In the fashion of the veneer "from Kutuur"


It is difficult to call the professions that remained away from the computerization. And today a good dentist must be both an advanced PC user, know many special programs and constantly develop not only in its specialty, but also constantly increase computer literacy.

Computer technologies really penetrated all spheres of life. And in all professions. Knowledge of the PC helps people engage in their business at the highest level, work quickly and flawlessly. In dentistry there are several directions that are already unthinkable without a computer. For example, computer simulation smile. From different angles, the doctor takes a photo of a smile of his patient, loads them into a computer, the special program processes and gives the model of an ideal smile of this particular person. Moreover, modeling accuracy is cosmic. The ideal height of the bite, the volume of the teeth, the angle of their reversal, forms are calculated. Moreover, with the help of the program, you can also "play" the shape of the tooth, because, as you know, in nature, there are three main - round, triangular and square. And it's not a fact that the "native" shape of the tooth is the most advantageous. And most importantly, even before the start of work and the doctor, and the patient can appreciate the end result, how to try on a future smile and evaluate how suits it to a person.

Today a good dentist is obliged to be and advanced PC user

Today a good dentist is obliged to be and advanced PC user


In this procedure, there is also such a moment in this procedure. The man goes for aesthetics, and at the same time "picture", which a computer gives him, shows how much the "functionality" of his teeth changed. After all, he sees the true height of the teeth, the skews that happen if the teeth are more erased from one side than on the other. That is, he sees a real picture and the one to which should come as a result of treatment. After all, looking into the mirror, not each of us holds the parameters of an ideal smile in the head. And they are quite concrete. With the open mouth, the teeth should be visible from 2 to 4 millimeters, depending on the floor. The distance between the bottom lip and the cutting edge of the upper teeth should be about two millimeters. Not every eye captures these parameters, and the computer is no problem. And then the man, sitting in the chair of the dentist, no longer a "cat in the bag" buys, and quite tangible image, which he saw with his own eyes. And most importantly, it makes the open work of the dentist, the patient already understands which veneers he put, what crowns, why these, and not others, and why are they needed at all.

The patient can immediately see the model of his perfect smile.

The patient can immediately see the model of his perfect smile.


Objectively dental literacy of our population is very low. And most often people are forced at their own fear and the risk to trust the doctor. And good if he justifies this trust. Therefore, the second most important advantage that gives the use of a computer is the formation of final work. What does this mean?

CAD / CAM technologies are actively developing today. This is when the doctor makes a photo of the cast from the teeth, loads it into a special computer program, and it simulates in the 3D format the perfect design of crowns or veneers, lumines, tabs. Information is transmitted to the milling workshop, and by pressing one key on the keyboard, the future "tooth" is manufactured. And all this can be done with maximum accuracy in very short time, literally for one visit. There is no "human factor", therefore the error in the calculations is excluded. But I can not not say about the minuses. The main one is the inability to "entrust" the computer to the aesthetic side of the question. Where ceramics are used, the experience and aesthetic ideas of the "living" specialist - appliances are still invaluable. Aesthetics is not amenable to computer yet. If there is aesthetic dentistry in priority, if you need high-quality and beautiful lumines, veinions, crowns, then you need to contact a good dentist's technique. But I am sure that this task will be solved in the coming years. And the dental techniques will be supplied from the profession precisely at the expense of CAD / CAM -Technologies. And soon, even the most experienced professionals will not be able to distinguish, where "worked" a computer, and where - a person's hand, a professional. The computer learned to make good quality "Masmarket", but only a master can do "teeth from Couture".

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