Ben Affleck: "I never ceased to consider Jennifer Garner with his wife"


Persistent, charismatic, talented, Ben Affleck managed to go through the way from the title of "Boyfriend Jennifer Lopez" to the Oscar-axis director and the artist of the role of New Batman, Kumir Million. Affleck makes the impression of a man who knows exactly what does, and his confidence concerns not only the career affairs, but also loved. It seems his family with Jennifer Garner passed the threat of divorce. On difficult times, which fell on his share, the need to take responsibility and complex Peter Pena - in an interview.

- Ben, good afternoon! Probably, at some point, many journalists began to ask you a question ...

- About divorce? (Laughs.)

- About him too, and if you do not mind, later we will return to this topic.

- Without it, I understand, nowhere, so agreed.

- And yet, first of all, I wanted to ask about your professional status. There was a time when you almost completely switched to scenario and directorial work - and I was very successful. Still get "Oscar" for its fourth film is something. Who are you now - more the creator of films or actor?

- To each case for which I was taken in life, I tried - and I try to approach with full dedication, a complete understanding of what follows. No matter what I do - I am posting for a hundred percent. Actually, now, if you can put it, a period of acting. For the next three years, I am busy in the role of Bruce Wayne. I need all friends with me, they say that I will be a Batman until my children grow up. (Laughs.)

- As you probably know, the fans of the image of the legendary superhero were divided into two camps. With those who are enthusiastic Batman, everything is clear. And how do you perceive sharp criticism from the representatives of another camp?

- Listen, I am shot from the twelve, it seems. I spent your entire conscious life in camera lenses, and there were moments when I was completely written off with accounts as an actor - after unsuccessful performances in three or four paintings in a row. I'm used to, honestly. Not that this disrespect for the opinions of others, just ... Although you know, you can call it and disrespect - I, of course, is important from the side, but there are always those who are dissatisfied. Focus on them is stupid: I'm doing this, you risk to marry in infinite "work on errors." It is important, but it is obvious that it is impossible to carry out such work on the pointer of everyone who wants to express their judgment.

Ben Affleck:

Despite the cash success and recognition of the public, "Armageddon" became the "beginning of the end" for the career of Afflek

- What's the sensitivity to criticism?

- When you criticize the director of the picture, in which you are involved, is one thing. When an indifferentian attires an indifferentian jacket, he only expresses his private opinion, to which I am not obliged to be or careful.

- Very bold reasoning. You are still risking to reduce the number of your fans!

- Self-sufficiently assumed that my fans are smart and rational people, do not spend time on such nonsense, like loud discontent with my work in Batman. You know, before I took up for this role, I was literally warned by all: "Ben, it will not be easy," "This is an image from which you are waiting for a lot." Character fans are very sensitive to changing actors - and this applies to all "serial" roles. Remember how the squall of discontent was met Daniel Craig as a new bond. And now he is called almost the best agent 007. Anyway, I am ready for what I have to always prove my right to work on the role of Batman.

- It is necessary - it means it is necessary. It is interesting, in the end. Obviously, your children should be delighted with the superhero dad.

- My son Samuel, who is four years old, already knows what. Damn it's nice to be a hero, I tell you! True, the medals have a reverse side. For some reason, whether due to the combination of flowers on the uniform, then for some reason, Sam is confident that couriers from FedEx are Jookers. And every time they deliver delivery, the Son is crying and shouts: "Dad, here Joker!" You have to give top of twenty dollars for tea with these guys. (Laughs.)

- The role of Batman changed you, and noticeably - especially if you compare with the image that you created in the "disappeared". How did you get ready for the role of superhero?

- Rocked as an abnormal, almost prescribed in the gym. I am surprised to read the articles that I, it turns out, began to drink hormonal drugs, in a short time to increase muscle mass. Although in fact I only had to throw out a few kilograms - in fact, in the "disappeared" I specifically scored weight slightly. To look like so sweat, slightly loose, a hangover type that does not cause sympathy.

The role in Pearl-Harbor is a natural continuation of this fall

The role in Pearl-Harbor is a natural continuation of this fall

- They say the director "disappeared" David Fincher chose you for a special skill smile, right?

- Here? (Laughs.) He somehow told me that I was like a raccoon. Racota-Voruhu, who has just been attacked - and now devotedly looks into your eyes, sincerely, slightly in stupid, smiles in the proscake. I do not know, why did Finceer needed such my smile, but what is true, then the truth is, many noted that I somehow smile strangely.

- How did you work with Rosamund Pike?

