Do not even think: 6 types of men, from which it is worth staying away


Not all that is gold that glitters. "I loved him that, and he turned out to be a traitor / scoundrel / lazy ..." - this is how the women who mistakenly took clay shards by mistake for the gold.

Often, a fair sex is so blinded with its feeling that it is easy to come across the network of those men from which it is worth staying away. How to distinguish true from false? Let's give 6 types of men with whom it is better not to have any cases.

1. "Figaro here, Figaro there"

Probably one of the main causes of female tears - the type "Hero-lover", "Kazanova". This type easily conquers one female heart after another, but does not have a serious attachment to any of the ladies. His heart is covered with meter armor - he often moves from one bedroom to another until the end of his days.

How to find out? He is charming, romantic and thin, often a skillful lover. Well understands psychology and manipulates women's weaknesses. It may be an alphonse or use women for other mercenary purposes.

2. "Control all and all"

Very toxic in relationships type - "tyrant". This type of men, on the one hand, is very attracted by women - such a confident Macho, holding everything under control. It is calm and reliably - exactly until his "tentacles" get to your personal freedom. And now you are already asking for his permission to go to a meeting with friends or at the Club Macrame.

How to find out? He controls your expenses and incomes, criticizes you as a hostess, emphasizes all the flaws, and for the slightest, the scandal is satisfied: "This saltka must stand only here!". Familiar? Run from it from all legs, not too late.

Do not even think: 6 types of men, from which it is worth staying away 36661_1

"Tyranny" seem to be a sample of masculinity - until you start control of you


3. "All against me"

Another not the most pleasant type of men - "Niktik" or "Loser". Pathological bad luck, the conspiracy of others, the stars did not coincide - this is how the man of this species explains his failures. Although for the most part, everything that is required of it is, instead of another duel in Tancans, go to learn. Or talk to the guidance on raising salary. But no, he will be content with small, while not even trying to do something to change the situation. And at the same time envy others and blame everyone and all in their failures.

How to find out? He is thirty to him, and he still lives with his parents; Gets a meager salary and does not seek another job. And all questions tell about yourself as unrecognized genius.

4. "And I'm so good"

Similar with the previous type of character - "Lazy". Without money, profession, goals in life, he floats downstream, often without even thinking, for which he actually appeared. Lies like a hero of fairy tales, on the furnace-sofa, spending its strength on courageous switching of TV channels with the remote.

How to find out? All proposals for work find a million reasons not to employ. It is interrupted from the "Shabashiki" to "Shabashiki" or takes money from comrades and relatives. Holds free time (and this is often the whole day) with friends and beer.

Numbers and lazy people in all failures are always guilty of surrounding and circumstances

Numbers and lazy people in all failures are always guilty of surrounding and circumstances


5. "Do what I want"

Related "Tirana" type - "manipulator". The connoisseur of female psychology, he likes to play "coldly - hotly" at the dawn, then looking in love with her eyes, then as if noticing his beloved. He causes a feeling of guilt by playing the sacrifice of the weaker sex representatives. And in the dry residue after parting, the woman has nothing in the plus - only a bunch of complexes and liters of spilled tears.

How to find out? How calendar you tear on the first call of cute, but in response you only get reproaches? You do not know how to please him? Whatever you do, he will always find a reason to show that you do not like it enough.

6. "I survived so much ..."

The list of his relationship is considerable, but they all have a bitter taste of tragity. "I loved her insanely, but she chose another", "I was hoping for a quiet family happiness, but our views did not coincide with our views" ... So I want to hug and prove that love in this world still exists? Do not hurry. Most likely, you are the man who masses his personal problems under global bad luck. If you save deeper, I will definitely find a root cause, why women run from him. As the great actress Faina Ranevskaya said, "Men - like public toilets: or busy, or do not work, or full of d ... ma".

How to find out? Representatives of this type are no longer boys. They have a quiet sadness in their eyes, sincere voice, fatigue from loneliness, lack of faith in relation to a rich biography.

With any scenario, communication with representatives of these types will not give a woman anything good.

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