Inna Ginkevich: "I want my daughter always admired me"


Former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, and now the chief choreographer of the Department of Sport and the Director of the School of Olympic Reserve No. 25 Moskosport Inna Ginkevich as no other know the price of beauty. From the young Youth, Ballerina always needed to look at all time, and now she continues to stay in great shape.

I started following the figure from the moment when I entered the academic choreographic school named after A. Ya. Vaganova

Macaroni, potatoes, flour, sugar in any form, even in tea and coffee, dob, pastries were excluded from my diet. Therefore, since six years I am used to such a nutrition. There was never bread in our house, and so far it is so, despite the fact that I have already stopped dancing. Until now, extremely rarely, we have potatoes, pasta. Even if we eat a flour, then this is most often rye crisp. Creamy oil and all fatter excluding, it is mainly meat, fish, cheeses, dairy products periods. Salt and sharp love very much, although salt delays water. Of course, it is not every day, but, confess, I love salty cucumbers very much. But in fruit, too, a lot of sugar, so I don't like fruit since childhood in any form. In the extreme case, I can eat blueberries, and in the summer I very rarely make sorbets from natural berries that grow in our site. Despite the fact that in Montenegro we have a very large garden, I do not eat grapes at all, because there are many glucose and sugar in it.

Inna Ginkevich:

"The ballet is the army, so we are not accustomed to be lazy"

When I feel that I am starting to add in weight, I completely exclude meals after seven in the evening. While Ballerina, I could not have a tight breakfast before the classes that started at eleven in the morning. Therefore, the cup of coffee has drank or at best he has eaten a spoonful of honey. And still can't breakfast. The first meal is starting at an hour or two days. Now here has a new-fashioned diet - sixteen hour fasting. In principle, I have it every day. When I left the theater and already worked at the Department of Sport, it was so developed that it was necessary to urgently enter the physical form and to dance the Ballet Premiere "Fourteenth" on the stage of the Primorsky Theater (now the seaside scene of the Mariinsky Theater) of Vladivostok. At that moment, my weight was much more than it should be, as I thought that I would definitely not go to the scene. But, as they say, never say never! In order to urgently lose weight and enter your usual stage form, I decided to turn to Dukean's diet, which helped it very much! I lost weight in two weeks for ten kilograms!

Meat under Chernogorsk

Singing a huge frying pan with a domed lid, which is put on coal. This is a very popular method of cooking meat in Montenegro, where I often go, the meat is delicious, gentle and practically low-fat. But you can prepare something similar and at home. It is necessary to take any clay dishes. Put your favorite meat, vegetables in it, add salt, spices and tomit in the oven for three hours.

I remember when the famous ballerina and the head of the troupe, the People's Artist of the USSR Natalia Dmitrievna Kasatkina told me: " How can you eat sweet? After forty years later, I stopped it at all. " And I answered: "Well, how, this can not be! Always want some kind of candy. " Now I understand that I want sweet, I want less and less, I practically eliminated it from my diet.

Ballet is an army, so we are not accustomed to be lazy . I'm leaving for work in the morning, and my working day with athletes ends after nine evenings. As a choreographer and director of the Olympic reserve school, I often show some exercises in training on acrobatic rock and roll, I do big batmans, so I do not sit on the spot.

I constantly use hair ampoules. They are different - to grow hair, strengthen the roots, for moisturizing. I have a permanent master in Moscow, only I trust painting, linging and in general, all that I do with your head. Or I rush at my master in Montenegro. So two people follow the state of my hair, make me all sorts of procedures. I am not afraid of varnish, mousse, laying and hot tongs. In general, I love the hairstyle on the head was smooth (for the scene - necessarily a tight beam) and in life carefully laid even if it seems that it is "artistic disorder". As they say, "the real lady's hair is always well maintained and laid"! (Smiles.)

Like any normal woman After thirty years, I started to visit cosmetologists and try the procedures . I am a commitment to masks and hyaluronic acid. I am very surprised by the girls who have been starting to prick Botox for twenty years. And I am also categorically against doing something with lips. No matter how well they are done, but there are some unnatural faces. It's my personal opinion.

To look good, you must first get enough sleep. And also not salty for the night, do not drink alcohol, smoking less. I have a stunning mask - hyaluronic acid mix with a fat cream and apply for the night, in the morning the face looks great. Of course, I love patches very much, and if they are good quality and fit you, they can work wonders. In general, the secret of the beauty of any person in the beauty of his soul. My mother looks great, and many admire it. I take an example from her and would really like to be an example for my daughter.

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