SOS Signal: Let's Keep Ostly Toothpache


Agree, the dental pain may disrupt any plans, and in itself is extremely unpleasant. However, "grab" can at any time of the day, and if you can easily visit the dentist in working hours, then at night or on weekends it is not so easy. We found out how to reduce pain, and at best - to get rid of dental pain yourself.

Cold compress

In fact, the compress can be used to relieve any pain attack, but in the case of a toothache, it copes just fine. The main thing is not to apply clean ice, as this can lead to fabric fear: wrap a piece of ice in a towel or plastic bag and attach to the gums for 10 minutes until the fabric is cooled enough. The swelling will come down and your condition will improve.


The plant contains eugenol - an antiseptic created by nature itself. The method of use in dental pain is extremely simple: we apply a whole carnation (it can be ground, but it is already harder) to the sick tooth. Moreover, it is important to burn a plant a bit on the side where the tooth is. Also, the pain perfectly stops the clove oil, which in this case will be much easier and more convenient in use.

Tea with mint can solve the problem for a while

Tea with mint can solve the problem for a while



Another plant that is beautifully struggling with painful manifestations. In essence, it is one of the best natural painkillers. Moreover, you can use not only mint in my pure form, but also in tea bags, where the plant does not lose its properties. We put the tea bag in the freezer, and then apply it to the patient area. Repeat if necessary, if the pain does not pass, you will have to visit your attending physician.


An excellent way if nothing of the above is not in the house. Salt is fighting well with viruses and bacteria, and also removes swelling and inflammation, and this is what we need. We dilute a little salt in a glass of water, while water should not be too cold, keep the solution in the mouth for about minutes. We repeat if necessary.


Thyme essential oil should always be in your first-aid kit, as it can be saving during pain syndrome. The plant has an antiseptic effect that in our case it is simply necessary. Thymeyan is used in different ways: someone drinks tea to hold in the mouth, however, with an acute dental pain, the leaves are best enough, but in contrast to the carnation, do it on the opposite side of the sick tooth, since the components of the plant are quite powerful And can easily annoy the damaged area.

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