Word Dad: What is the young father hardly recognize


It is believed that the appearance of a child is more changing the life of a young mother, but Father, especially if this is the first child, also falls out: despite the fact that his role, rather supporting, it is on his father's main responsibility for providing family. And yet a man is difficult to confess in their fears and fears. We decided to help young mothers and collect highlights that men prefer not to voice.

The sense of responsibility often becomes hypertrophy

If earlier the man was responsible for their second half, then with the advent of the baby, and even several, the load including psychological increases several times: can he provide his family? Will it turn out to be careful? How does the appearance of a child affect the relationship with the baby's mother? The man needs time to get rid of a new role and move away from stress, even if a pleasant event caused.

Expenses may exceed income

For a man, the feeling of freedom lies in the ability to spend a certain amount on themselves, thus removing the tension. With the advent of the child, spontaneous purchases and holidays with friends are usually reduced, because the child requires not only much attention, but also a good care to earn money, and a young mother is often not reflected about work, especially in the first months after delivery. The material support of the family is completely shifted on a man, from which he can experience light discomfort, but it almost never gives up.

Be indulgent to a man

Be indulgent to a man

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

A man can feel a little jealousy to a child

The child will give the family new experiences, most often nice, however, not every man can quickly bother with the thought that now there is someone else between him and his second half. It perfectly understands that this little man is his own child, but at the subconscious level it is difficult for him to suppress the outbreaks of jealousy, which he will restrain his best. Therefore, it is so often you can hear from psychologists recommendations for young mothers - not to leave your head in concern about the child, because you also have a husband who also needs to take care of your beloved woman.

Man gets tired no less

Very often, family quarrels grow out of discontent women about the fact that a man, in her opinion, is "cool" at work while it is spinning "like a squirrel in the wheel." As we said, a man is also not easy to accept a new role. In addition, if he does not refuse to help you after returning from work, accusations of indifference and the absence of interest in the baby are unfounded. Let him not spend the same time with the child as you, but he is also engaged in work for the benefit of the family. Be indulgent.

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