Paul Schreder will write the script of the film about Matilde Kshesin


The Hollywood Writer Paul Schreder began work on the scenario of the Russian full-length feature film "Matilda Kshesinskaya". For the first time in the history of world cinema, the classic of the American cinema agreed to write a script for Russian film.

Paul Schreder, writer of scenarios for the films "Yakuza" Sydney Pollak, "Owning" Brian de Palm, "Taxi driver", "Mad Bull" and "The Last Temptation of Christ" Martin Scorsese, believes that Russia is one of the few countries, with whose help World cinema crisis can be overcome. "Russia is unfolded to the east, and to the West - and this gives it a unique opportunity to play a leading role in the revival of world cinema," explains the screenwriter.

In addition, Mr. Schreidera is interesting for the plan of the project - the history of the life of the famous Russian ballerina and the ability to show unknown persons before the edges of the ballet art of the end of the XVIII - the first half of the 19th centuries.

Matilda Kshesinskaya. .

Matilda Kshesinskaya. .

"The talent of Matilda Kshesinsky bloomed in the atmosphere of the Imperial St. Petersburg, where Russian culture reached the vertices in its best samples of poetry and literature. I hope to learn everything possible from this treasury of art and show all the magnificence of Russian culture, "says Schreander.

The budget of the film with the working title "Matilda Kshesinskaya" will be more than 20 million dollars. The project is Russian, although the film will be filmed in English. Shooting paintings will be held in St. Petersburg.

Under the terms of the contract, the first Draft scenario of the Floor Schreidera will be ready by the beginning of September of this year. The shooting start is scheduled for the beginning of next year, and at the end of 2013 - early 2014. The picture should already go into world rolling.

In the film, the Russian actors will be occupied mainly, but the Hollywood stars of the first magnitude will be invited to some major roles. The formulation of ballet scenes in the film will be engaged in an outstanding Russian choreographer, a specialist in the work of Matilda Kshesinskaya Yuri Burlaka.

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