Konstantin Ivlev: "Cooking is sex"


The famous cook and leading programs "on the knives" and "hellish cuisine" Konstantin Ivlev looks like a real culinary tyrant. However, in some situations, the Terrible Chef can be a real romantic.

- Konstantin, your willingness to share culinary secrets with newlyweds worthy of all silence. In your opinion, the ability to cook is necessary for young people?

- Now in developed European countries, fifty, and even sixty percent of people enjoys a justopite. And soon this indicator may come closer to one hundred percent. It is possible that when children will appear at the current young generation, then nobody will be culinary skills. It is very sad because it is to prepare - real pleasure. I want to show it.

- And you yourself remember how newlyweds were?

- Of course I remember. I will even say more: I distinguished himself on the first date - I was late for several hours. But but came with the pies, because I decided that it was too trite from the colors. We need to pay tribute to Masha - she still waited for me.

Konstantin Ivlev:

On the set of "hellish cuisine" is always boiling serious passions. Konstantin himself does not advise young chefs to argue with him. Chef has a difficult character and heavy hand

- That is, an understanding girl came across ...

- In the family it is very important to understand each other. We and my wife had difficult periods, but we decided many problems after I said: "Masha, if we want to be family, we must understand that we have nothing to share. You need to do everything together. And if we want to share, it will not end with nothing good for the family. And it doesn't matter what to share: sausage, dresses or money ... why spend nerves on it? " We have enough wisdom to hear and listen to each other.

- Be to be a cook - your childhood dream?

- I did not like to cook before. I was born in the USSR, in the Moscow district of Beskudnikovo, where there were three most popular schools: medical, cook and auto show. I remember my father said: "You love to eat - go to the cook, you will always be with a piece of bread." At first, of course, I did not catch the buzz - I worked in some incomprehensible canteens, I learned to hang out. But in the 93rd year, when I returned from the army, the restaurant revolution began, as we call it. Restaurants opened, joint ventures have emerged, the real masters, chephs began to come. Then I truly rushed, I realized that this is the future. I became interested. Now I understand well in the products, I listen to the products and know what needs to be done so that they are revealed, they are more interesting, tastier.

Konstantin Ivlev:

Konstantin Ivlev on the set of the program "On the knives"

"You probably know that thanks to television projects with your participation, you have a reputation of this scandalous. In ordinary life, do you look like Ivleva from the TV?

- In life I am a very calm person, but in the work - a hard pedant. Although everyone consider me fair. I just never get the brain. But if you explain something to a person, we move away, and he does everything differently - I light up like a match. I have always been a fairly demanding boss when I put the tasks. Otherwise, I would not be the one who became.

- There were cases when what was happening on the shooting area "hellish cuisine" did not hit the air due to a particularly acute situation?

- Oh, a lot of things were: and fights, and everything else. If someone wants to show a negative regarding me, he is trying to do it in vain. First, because I am a major, secondly, I am a man who served, and reversal the ladies of three clicks. And anyway, some participants of the show are trying to climb on the Rogon. You have to punish. But if I call people, then never overlook the person, you know? "Dolboyachin" is not a personal insult, this is a professional topic. (Laughs.)

Konstantin and his wife Mary (in the photo with the Son) are big plans for Matthew. Now the young man is studying in Turkey, and Konstantin already puts out plans to open a restaurant under his son

Konstantin and his wife Mary (in the photo with the Son) are big plans for Matthew. Now the young man is studying in Turkey, and Konstantin already puts out plans to open a restaurant under his son

Photo: Instagram.com.

- In the program "On the knives" you are trying to give the second life to restaurants that suffer disaster. You never wanted to advise something to the cook when you just eat in some restaurant on vacation?

- I respect the work of everyone, so when I don't like food, I just say that this is not my taste. If I do not like the service, I will not leave the tips. But I will never come and not start this chef to pronounce. Perhaps he exactly sees this food.

- Do you cook at home yourself?

- I am preparing, and very often: breakfast, lunch or dinner. But at all, at all at our house, one who has inspiration. For example, when my wife has no desire, she asks, they say, swarming soup. No problems. And if I do not want to cook, then I also say about it. Well, okay, the sausages are welded. In general, the kitchen is still from Soviet times, where we conducted half aim. Even if I am preparing, my wife is next to me, and we can always for a leisurely cooking solve many questions. It is cool, it is romantic. I always say that cooking is sex.

- With children, too, spend time in the kitchen?

- Sure! Cool when you are preparing with your child, because you can talk about many things. He is in another state, in Euphoria, and everyone will tell you. I have a son of seventeen years old, we are preparing something in the kitchen with eight years. And in the process I can have all the secrets.

