Why added sugar - the enemy of our health


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), from 1975 to 2016 the number of people suffering from obesity, worldwide has grown over the world. Obesity is a complex disease that has many reasons, among which one of the main places occupy simple carbohydrates, which are added to the food by the manufacturer, a cook or consumer, in addition to natural sugars present from nature in honey, syrup, vegetables and fruits. The main danger of such sugars is that they are "hidden" in recycled food products that are usually not considered sweets. For example, in the "dietary" drinking yogurt. I figured out what is dangerous dependence on sugar and how to get rid of it.

What do the doctor's say

According to the European Association for the study of obesity, overweight is directly related to excessive consumption of drinks containing free sugars. Such beverages, except yoghurts include sodes and lemonades. One potted sugar of a carbonated drink contains up to 40 grams (about 10 teaspoons) sugar. While WHO recommends eating no more than 6 teaspoons per day. What negative consequences for the body can still give excessive sugar consumption? Free sugars lead to an increase in the concentration of fats - triglycerides. This is fraught with the development of heart disease, atherosclerosis (vessel disease) and obesity.

Drinks with sugar can cause serious health problems

Drinks with sugar can cause serious health problems

Photo: unsplash.com.

Other negative consequences

Excessive sugar consumption causes hyperglycemia - an increase in blood glucose. In order to recycle such a number of glucose, the pancreas begins to more actively produce a hormone insulin. Over time, the pancreas is depleted and insulin decreases. This leads to a violation of glucose splitting and increases the risk of type II diabetes mellitus.

Sugar increases the reproduction rate of pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity, and this is the main cause of caries.

Excessive sugar use causes candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, impaired carbohydrate and protein metabolism and, as a result, reducing general immunity.

Sugar promotes leashing calcium from bone tissue.

It has been scientifically proven that sugar negatively affects the skin - violates the exchange of elastin and collagen, which causes premature aging.

Conventional sugar is better replaced by Stevia

Conventional sugar is better replaced by Stevia

Photo: unsplash.com.

How to replace sweets

Refuse soda, packaged juices and lemonade. Instead, take a habit of cooking home lemonade. No sugar is only water, lemon and mint. Always read the composition on packaging products. Often you can not even suspect the high sugar content in the product with a "dietary dietary". Do not snack with chocolate bars or bakery products. Replace them on nuts and a small amount of dried fruits. Eat a moderate amount of fruits and vegetables. Fructose, contained in vegetable food, is also quickly able to turn into fats and promote weight gain. Go to the natural sugar substitute - Stevia. The leaves of this plant possess not only a sweet taste, but also have antioxidant properties.

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