5 things that can not be banned for children


Any parent seeks to protect their child from pain, disappointments and mistakes. However, psychologists claim that, forbidden to children some things, we do not act on their blessing, but on the contrary, we restrict them in development and make them unsure. Of course, reasonable limitations should be, but let your child a little more, and he will be grateful to you in the future for his happy childhood.

  1. Be so much

Children have an amazing feature to ask an unexpected question at an inappropriate moment. Do not disdain your child. He knows the world, and he is wondering everything, even what you consider unimportant.

Learn with him

Learn with him


Of course, it is difficult to simultaneously clean the fish and explain about black holes in space, and even if you didn't even have astronomy at school. But this is a severe parent share. Sit together with the child and look for answers to his questions in the encyclopedia. Read him more, it will expand not only its horizons, but also yours. In addition, such a joint pastime helps to establish close contact with the baby, which will continue for many years. Becoming a teenager, your offspring will no longer go to look for answers from friends in the courtyard, but will ask for help to you.

  1. Cry

A little man has no less experiences, offended and chagrin than an adult. Just cope with your emotions, he does not know how to hide them. At the same time, we often hear: "Such a big, and roaring like a girl is a shame." As a result, your courageous boy closes in itself and will endure, even if he hurts, because it's a shame.

Take the plaks on your arms and calm down

Take the plaks on your arms and calm down


Observe with the child what happened, help him survive this children's tragedy, calm down. Crying is not ashamed sometimes even adults.

  1. Make noise

Children's joy is immediate and very loud that you can do. Of course, if your child will be rapidly expressing delight, running on the metro wagons, it does not like anyone, but somewhere in the park - why not? Let him shout, sings, laughs - he has a carefree childhood, and he has the right to it.

Laugh along with the baby

Laugh along with the baby


  1. Have a personal space

A child is not your property, but a separate person, what many parents are forgotten. He has the right to his opinion, refuse anything and do what he wants. The older the child, the more he wants to be alone, he can even have some secrets from you. Respect his personal space, so you will conquer the child's trust.

The child himself can choose his friends

The child himself can choose his friends


  1. Wrong

Your little person is just learning to live, do not interfere with him, trying to do something for him. Of course, you will cover the laces faster and stronger, but there are teenagers who have never learned to do this in 12-14 years old. Our kid for incorrect actions or an unsuccessful result, you can simply beat off his every desire to try to do something yourself. We would like our children to study in other people's mistakes, but, alas, without putting it off their own cones, they can lose a lot in life.

Let the child are wrong

Let the child are wrong


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