Friendly Seychelles turtle allowed Regina Todorenko to ride his back. .

Friendly Seychelles turtle allowed Regina Todorenko to ride his back. .

- Kohl, when you chose the role of lead, how did you respond to the offer? Announced you distant countries or did you come to this project with a cold head?

- I did not immediately agree to become the lead. When I got a call and offered to keep the show, I thought for a while. According to its main activity, I am still a musician, and a fairly long time period, we did the product that we wanted to give into the masses. Now it was necessary to delay all this. I thought that for me in priority, and in the end came first of all to a compromise within myself. So I did not capture the spirit at the same time, but it was nice. I found for myself in this maximum prospects, primarily emotional. That is, I did not want to be TV presenter in principle. I had a lot of offers from TV channels, but this perspective was not warm me. And here everything was so close to me in the spirit that I could not disagree.

- The project is called "on the edge of light." In which exotic countries have you already managed to visit?

Regina: We were still in the Indian Ocean basin: on the island state of Palau, in Malaysia, in Ethiopia, in Tanzania, in Seychelles, Maldives. Not closest places - to get there, the whole day is required.

- How do you prepare for trips?

Regina: like any tourists. We sit down and find out on the Internet, what a temperature in the country, what climate. We choose some interesting places where could go. Because none of us knows, it will dwell on the beach or, on the contrary, to live in an insanely rich hotel. You have to watch both.

- Before you go on shooting, do you have any expectations or assumptions about what you will see in another country?

Kolya: Certainly. True, sometimes you expect more, and you fall out 100 dollars. And it happens on the contrary: for 100 dollars you can see more interesting places than when golden card drops. So in everything there is your charms.

Kohl Serg and Regina Todorenko:

Before you fly to Hanoi (in the photo), the film crew "Eagle and the ripe. At the edge of the world, "lingered for three days at the airport Palau due to a problem with the plane. .

- You yourself, in what case it is more interesting to remove?

- Depending on the country or city. If, for example, this is a city where you can do diving, then for me, of course, it is better to live with a golden card. Because diving - the pleasure is not cheap. And if we talk about such megalopolis, like Manila, Hanoi, Tokyo or Kyoto, is more interesting to live with $ 100. Because you immerse yourself in this atmosphere "Street Kozinak", where people are pressed to each other and tell their little secrets.

- Do you, Regina, do you like it, when is it possible to live for a hundred dollars or get a gold card?

- I would say that "to dwell" is much more interesting. You do not know where and how to live, whether you will have food for your pocket, and you have such adrenaline! But in countries such as Maldives or Seychelles, I want to live in a rich way, because there are almost nothing to do there with poor tourists.

- And in life ever had to choose an inexpensive trip option: go to an interesting country and at the same time be limited to the means?

Kolya: I didn't have such an inexpensive vacation. I am in every trip food with some kind of money, although I still try to meet in a minimum. I love to travel very much, but most of my movements around the world before the "eagle and the ripe" took place thanks to Diveving and Free Diveving. On the same Maldives and Philippines, I already dived there. I love outdoor activities in combination with extreme sports. Therefore, sightseeing is not quite mine.

- Diving a long time?

- Probably three years. It is like love at first sight: fell in love and now I can not part. I do not remember how this thought came to mind, but she immediately led me to action. He went to a friend, he gave me the phone of his diving instructor, which I called literally in a couple of hours. I say: "Hello, my name is Kolya. I want to do diving. " He says: "I am very pleased, but, unfortunately, I will fly to Egypt tomorrow and I can do your studies only four weeks." Because, because of your character, I do not like to wait, I immediately asked: "Can I fly with you?" And the next day was already in Egypt, where I received the certificate Open-Waters Diving.

- During traveling with an "eagle and wide", you managed to demonstrate your skills?

- This is somehow on boasting sounds. Yes, there was an opportunity. We plunged on the Palau under the water, in search of a cat-man. Unfortunately, we did not meet the man, but the fish parrot.

- Regina, you have long been familiar with Kole. Have you quickly found a common language in the frame?

"We are two Odessa" Bublik ", both of Odessa and know each other a thousand years, since the time of the Ukrainian" Star Factory ". Therefore, we are friends and good to each other. Although sometimes Kolya and substitute me when he takes a gold card.

In Maldives, even small children were familiar with Kole and Regina. .

In Maldives, even small children were familiar with Kole and Regina. .

- You are already two months for shooting with an "eagle and a wide". What remembered most of all, what impressions remain?

Regina: The most important thing for me is the underwater world that I saw for the first time in my life and now I wish this to everyone. Everyone has to find his wounded Atlantis. For me, the Maldives became her. Maybe there is not the most beautiful bottom, but on me as a person who has never been under water, it impressed. And the most unpleasant impression remained after the phone was stolen on me in the Philippines. So you understand that it is impossible to trust everyone, unfortunately. Of course I was impressed by Africa. Despite the fact that there is a poverty and poverty everywhere, and children play with a paper from paper wrapped in scotch, they all feel great, happy, smiling, generous and pleasant.

- Kohl, what country made the greatest impression on you?

- In each country, something interesting happened. Somehow we had to shoot in Hanoi, and two days before it finally to work on Palau. But when we came to Palau Airport, which only works three times a week, we reported that the departure was moved for three days. And we stayed on three days. Surprise, but pleasant. There is incredibly clean and transparent water on Palau, and we could admire it right from the windows of the hotel.

- Regina, when shooting end, you have free time to walk, go somewhere?

- The smallest, just to sleep. After all, we are trying to cover as much as possible to show the viewer, how and where it is better to go.

- In addition to the stolen phone, what else did you manage to survive?

Regina: managed to survive the jungle! (Laughs.) We were with the guys on Borneo, all travelers who want to visit the real jungle go there. And they floated along the river in which crocodiles live. Were there, where it rains 24 hours a day, spent the night at the open-air mattresses. It is just unforgettable.

- Kohl, from those countries in which you visited the program, which particular want to come back again?

"I would return to Palau, but just with Dive Safari to spend a week on a boat." There is an incredibly rich underwater world. I was still struck by Ethiopia. This is a surprisingly poor country, there are not very friendly people. Due to dry air and lack of wind, poverty smells are thickened around you. But in Ethiopia, strikingly beautiful children with incredible eyes. I did not immediately understand this country, so I would like to return there again.

- Regina, and where would you come back?

- To the Philippines to pick up your iPhone. And if according to adrenaline and feelings, I really want to once again visit Africa.

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