George Clooney: "I have a very fragile ego. Any woman can damage my self-confidence. "


1. About the family

I grew up in a strict Catholic family, where the curfew was introduced at nine in the evening. Even for a high school student like me. So when I escaped from under the guardianship, the first thing began to attend all parties in a row.

Christmas in the morning before we could open our gifts, we went home strangers and gave them souvenirs. My father believed that it was formed responsibility and the habit of take care of other people.

My aunt Rose was very successful at one time and popular. And then all this passed. So I got a real lesson of fame even at an early age. You do not have to rely on the love of people, it is rapidly.

I'm going to make a vasectomy. When I played a pediatrician doctor in ambulance, I realized that I would never have children.

I met my bride (at the moment - already my wife. - Approx. Ed.) In Italy. And I want to tell her: Amal, I love you very much. I can not wait when I become your husband.

2. Age

I love my seeding and wrinkles. I love the fact that my face has more expressiveness and more character than at a time when I was twenty or thirty years old. No, Botox is not for me.

I just two years older Brad Pitt, but I look much older. Previously, it strongly frustrated me. And now - no. I just do not fit into this category of men, and I never "beat" Tom Cruise and Brad.

When you are young, you easily believe people who say: "Yes, you are good!" But it is dangerous to rely on their opinion. They all say that you are a genius, and the less you will trust these words, the better.

There are quite a few things that the devil can seduce me. Youth is one of those, but only if I can save all my wisdom and all my experience. I would like to stay young only in order to continue to do what I do as long as possible.

When you are already forty, there is something that you know how exactly - for example, close the holes in the boat.

I am comfortable to grow old. After all, another option is known to everyone - death. Perhaps, I would prefer old age.

3. About life and loneliness

You never learn anything and do not know anything if you just listen to yourself.

Failures are infinitely more instructive than constant successes.

Personal life is personal in order not to talk about it all in a row. I do not understand the stars who constantly puts something at Twitter. Will you write to the twitter in paradise?

I love to sit on my motorcycle and just ride on the road, making stops in small towns and enjoying soft drinks with locals.

Anyone would lie if he began to assure you that never feels loneliness. This is normal.

I do not believe in happy ends, but I believe in a happy way. Ultimately, either you die young, or you will live long enough to see how your friends die. This means to live.

4. About power

Patriot for me is the one who is constantly doubted in its own government.

Run to Congress? Well, I do not! I slept with too many women, used too much drugs in my time and was a member of too many parties.

We began to trust the fourth power too. It is necessary to be an adult and take responsibility for your own naivety. Always doubt!

5. About women

I have a very fragile ego. Any woman can damage my confidence. Therefore, from youth, I took the rule: never first not call on dates, do not invite to dance, do not talk.

If people see me at dinner with a beautiful woman, they immediately shout that I have an affair with her. Of course, it's nonsense. I'm not playboy!

The story of infidelity will be able to tell only the one who was incorrect.

You will very rarely see a sixty-year-old woman on the screen with a twentieth lover. This is incredibly unfair!

The main thing in a woman is a sense of humor. The young man never says that, but I know exactly. Without the ability to laugh at himself and you need, of course, the lady has no chance.

Agnia Lisitsyn

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