- So son go on your footsteps?

"It's interesting for him, although I never forced him, only sometimes said:" Well, you're big, you love to eat - prepare anything. " And when I got a choice, who to be, he replied that he wanted to do this. I gave Matvey four institutes to choose from: in France, in St. Petersburg, in Istanbul and in Moscow. He stopped at Istanbul - it turned out that he had many Turk friends. And I agree with him, because from the point of view of hotel management, Turkey and America ahead of the rest of the world. In Istanbul, one of the best institutions related to this business. So for two years he will examine management, and then can already choose, be a manager, or manager, or sommelier. I have some friends studied at such institutions, so I know that everything will be fine. Now in Russia, the hotel and restaurant business is in its infancy, but it will develop. That is, the cake is enough for everyone. So if you want your children to be in a trend, it is not necessary to give them to a gynecologist or a dentist, you can give to the cook. Believe me, this is a very secured profession.

Konstantin hopes that over time, his daughter Marusya will also continue the Cook Dynasty of Ivlev

Konstantin hopes that over time, his daughter Marusya will also continue the Cook Dynasty of Ivlev

Photo: Instagram.com.

- About the future of your daughter has not yet decided?

"She is still early to her, but she already begins to understand something." By the way, her first joke was that she was just learned to walk, opened the oven and climbed into it. And that was the most amazing, it was also with her son.

- So there can be a cook dynasty?

- Maybe. And I do not mind, but only for, because in this business I understand everything very well and can always give your children the desired tip. In addition, I have something to convey from the point of view of material benefits. I want to open a registered restaurant, but not for myself, but under my son. And his task will increase all this and give the job of your sister. This continuity exists in Europe, why not do in Russia? We have, for example, the Kanevsky family - the Father and the Son, already famous. The son is included in the top of the best chefs of Russia. So, if this case is properly approaching, it may turn out very interesting. This is a trip, you reveal for yourself the world of different products, not only potatoes and buckwheat. Food can be as inspired and suppressed; She can delight, and can bring to tears. She can change you, because it is our gasoline. If we pour good fuel, we are young and beautiful, if bad is, respectively, not very.

Konstantin Ivlev is divided by branded recipes

Konstantin Ivlev is divided by branded recipes

Raw autumn dinner from the chef Konstantin Ivlev

Salad of baked potatoes and corporate sauce from sour cream, cucumbers and greens

Ingredients at the rate of one portion:

Potatoes - 200 g, sour cream - 120 g, cucumbers - 80 g, garlic - 1 teeth, parsley - 5 g, purified seeds - 5 g, olive oil - 10 g, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method: Potatoes are well rinsed, dry, wrap in foil and put it in 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Then give cool potatoes, free from foil and cut as a tomato, slices. Grate the cucumber on a large grater and squeeze the moisture well. Garlic finely crushed, rinse parsley, dry and chop finely. Mix in a separate bowl of sour cream, cucumbers, garlic, greens, spices. Seeds fry, cool. In a separate bowl, mix potatoes and sauce, mix everything, put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with seeds and pour olive oil.

Baked meat in the dough with mustard sauce

Ingredients at the rate of one portion:

Beef tenderlook - 200 g, salt, pepper, olive oil - 40 g, puff pastry beep - 300 g, egg - 1 pc., Cream 33% - 100 ml, butter - 40 g, Mustard Sweet Dijonskaya - 20 g, mustard With seeds - 30 g, sugar - 5 g, chicken broth - 40 g.

Cooking method: Cut meat on the steaks, season with spices and fry from all sides to 2 minutes. Dough cut into steak thick, wrap meat and lubricate with spine (egg), put it in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. To pour cream, broth in the scenery, add mustard of two types and bring to a boil, add spices and butter, peak on medium heat for 5 minutes. Finished meat lay out on the dish and pour sauce.

Curd cream with mandarins and fragrance Lyme

Curd cream with mandarins and fragrance Lyme

Curd cream with mandarins and fragrance Lyme

Ingredients at the rate of one portion:

Cottage cheese 9% - 300 g, cream 33% - 50 g, powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l., Lime - 1 pcs., Canned mandarins - 250 g, Fresh Mint - 3 g

Cooking method: Mandarins throw on the sieve to the stack of syrup. Mint finely cut, lime losing skin on the grater, to beat the cream in the mixer, remove at least 20 minutes into the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese and sugar pushed at medium speed, add whipped cream and mix with mint already shovel. In a glass or a jar, put the mandarin slices, then the curd mass and sprinkle a slightly grated grace of lime.

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