- She is just a chic actress. Do you know how it happens? You play a married couple, you must like your on-screen wife, but the touch does not appear - and the viewer feels all this. In the "disappeared" we both played spouses who love each other, and hate, and fear. Especially my hero - he is experiencing a challenging fear of heroine Rosamund. She coped perfectly with the task of scaring me - at least in the frame I looked, as it seems, is quite convincing. (Laughs.)

"By the way, your hero is experiencing what, as I think, more than once you experienced himself - he suffers from attacks of journalists, turns into a kind of" home tyrant ".

- Completely true! After all, the attitude towards me the world largely depends on how you present me to your readers. How many times have I become a hero of articles, from which just took a swirop. And for a very long time I truly worried about how the boy was crushed, offended, fell into despair. "How not to be ashamed? How could they imagine me in such a world? " - I thought. At some point I turned into a Dergan man, who treats each conversation with suspicion and covered by malice.

- Now it has changed?

- Certainly. I was afraid of the fact that because of the media and the reaction of people, I become similar to the hero of these very articles. I just exhaled, asking myself: "Why am I so hostile? Why am I so worried? " And without finding a response, let go of the situation. From here and the kind of "naughty" attitude towards criticism - I'm just tired of someone to prove someone.

Ben Affleck:

In the film David Fincher "The disappeared" Ben Affleck played a man who was accused of murdering his wife

- It seems that this understanding came recently. After all, as far as I remember, you very much acutely reacted, for example, how in the press lit your novel with Jennifer Lopez ...

- I was so tired of explained and apologizing for the relationship with Ja Lo! In general, I do not understand where so much discontent is to the address of that novel.

"I think, all because at that time your success went to a waning, and many vinyls in this stinging exactly Lopez.

- To blame someone in the fact that there are failures (except yourself), is an unproductive, infantile attitude. I myself really associate the period of failures with the fact that I was aimed at the attention of almost all of the global media. Wherever I walked, wherever it appeared, the paparazzi was arose everywhere, who was not even interesting for me, but if Jennifer was nearby. From a promising scenario and a successful debutant, which I began after the "smartness Will Hunting", I turned into a zommelier and anxious, lover Jay Lo and a mediocre actor, who several times in a row chose not those pictures. Yes, now I realize that there are not all my roles with "Merper", but ... For that, I also do not plan to justify! In the end, I really work with great enthusiasm and love, I am removed - let my filmography and cannot be considered exemplary.

- But after the "dark band", you clearly joined the bright side. Whereby?

- everything came out, although I am pleased to think that luck is the result of the works, and not a coincidence. First of all, I met Jen (Spouse Affale actress Jennifer Garner. - Approx. Auth.). I became a father. Decided to go to the director. Risk is not only noble, but also charging energy. Sooner or later it will pay off, but you need to be ready for consequences in advance. I was lucky that the consequences of this adventure were acceptable.

- "acceptable"? What are you talking about! "Operation" Argo "is recognized as audience, and critics. Are you just modest now?

- Well, I really like that I got out. I was dumbfounded by awards, especially Oscar. It seemed to me that the "Argo" need to tell, it must be explained, this picture is not from those sell themselves. Political thriller - genre is not the most popular in our country. The fact that the audience so warmly accepted the film is surprise.

Ben Affleck:

Couple, nicknamed "Bennifer", broke up suddenly - Lopez assures that Ben broke her heart


- Tell me, why did you choose my policy? In the role of the director who is able to tell the audience such history, no one represented you.

- First of all, I understand the political science a little. During his short studies at the University of Vermont Specialization, I chose just the Middle Eastern region and its foreign policy strategy. It sounds terribly boring and completely unsuitable for Oscar, right?

- Ben, you promised to tell about your union with Jennifer Garner. Let's talk about it?

- Now yes. In the sense that some time ago I was too hard to talk about our marriage with Jen.

- What changed now?

- I calmed down a little. And now, I hope Jen forgave me. At least I did a lot for this - and I do not plan to stop. This crusade behind the confidence I lost.

"You are one of the few Hollywood spouses, who seemed to have managed to restore confidence in marriage after a loud scandal associated with treason. How did you get?

"My wife - and I never stopped considering Jennifer my wife, even when we removed the rings and stopped living together, declaring the imminent divorce," so, my wife is amazing. " She is worth fighting for her. And she does not deserve deception and betrayal. It happened that we became an object for the hunt of journalists of all the masters, and I strongly tried to protect her and our children from this press. Of course, it did not always come out. I was just there, even when it seemed strange, inappropriate, wrong. Even when she did not want to see me nearby. Sometimes I feared that I was announced by the stalker.

— ?

