Frostbite: save the skin


Seasonal temperature changes are actually necessary for the body, doctors consider. This is a kind of training of our immunity and abilities to adapt to the surrounding conditions. Frost plays the role of stress, which stimulates the work of all systems. And the doctors advise the winter not at the warm seas (as many, leaving in Goa, on Bali and on other pleasant places in climatic terms), but still in the middle lane. Because such moving from winter in the summer often provide a bear service: we instantly catchy and ill. In general, those who remain wintering in native fenats or goes to ski resorts, a dermatologist and training manager La Roche-Posay Maria Nevskaya strongly recommends paying attention to the means that neutralize the negative effect of frost and wind.

"In the cold season, the skin is exposed to aggressive factors (cold, sharp drops of temperature), therefore, the peculiarity of winter care is primarily the prevention of dehydration, and only then protection and nutrition. For dry and very dry skin, I recommend choosing creams with fatty acids and oils that eliminate the peeling, the feeling of the depth. For combined or oily leather in winter, I advise you to stop your choice on intense moisturizers (preferably with hyaluronic acid), since the creams intended for dry skin can cause pores and exacerbation of rashes. "

- Is it possible to consider allergies to the cold of the disease?

Maria Nevsky: "Unfortunately, this is true. Allergic dermatitis in response to the effects of cold is a disease, in this case it is required to consult a doctor-dermatologist and the appointment of drug treatment. For daily care, special means of medical cosmetics are recommended that it takes itching and redness. "

- What rules should be abide by those who are fond of mountain skiing and other winter sports so that the face and lips do not dreamed and did not burn the sun on the bright?

Maria: "First of all, it is necessary to use funds that protect against aggressive factors (cold, wind), with oils or fatty acids, necessarily saturated texture, including lips. Secondly, do not neglect the sun-protective creams. They should be applied for half an hour before entering the street, paying particular attention to the sensitive area around the eyes, and do not forget to "update" every two hours. After all, straight sun rays and twenty percent of the rays reflected from the snow fall on the skin. If you comply with all these uncomplicated rules, the winter will be only joy. "

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