How to live when children have already grown?


The smallest damage and the smallest suffering, he delivers those adults who lived not only for children. Such people were invested in their development, strengthened a married connection, not by his parent, traveled, were fond of some kind of affair, supported friendly connections outside the family. Of course, the care of an already matured child from the house will not remain unnoticed, but it is not empty and painful. Moreover, the period when children leave the father's house, for a couple of mature men and women called golden sometimes married. They are free from daily care for children and finally granted again to themselves and each other. It happens that they find how their love and proximity strongly strengthened. And they again experience the sweet time of unity with each other: they go on a journey, communicate, with pleasure they care about each other and enjoy a joint time.

The opposite happens more often. Adult parents looked away from the fact that they are also partners in life. For many years, the meaning of their existence was children and their formation. Because when children are hardly (in such families it happens painfully), they are removed from their parents, all family members are experiencing a terrible emotional hunger and the most powerful collapse of the sole meaning of life.

Children remain with the feeling of unpaid debt to their parents, all the time are busy to be returned: money, care, demonstrating their successful life, the birth of children as soon as possible to make grandparents happy. Parents are tormented by longing for their own "full-fledged" life. Regret for lost opportunities and annoyance that life is empty and monotane.

Anyway, all parents are suitable for the period of the empty nest, which sometimes testify their dreams.

This dream was shared by a woman, the mother was already a completely matured young man. He has his own life, they live separately, and everyone builds life independently of the other.

But sometimes the pain of growing and separation is still angry through dreams: "I dream that my son, still a teenager, the reptiles of some kind of stumps in the sea. And I run it to save myself. Scary, I see that I do not have time. Ran up, scattered all, and he does not breathe already. I threw my head on my knees down my head, pressed, it was watering out of it, and he silent. I woke up from horror, with a kneading heart and could not fall asleep. "

Now her son is already raising his child, he does not need maternal help. But our heroine is still remembered, what is this: to be totally responsible for the life of your Chad, to be guard and every minute to follow his health.

And what dreams of you?

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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