- It sounds very selfish, but I was unbearable the idea that Jen could understand that without me it was better. Therefore, I tried not to give her such an opportunity. (Smiles.)

- Sorry, but there is a feeling that before this incident over your relations worked exclusively Jennifer, and only now the situation has changed.

- Well, I confess, so it was. I remember how I understood and accepted all my misses. It was after a fairly frank interview with Jen, immediately after we announced that we were planning a divorce. In that article, she made me a lot of compliments, spoke to me warmly, gently - and in this tenderness and calm, I saw that she was ready to move on without me. It hurts me about it, but I turned out to be a bad husband for such a good wife. But, as far as adults relies, I am ready to be responsible for my behavior and correct mistakes that he himself also allowed.

- You have three children with Jennifer Garner. How did they experience the crisis of your marriage?

- I really hope that all this hype, scandals and intrigues passed by them - at least I know that Jennifer has done everything possible for this. I am grateful for her for the fact that in the most difficult moments she gave me the opportunity to be near the children - we spent holidays and birthdays together, even when our union hung in the hairs. What to say: she called me for Christmas in the midst of difficulties. Jen is the wise woman, what little. Only now I fully realize that it was she saved - and saves - our love.

In 2015, Affleck and Jennifer Garner celebrated the ten-year anniversary of his marriage. His result is three children and one delibe-nanny, which caused treason and threats of divorce

In 2015, Affleck and Jennifer Garner celebrated the ten-year anniversary of his marriage. His result is three children and one delibe-nanny, which caused treason and threats of divorce

- You, what is called a large father. Do you like this role?

- I became my father in a conscious age. When you twenty years old, and you are alone, I am fun, it's fine. When you are thirty to you, but you are still alone and without children, obviously, you begin to develop the complex Peter Pena - a kind of eternal boy who is afraid to grow up. But life is arranged in such a way that one way or another, sooner or later, you will be obliged to impose a burden of responsibility for very and very many things.

- Now you are extremely successful and in demand as an actor and director. By the way, your friend Matt Damon also stays on a wave of success. Tell me, whether you have been tormented by a professional envy at that time when you were experiencing not the best years - and Career Damon was gaining momentum?

- If you ask this question, then you know exactly exactly that I am extremely jealous in the success of a person. Alas, but you can even say envious. But Matt is the only one to whom I will never envy. You know, he is my best friend, a close, native person, who with whom we have passed fire, water and copper pipes. I always said: if someday I wake up at the hotel with a dead prostitute, the first one, who will call in a panic and for help, is Matt.

- There were no periods of distance, alienation? Still, you have a very difficult character.

- I was lucky: I am surrounded by amazing people. What Jennifer is that Matt is very tolerant of my outbreaks of discontent, anger, insecurity! Matt is retired, a stunningly good-natured guy who has a magnificent character line - it negates all of our conflicts and quarrels. He is the most valid and clever person I know. And in the end I got into the cinema solely thanks to Matt.

- Are you a romantic or pragmatist?

"I want to think that a romantic," but because of his foolish character, it is rarely manifested, only in critical moments. For example, I recently presented a diamond jen ring - already swaying, we celebrated the next anniversary of our wedding. I wake up a passion for beautiful gestures and bombing actions exclusively when the situation has practically visited a dead end. But I can quite accurately say that sex for one night is not at all for me. Such adventures are empty, make you feel a disgusting cynic. In this sense, I am exactly romantic.

Christine Uzunian is the very nanny, the novel with which was attributed to Affleck

Christine Uzunian is the very nanny, the novel with which was attributed to Affleck


- Obviously, all your drawbacks you, as they say, you know in the face and work on yourself. Is it difficult to change on the forty-fifth year of life?

- as difficult! Every step towards new Ben is a struggle, irreconcilable and infinite. And the most offensive thing - no matter how much you changed. For everything I made before, I will have to pay - life is so arranged. I am waiting for the long payable, and this is definitely scares me.

- Tell me about the most important lesson who presented you career in cinema?

- Glory and popularity - always a contract with the devil, for which you will pay to your personal life.

- What are your main hopes and expectations? I'm talking right now about the professional sphere.

- Given that I have never imagined myself with anyone, except as an actor, all my aspirations and desires concern the quality of my work. And it is the directing experience that allowed me differently to look at the fineness of the acting game. I want to be better, even better as best as possible.

- You earn millions, got all the imaginable awards and recognition of critics. What else to desire?

"I want my son to never put money at the head of the corner - and therefore I want to justify for those times when he himself was shot solely for the fees. It seems to be nothing shameful, right?

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