Men's actions that can not be forgiven


When it comes to where the edge is permitted in a relationship, traditionally people are divided into two camps. Some are ready to forgive everyone and adjust the partner, trying to hold on to the relationship to the end. Others, on the contrary, categorically declare: one incorrect movement - parting. We believe that you need to make compromises, but there are several actions that are in healthy relations under the strict ban.

Free relationship

We are talking about them with a fraction of irony, since under the mask of free relations, many men hide the desire to change partners as gloves. In the true free relationship there is nothing wrong if both partners initially agreed to such conditions. However, treason, flirting at any convenient case and accompanying the desire to deceive the second half - enemies of healthy relationships. If a person is being solved on such an act, it speaks of complete disrespect and indifference to you as a person. Do not attempt to cover such behavior by alcoholic intoxication, the seduction of a mistress or quarrel with you. A person is not an animal that thinks by instincts. Justifying and taking such a man, you humiliate yourself. Believe me, you are worthy of sincerely loving partner, regardless of age, status and appearance.

Do not get into cunning tricks

Do not get into cunning tricks


Criticism of your appearance

By the way about appearance, you can often hear the complaints of women that their men criticize the shape, style of clothing or even hairstyle. It's one thing, if you really dressed inappropriately situations and a man wants to gently tell you to change the outfit, and quite another when he constantly criticizes you. In relations you must become even calmer and harmonious, and not criticize yourself and listen to claims. Words, sort of: "Why did you paint your hair, I like the blondes more," they also do not talk about good attitude towards you. This is explained by the fact that the hormones are raging in love, so it simply will not pay attention to minor imperfections.

Disrespect of your environment

If your man constantly criticizes your girlfriends and friends, close relatives and colleagues, then know that you should not wait for such a person. Whatever these people were, but they are your loved ones, and this is a weighty reason to treat them with respect. Often, criticism is an attempt to remove you from other people by living in you the grain of doubt in their love for you. Do not allow provoke yourself, otherwise you will soon find that you are 24 to 7 only with your man. Strictly lean the rough criticism to your loved ones, and if a person does not understand your discontent, then you need to directly tell him about it.

Family - the most important thing in life

Family - the most important thing in life


Desire to change your character

On the first dates, it is really impossible to know a person hereby - everyone wants to seem in other people's eyes better than he really is. However, after a couple of months, the character still manifests itself. If your young man is unhappy with you, but does not notice its own shortcomings, - in front of you typical "Narcissus". It is impossible to change the nature of another person, until he himself consciously goes to it. We think it should understand every adequate adult. Therefore, feel free to say that you are not going to change, and offer a partner to take you true. You should not sacrifice yourself, because sacrifices are not the dignity that you should be proud of. Respect your personality and personal freedom, not allowing the partner to manage you.

Desire to completely subordinate you

Behind the removal of his naive, the proposal to quit work and do not care about you. Another thing, if a man invites you to reduce the load at work or start your own business. Attempting to subjugate a woman by taking control of her financial well-being, should be a red hazard signal. One of the basic needs of a person - self-realization - no way should be limited to a partner without your request. Support in endeavors, faith in you, help in affairs - this is what the person who really lies to you should take.

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