How to get acquainted with a man at a secular event: 5 proven ways


In the ancient times, women almost never got acquainted with the first with the representatives of the opposite sex, they were waiting for the man himself to them. Nowadays it is quite irrelevant. If you do not decide to get to know the man you like, then believe me, for you it will make a more decisive person. It absolutely does not mean that I urge women to seek a male location and do not wait until the man will take any actions. This means: if a man suddenly liked at a secular event, you should remember that there are several female tricks using which you can meet him, not letting him understand that the initiative proceeded on your part.

1. To ask his opinion

No for a man is greater deeper than to feel significant, especially for a woman. Each representative of the male floor is pollen if the woman will enthusiastically listen to his stories and reasoning on this or that topic. Therefore, a good way to get acquainted with a man is to ask his opinion on a matter of any question, not even interested in you. Further, you need to listen carefully carefully, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor, and sometimes nodding your head, fully agreed with his opinion. Here are examples of phrases to start a conversation: "How do you like this event?", "This is a wonderful place, isn't it?", "What do you think this film pulls on" Oscar "?"

How not to spoil everything. There is an important (!) Moment. Your questions should not be negative, to require a deployed attense answer or contain any gossip. And believe me, even if, perversaling, you will ask a very stupid question, a relaxed smile on your face will save the situation.

2. Man - Defender!

Men by nature of their defenders, so when they face female helplessness, they immediately try to do everything possible to help. The second and personally, a proven method: Create a situation in which you just do not do without male support. You are so fragile that you can't move the chair. You have gotten my head, and you need to bring a glass of water. You urgently need a handle, and you forgot your homes.

How not to spoil everything. The main thing is not to drag the chair yourself through the entire hall, demonstrating your displeased face that a man does not help you, and approach and ask him about help, showing that he will cope with your request. Do not forget to smile, because the smile creates wonders!

3. Fall into his arms

This does not mean that you have to hang on the neck of the man you like, but why just not fall?! Now I will explain what I am. One of my friend really liked a young man, but, because of his shyness, she did not know how to approach him and speak, although they often intersect in secular events. And on the same secular Raut, passing by this Mr. X, I "inadvertently" pushed her on him. And now she flies into his arms, and he, as a true gentleman, picks up her and himself begins the conversation. By the way, during this conversation it turned out that he also wanted to meet her for a long time, but it turned out to be shy.

How not to spoil everything. The main thing - do not forget that this is the playful performance, and do not replay, otherwise it can end with the hospitalization of you or your cavalier. By the way, it turns out a fairly extravagant method of dating.

4. Become a riddle of the evening!

Men always loved to solve complex tasks, so you can not take the first step, but just hint at the man that you are not against this step on his side. You can wink, wash your hand, smile.

How not to spoil everything. The main thing is not to overdo it with mysteriousness and not do it intrusive. If a man does not respond to your signs, it means that he does not want to meet you or does not understand a hint. Then watch the 5th point.

5. Tell me the directness "yes"!

Why not come and not talk to him yourself. I am for direct. I want to say - say, I want to meet - Meet! Men are not stupid in most part and feel false and chemistry, so if there is interest, why not directly declare him, without unnecessary games. Here are some suitable phrases: "Hello! I'm Julia. We will be familiar? "," Young man, you have a chic perfume! Is it Versace? I, by the way, Julia is called! "

How not to spoil everything. The main thing is not to replay: no "your mom's mom is not needed" or "I look at you all evening and understand that I can't afford to leave this event, without learning the name of such a prince." Easy and frankness - here is your horse!

And perhaps, the most important thing is to stay yourself! Men firstly show not to appearance, as many believe, and on the energy of women. Therefore, do not be afraid of anything and dare, cute ladies!

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