No worse than bat: 8 most unusual dishes from around the world


Usually people travel in order to know the culture of other countries. And, of course, it is impossible to do this without trying local cuisine. However, some traditional dishes can plunge into the shock with their own species, title and content. We offer to your attention a selection of eight wilderness, to eat that are solved only coughing.

Aspen crackers

This dish is very common in Japan. Cooks knead the dough, adding dried OS, and then bake such unusual cookies. It is believed that the wasps add good benefits and taste saturation.

Cheese Kaz Muza

Who among us does not like cheese? And cheese with larvae? Yes, it is the larvae that are the main ingredient of this delicacy. It is worth saying that before use the larvae is removed from cheese, but the specific smell remains. Try a dish in Italy.

Tunz's eyes

Not the most appetizing delicacy is a visiting card of Japan. Despite the repulsive name and appearance, the eyes of the taste resemble a mixture of boiled squid and eggs screwed.


This is just a fried eggs of poisonous ants. In Mexico, this dish is very fond of and most often served with gumapo sauce.


An eerie dish representing sealers stuffed with seagulls. It is preparing for the whole seven months, being in a cold place. It is said that the taste of Kiwiak resembles sharp cheese.


It is known that the Chinese love is a strange food. Hasma is a dessert consisting of dried uterine pipes frogs. Surprisingly, the Chinese believe that it treats the kidneys, lungs, and generally improves the state of health.


Another Chinese culinary "perversion". These are chicken eggs, cooked in the urine of ten-year boys. By the way, Delicates is considered very expensive in China. Before use you need to not forget to break a little egg so that the brine is absorbed.


Completes our selection the most exotic dish - ballet. This wonder is eaten in Southeast Asia. The ballet is a boiled duck egg with an already developed embryo. Kushanye must be salted, and it will be ready to use.

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