Stas and Julia Kostyushkin: "We are waiting for the second son"


- Julia, they say that the second pregnancy is always heavier than the first. How do you feel?

- I feel the same as at first pregnancy. No toxicosis, no edema - everything is both for the first time. There is only one difficulty: in the first pregnancy I was more mobile, because I worked in "Tea together" to the fifth month. And this time it happened that I immediately became a little bit.

- The press wrote that you went to maternity leave from the program "I'm losing weight."

- I just left the project. I am such a person who does not like to sit in one place for a very long time. It was my debut on television. Very good. I loved the program with all my heart. But at some point I was not on the way with the team. Began to do a completely wrong program in which I came. And I accepted the decision to leave much earlier than got pregnant, immediately after the new year. I knew that the fourth season was my last. Somehow it all happened. And now I see that I took a very correct decision.

- Looking back, what is especially proud of the work done?

- I am proud that I still write girls. Not everything, of course, but many. I communicate with my characters on social networks. It's nice to see that they never fused again. I am very proud of them and glad that it is involved in this.

Julia Kostyushkin must give birth to the second son in December. Photo: Olga Mishchenko.

Julia Kostyushkin must give birth to the second son in December. Photo: Olga Mishchenko.

- Do you already have thoughts about what you will do next?

- I dream to make a sports program for children and their families.

- Julia, many during pregnancy stop watching food. Divide the soul for two. Do you now adhere to some kind of diet?

- No, I do not hold. I take the dick of ever-thin woman who is constantly sits on a diet. (Laughs.) Now I eat everything. But this does not mean that my mouth does not close. Do you know what the main reason for the weight gain was most of my heroines? Through one they told me: "In the pregnancy scored 30. Then in feeding - 20. And 20 more in stress. And now I can not stop." In this situation, you have to sew your mouth and take yourself in hand. I do not have that. I eat everything in a row, three times a day: in breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yes, I can have some snacks, but it is not a sandbody or cookies. Although I can eat and fast food, because sometimes I want this nastiness. But the main menu is a normal meal. Soups, salads, meat, fish.

- After the first pregnancy, had an extra weight drop?

- I scored 12-13 kilograms. This is considered the norm. This one will definitely be more. I have 6.5 months now, and I have already recovered by 11.5 kilograms. Very quickly began to swim, the stomach appeared early soon. I think that Ring kilograms 18-20. Still, 9 years difference: Bogdana wore at 26, and now I am 35. The metabolism has decreased a little, in a different way behaves itself. But it normal.

- You already think, how will you give a figure in order?

- Of course I think. Nine years ago I am urgently humid. Three months after giving birth already went to work. I did not think that it would work out. I planned that I would feed as much as it takes. But strong stress happened, and the milk was immediately buried. I got climbed the month, and then decided to switch to bottles. And after that he allowed himself to lose weight. Probably, the second time it will be easier.

- You already know what to wait.

- I understand approximately. (Laughs). I have a boy again. If there was a girl, then would have done something to read and find out. And so I know that with boys do and what are the nuances in the care of them.

Stas and Julia Kostyushkin:

"I know, Bogdan will not be harmful, but it will be with love and tremble to the baby," Julia Kostyushkin is sure. Photo: Olga Mishchenko.

- Do you remember how the spouse said that he would soon become a father?

- Sure. Although the first shock experienced I myself. In March, I suffered an emergency operation. I was removed lymph nodes. I lacquered for a week in the hospital. Then there was a long restoration, a lot of antibiotics. A month after the operation, I started an alarger. Again antibiotics. And I could think about everything, but not about pregnancy. Moreover, after our history, four years ago, when we lost the baby. Yes, we worked on the question. But it did not work. And then I stopped constantly thinking about the child ...

- ... They say, just at such a moment everything turns out.

- Exactly! When I arrived at my doctor and said: "Well, how can it be? I have stress stress. To which the doctor answered: "Stress on stress gives progress." (Laughs.) So I experienced the first shock. I remember, made several tests - you never know what. But everyone was positive. I went to prostration all day. Then he decided: I will go to the doctor, I will confirm everything, and then I will officially inform. Could not stand it. In the evening, Stasik came home, I told him: "Close your eyes and handing out a hand." He did it, and I put him in the palm of the test. Fortunately, he was a new-fashioned, plastic. He opened. And did not understand. Because the feeling is that you hold a handle or a thermometer. And then, when I saw the plusies, I almost dispelled. Hugged me, kissed and was very happy.

- Is it possible to say that now the husband refers to your pregnancy otherwise than nine years ago?

- He is a megasy man. And he always had a special attitude, for which I am insanely grateful to him. And I see that now he behaves differently.

- more consciously?

- Differently. I can not describe in two words. Probably more consciously. Maybe more carefully. When I wore Bogdan, Statsik did not go with me to the doctor, was not on one ultrasound. And here - went. He was very waiting for the girl. For a long time she asks her. We came to the ultrasound, our dad turned on the camcorder to fix everything. The doctor splashed his hands and said: "What you can do with you, give birth to one men." And dad chamber turned off. And I laughed at him: "What did you want? Woman needs a hearth. Here you can buy the house, and immediately you have a girl will appear. " (Laughs.) Stasik always says in all interviews: "I have a barter with my wife: I have her house, and she is my daughter." While waiting.

Stas and Julia Kostyushkin:

"The son constantly strokes my belly and kisses. He says he loves, "Julia is recognized. Photo:

- How did your son perceive the news?

- Bogdan is already a big boy. First of November he will be nine years old. He is a very subtle mental organization, is experiencing because of everything. In addition, he has a touching attitude towards me and Stas. With dad they are friends. But today it is my child. Not Mamenkin, but the mother's son. And before you say, I understood that his world could collapse if I somehow would make this news wrong. We agreed with Statik, that we will not say anything until we know the sex of the child or until the stomach appears. And suddenly at some point the son begins talking about the fact that little will be born. I once listened, two listened, then began to think that Stas said. And my husband thought about me. As a result, we decided that Bogdan or himself guessed, or someone said to him. And dared to talk to him. We went with Bogdan into the room, and I started up: "Son, I want to say you that we will soon be added. We will have small. I do not know who is a brother or sister. But you yourself will become an older brother. " He first got so delighted, and then in tears. I also started crying. I ask: "What are you crying?" And he: "Mom, you will not give me anywhere?" - "We will not give you anywhere and will love very much." He calmed down on this. And now the son constantly strokes my belly and kisses. He says he loves.

- What do you think your men will help you?

- I'm sure about it. Bogdan can be left with small. The fact is that my mom has friends who often take her son to her dacha. And they recently had a daughter gave birth to a girl, and Bogdan with this baby spent a lot of time. I know Bogdan will not be harmful, but will be with love and tremble to the baby.

- And the spouse of the diaper will be able to change?

- Bogdan changed. Moreover, when Bogdan was about a month, I had to make a birth certificate. We had no nanny. This is now I have a home assistant. And I know that I will not think about anything other than the child. And then I Bogdan laid into the stroller in the kitchen, I darkened and at the same time I was typing and cooking. So now will definitely be easier. And now Stasik made the first heroic act: he let me go to make a birth certificate. I hung on the needles of these unfortunate four hours. Flew away. But everything was fine, the pants on the head of the child did not hang. And a month later, Stasik made the second heroic act. I really became wild, did not happen anywhere because the child was not left with anyone. And then Dad suggested me: "Come on, mother, love yourself. You're thinning now, passing shopping. " And I left for the whole day! Of course, it was planted that you need to do and where it lies, plus herself was constantly on the phone. But when I arrived, Mc Stasik's eyes were on a time-called. He then promised that everyone would put a monument to all women. True, until it did. (Laughs.) But he understood what it was - sitting with a small child.

- Have you really banned Stas to attend childbirth?

- I believe that a man has nothing to do there. Of course, many ladies may not understand me: "I was so good, cute nearby." I don't need cute nearby. I believe that this is a matter of women and doctors, and dear - especially mine - will stand with scattered eyes. Do not even stand, but lie next. He gives blood lying, what kind of birth can we talk about? As a result, I will not do with me, and my husband. I am better. The benefit of experience is already there. I think everything will be fine.

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